The next day, as soon as Xia Ruo walked out of the room, she saw a kitten lying on the door, and she almost accidentally stepped on him.

Grabbing the cat, "Fanfan, what are you doing lying on my doorstep?"

"Meow meow!" Fan Yue no longer feels any sense of disobedience or disobedience after meowing like a cat.

With the help of Xia Ruo's palm, it landed on her shoulders with a kick, and it was very reckless.

Today he will go out with Xia Ruo no matter what.

Just at this moment, Feng Yan walked over, seeing Fan Yue leaning on Xia Ruo's shoulder, he was instantly upset.

It would be fine if this guy was really a cat, but now he is lying on his wife's shoulders, how can this be possible.

So he went over and grabbed Fan Yue directly, and pinched him tightly, "Why did he get on your shoulder?"

Xia Ruo roughly guessed Fan Yue's intentions, "He may be too bored recently and wants to go out for a walk with us, so he just hangs on."

This guy came over to smell her body yesterday, and he probably smelled Fan Yuling's scent.

"Don't spoil him." Feng Yan secretly rubbed Fan Yue vigorously.

It attracted Fan Yue's paw to grab it, and there were a few more scratches on his hand in an instant.

Feng Yan raised his eyebrows, "Fanfan, you're getting more courageous, aren't you?"

I thought in my heart that this guy really recovered. The kitten's claws were useless to scratch him before, but now he can not only feel the pain, but also leave marks.

"Hoho!" Fan Yue didn't have that much patience when dealing with Feng Yan, and stared at him fiercely, as if he wanted to roll up his sleeves and start a fight at any time.

It is true that he has been oppressed by Feng Yan recently, and Feng Yan has not done anything to him in a subtle way, so the sense of hatred is still very strong.

One person and one beast don't like each other, and seeing that they are about to fight, Xia Ruo said speechlessly: "Okay, he's been locked up in the room recently and he's bored, let's take him out to get some air together.

"Hold him!" Xia Ruo emphasized.

Since Fan Yue wanted to see Fan Yuling, she would satisfy him and see what he was going to do.

Feng Yan could guess what this annoying guy was going to do when he heard it, and he would naturally not object to his wife's orders, "Okay, I'll hold him."

As long as this guy doesn't pester his Xia Xia.

Fan Yue doesn't like Feng Yan very much, so he doesn't want to be hugged by him.

As soon as he was struggling to escape from Feng Yan's confinement, the other party's voice came from above his head, "You try to jump down, don't try to get out today, I will lock you back into the room."

Xia Ruo also said: "Fanfan, if you are not good, I don't care if he sends you back to the room."

This guy is not a law-abiding person, he needs to be reminded from time to time, it is really difficult to discipline.

Hearing what the two said, Fan Yue felt very aggrieved, but he still endured it, and honestly let Feng Yan hug him and stop struggling. He had no choice but to find someone.

After he finishes his work, he must properly repair Feng Yan, this annoying bastard, and then leave.

The two took Fan Yue to the hotel entrance, and Yunjing's suspension car had already stopped.

After getting in the car, Yun Jing casually glanced at the little beast in Feng Yan's arms, "Ruo Ruo, is this the cat you raised?"

"Yes!" Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Brother, if you like it, I will give it to you."

"..." Fan Yue, who was jumping from Feng Yan onto the seat, froze. This woman was so heartless that she wanted to give him away.

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