Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 666 Don't Want To Give Up

Xia Ruo looked at Fan Yuling and sighed.

"How much do you have in mind, you should have some guesses."

As soon as these words came out, Fan Yuling's expression changed instantly, "Is it really because of this?"

"Yes!" Xia Ruo nodded.

Yun Qi looked at the two inexplicably: "What him?"

Xia Ruo didn't answer, but looked at Fan Yuling, "Let's tell him the truth, he will always know."

Fan Yuling also knew that she couldn't hide it, she pulled Yun Qi's hand to her stomach and touched it, "I already have a baby!"

"What?" Yun Qi was shocked, first surprised and then couldn't help frowning, "According to what you just said, is this child causing you to age?"

Fan Yuling's eyes were red, "It should be."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yun Qi couldn't help being a little angry.

Fan Yuling said truthfully: "I want to give birth to a child for you, but if you find out, you might let me beat him, so I chose to hide it."

In fact, she didn't expect Xia Ruo to be so powerful. Not only did she see that she was an alien beast in the starry sky, but she also discovered that her aging was related to the child in her body.

But even if her previous conjecture was confirmed, she didn't hate this child, let alone abandon him.

This is the crystallization between her and her lover. Even if she dies because of this, she still hopes to give birth to him.

"Every time I feel him moving inside me, I can't help being happy, and I want to keep him even more. I want to be a mother."

She took Yun Qi's hand and touched her belly again. The life in her belly seemed to know that it was her father's hand, and it moved inadvertently, which made Yun Qi's heart tremble.

"You see, he is a gift from heaven to us, so we can't let him go." Fan Yuling took the opportunity to say.

The anger in Yun Qi's heart disappeared, with a bit of pain on his face, he said decisively: "But if it is to exchange your life for his birth, then I would rather not have him."

Fan Yuling's complexion changed again, with bitterness on her face, she knew this would happen, so she didn't dare to tell him that she was pregnant for more than two years, for fear that he would make such a choice for herself.

After taking the forbidden drug, she is still a starry sky beast, so the pregnancy period is the same as that of a starry sky beast, and it will take three to five years to give birth to offspring.

Xia Ruo looked at the couple with a smile in his eyes. This kind of love is rare.

Being able to exchange one's own life for the birth of a child also respects and admires Fan Yuling's maternal love.

Although she has no children, she can understand Fan Yuling's choice from a woman's point of view.

"Since I take the initiative to treat, it will naturally save both the child and the adult. Don't worry." She said.

Yun Qi and Fan Yuling looked at Xia Ruo in surprise, "Is this true?"

Xia Ruo nodded: "Of course, but it also requires your best cooperation."

"Cooperate, as long as Yu Ling can be cured, we will cooperate in everything." Yun Qi really felt that his mood had gone through hell and heaven.

"Yes, I will cooperate no matter what you want to do." As long as she can leave the child in her womb and spend the rest of her life with her lover and child, she is willing to do whatever treatment is needed.

At this moment, she hugged her stomach suddenly, her whole body trembled, her face turned pale in an instant, and fine sweat broke out from her forehead.

The already aging skin looks more wrinkled.

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