Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 659: It Was Actually Caused By This

Seeing is believing, everyone has seen the situation of the woman, so they are no longer surprised by what the president said.

What they were curious about was whether Xia Ruo could cure this man's skin disease.

The president also had the same curiosity, so he looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "Master Xia, can you cure her?"

"And I would like to take the liberty to ask, is her cause caused by the skin?"

They had checked the woman many times before, and they failed repeatedly to treat the skin disease, so he suspected that it might be caused by other aspects.

It's just that they couldn't find out what it was, so they couldn't help asking.

Xia Ruo smiled and said truthfully: "She is not caused by the skin disease, but caused by the disorder of supernatural powers."

Although the Silver Dragon Empire uses phantom beasts and the Wisteria Empire uses phantom plants to fight for itself, in fact, there are supernatural abilities of different attributes, so that the level of phantom beasts and phantom plants can be improved, which is similar to the federation's abilities.

Others are a little puzzled.

"What does this have to do with supernatural powers?"

"I've only heard of endocrine disorders, but I haven't heard of abnormal abilities that can cause disorders."

"Master Xia, tell us."

Xia Ruo nodded and said: "This young lady's supernatural ability is fire, but she should often come into contact with ice at work, which makes her body contaminated with moisture and cold. Xiang Ke."

"After a long time, because of the repulsive disorder caused by the two elements in the body, as long as she comes into contact with too hot things, such as sunlight and flames, large areas of erythema will appear on her skin, and the same will happen when she uses the fire ability. "

The woman couldn't care about her physical condition anymore, she looked at Xia Ruo excitedly and said, "Master Xia, my situation is indeed like this, I also work at the skating rink, I didn't expect it to be caused by this."

"Then can my disease be cured?" She couldn't help standing up and walking in front of Xia Ruo, looking at her expectantly and worriedly.

Because the skin disease was too scary, the boyfriend who was going to marry her couldn't bear to break up. If it can't be cured, it will be difficult for her to be happy in her life.

What makes her most uncomfortable is not being able to be exposed to the sun, and it also makes her heart very gloomy all day long.

Now seeing hope, she couldn't help but want to grab it.

Xia Ruo nodded and said with a smile: "It can be cured, as long as the supernatural powers in your body are no longer out of balance, you won't get sick again."

"After I come down, I will prepare some pills for you to regulate your body. After taking it for a week, you will see results."

"But you need to change your job, otherwise the cold air will penetrate into your body, and it will repel the fire ability and cause imbalance." She emphasized.

The woman wept with joy, "As long as it can be cured, changing jobs is nothing, thank you Master Xia, you are really amazing!"

She has been sick for more than a year. Every time she went to the hospital, the doctors said she was fine.

When she let the erythema show up, they tried to treat it with the same skin disease method, but not only didn't work, but she felt more and more serious.

What Xia Ruo said, she actually felt it a little bit before, but she didn't take it to heart, so now she believes that this is the cause of the disease, and those quack doctors in China had the nerve to doubt others before.

Xia Ruo smiled: "You're welcome, you will recover soon!"

The patient was invited, and the exchange meeting will continue to follow up to see if Xia can really cure the person, and then they will publish a report, which is a necessary part of the exchange meeting.

After all, many difficult and miscellaneous diseases cannot be cured at once, and it takes time to follow up to prove the results of the treatment.

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