Yun Qi saw that the two persisted, and knew that if they were allowed to leave today, the disease would not be cured.

He cast a questioning look at his wife.

The woman pursed her lips and said, "I'm dying!"

"Master Xia, please don't announce this, please!" She looked at Xia Ruo with a pleading tone.

Xia Ruo was taken aback for a moment, and then knew what she meant.

Yunqi loves his wife, and this woman also loves Yunqi very much, so she is afraid of dragging him down. After all, his brother is the emperor of the Wisteria Empire.

She thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty and Feng Yan will not reveal your identity, I can guarantee that."

Yun Qi took the woman's hand with some distress, "Don't think so much, let's treat the illness well!"

"Master Xia, please treat her illness. I am mentally prepared for any impact on her identity."

Both Yun Jin and Feng Yan are extremely smart, so they have some guesses.

"Is it possible that your lady's identity is a starry sky alien beast?" Yun Jin asked.

Otherwise, other identities should not worry Yun Qi so much. He once checked in the Tantra in the royal family's collection that the starry sky beast can completely transform into a human form after taking a drug, and can never return to its original body.

Yun Qi was stunned, Yun Jin guessed it so quickly, he smiled wryly and said: "Yes, she belongs to the alien beast family in the starry sky. She took forbidden medicine for me, but she rejected her body, and then her body rapidly deteriorated and aged."

Yun Jin nodded: "So that's the case, then treat it properly."

Yun Qi looked up at him in disbelief, "That's it?"

He was already prepared that he might be punished, but as long as he could cure his wife, he was willing.

Yun Jin glanced at him inexplicably, "What else? I don't have that much hatred for the alien beasts in the space, and I don't want to interfere with your choices and life."

"As long as you don't betray the empire, I will pretend that I don't know about it today."

Although he has never fallen in love with anyone, he can still understand Yun Qi.

There was a little more emotion on Yun Qi's face, "Thank you Your Majesty, I can swear that I will never betray the empire, so you can rest assured."

Seeing that her identity had been revealed, the woman did not hide it anymore, "I was exiled by the alien beast clan in the starry sky, and I have been expelled from the royal family, so I will not go back, and I will not let Ah Qi betray the Wisteria Empire."

Yun Jin looked at her, "Are you Fan Yuling?"

As far as he knew, only one member of the Starry Sky Alien Beast had been expelled from the royal family in recent years.

Fan Yuling was startled, then laughed: "Nothing can be hidden from His Majesty!"

"It was your deeds that spread to me. Since you have chosen Yunqi, then live a good life in the future." Yun Jin smiled lightly.

Fan Yuling nodded: "I think so too."

She held Yun Qi's hand and said, "I just want to be by his side, like an ordinary couple, and simply living together for a lifetime is enough!"

Yun Qi held her hand tightly and kissed her forehead, "I will always be with you."

Then he looked at Xia Ruo, "Master Xia, please help my wife heal!"

Xia Ruo nodded: "No problem, since the identity is disclosed, it will be easy to handle."

"Actually, the reason why you are aging so rapidly is not that there is a rejection between your body and the banned drug, but that after taking the banned drug, you chose to keep him."

"Because you can't change back into your body, the energy in your body is only enough to maintain your own human form, but if you have more, it will inevitably absorb nutrients. If you don't have enough energy, it will inevitably absorb your vitality unconsciously."

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