Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 670 Developed a new skill?

"This is an anecdote belonging to the Starry Sky Alien Beast family, and it has not been announced to the outside world. I also know it from the Tantra about the Starry Sky Alien Beast Alliance collected by the Wisteria Empire."

Yun Jing, as the highest authority in the Wisteria Empire, can only check it. For example, although Feng Yan has a noble status, he does not have such authority in the Federation.

Xia Ruo didn't feel that Fan Yuling did something wrong, "It's understandable for her to do so."

Perhaps because of these things, Yun Qi is the only beam of light in Fan Yuling's life that can illuminate her, otherwise she would not rather die than give birth to the crystallization of love with the other party.

"That's right, if you encounter such a scumbag father, you can't solve it. Maybe you can keep it for the New Year."

On this point, Feng Yan also had the same idea, and he would have made the same choice.

Yun Jingting nodded: "So I don't mind her identity, and I'm not afraid that Yun Qi will betray the empire because of this."

If it was replaced by other high-level officials of the Wisteria Empire, or other high-level officials from the two countries, Yun Qi would definitely be severely punished, and even deprived of his military power, and asked him to forcibly sever ties with Fan Yuling.

"After returning to the Federation, Fan Yuling's identity cannot be disclosed to others, otherwise Ruoruo will cause big trouble." He thought for a while and told Feng Yan.

Feng Yan rolled his eyes in his heart, this needs to be explained? Can he not care about his wife?

But there was a smile on his face: "Don't worry, uncle, I understand!"

Yun Jing smiled with satisfaction: "Just as long as you know what's in your heart!"

After all, his sister took the risk to save Fan Yuling in exchange for the magic sea secret orchid to detoxify Feng Yan and restore his mental strength.

He sent Xia Ruo and Feng Yan back to the hotel and left.

Xia Ruo went back to the room to take a shower, and then went to Diu Fanyue's room.

After entering the door, I saw a golden kitten lying lazily on the sofa. When I saw her, I looked up coldly.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows. It seems that this guy has not only recovered, but can also change his form freely. He has developed new skills with potions?

She walked over and rubbed his head with her hand.

If it were Fan Yue who had already recovered, he would have resisted a long time ago, but after that period of training, he has gotten used to it.

"Fanfan, you've been pretty good these two days." Xia Ruo pinched his furry ears.

"Meow!" Fan Yue called out as if coping.

Xia Ruo heard that he was still meowing like a cat, and a satisfied smile appeared in his eyes. The previous subtle training was indeed not in vain.

"That's right, I'll have barbecue for you tonight!" It's appropriate to give some sweet dates.

Sure enough, the listless Fan became more energetic, "Meow!"

Because of Xia Ruo's previous training and the influence of spiritual knowledge, Fan Yue completely forgot that he had recovered at this moment, and his strength was not inferior to her in the slightest.

"Good boy!" Xia Ruo stroked the fluffy cat's head again, feeling a little regretful, if only this guy was really a mutant cat.

She still likes furry pets very much.

Fan Yue habitually rubbed his head against her hand, and then smelled a familiar smell, his eyes shrank.

How could this woman smell like that person? Who did she meet today?

Suddenly recalling the picture he saw in the live broadcast before, he always felt that the old woman Xia Ruo helped heal before gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, didn't it?

Impossible, his cousin couldn't have become like that.

He couldn't be sure, so he decided to stay by Xia Ruo's side all the time, and took the opportunity to take a look. Anyway, the breath couldn't be wrong.

After sitting for a while, Xia Ruo took Fan Yue to the restaurant, borrowed the kitchen to roast a lot of meat, and asked her sister, brother-in-law and three brothers from the Feng family to eat together, and Fan Yue ate the most.

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