Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 686 Why is it so good?

Xia Ruo has always known that although Feng Yan is young, he has a smart and rational mind.

"You are self-aware!" She lazily leaned on Feng Yan.

Feng Yan let go of her hand, put his arms around her instead, and whispered softly in her ear: "It's enough to have you by my side this year!"

Xia Ruo wrapped her arms around his waist, raised her head with a smile in her eyes, "As long as you don't leave, I will never give up! From now on, I will celebrate your birthday with you every year, and grow old with you!"

Hearing this, Feng Yan's heart melted. Why is his Xia Xia so good?

"Okay, I will never leave you. You will accompany me on my birthday, and I will accompany you on your birthday. We will grow old together and live a lifetime together."

Thinking of Xia Xia's company for the rest of his life, he felt good.

With tenderness in his eyes, he lowered his head and kissed her, "Xia Xia, I like you so much, I only like you for the rest of my life!"

Xia Ruo took the initiative to respond to him, "I only like you too!"

After warming up for a while, the speedboat also drove to a relatively quiet sea area. The two changed into diving suits and jumped down hand in hand.

With continuous deep diving, the beautiful scenery of the seabed was also displayed in front of them, and groups of sea fish swam around them from time to time.

This is the first time for Xia Ruo to experience diving with her boyfriend. In the past, she used to dive everywhere with her sister, and it feels different when she changes people.

Feng Yan held his wife's hand and dived in the deep sea, feeling unspeakably happy in his heart.

Both of them are supernatural beings with good internal and physical fitness. They dived to a very deep place and encountered some mutant beasts, but they were all driven away by the coercion radiated by Feng Yan.

After playing hand in hand in the sea for an afternoon, and taking many photos underwater together, the two returned to the speedboat and cuddled together to fish again.

After catching fish, Feng Yan is in charge of processing, Xia Ruo is in charge of roasting, you feed me a bite, and I feed you a bite, it is as sticky as other ordinary couples.

As night fell, the two returned to the shore in a speedboat.

Then went to the largest submarine restaurant in the Federation.

This is opened by Ji Xuan. It is a high-end seafood restaurant. In addition, it is built on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by natural marine life, and the environment is beautiful and luxuriously decorated, so it is very popular among the upper class.

Usually, reservations need to be made one week in advance, but Xia Ruo and Ji Xuan have been cooperating. Apart from the vegetables from the farm being used in private restaurants and supermarkets, Ji Xuan takes care of the rest.

She called Ji Xuan to help reserve a place, and the other party naturally gave her face.

The seafood in the restaurant is salvaged from the sea that day, and the other meat and vegetables come from Xia Ruo’s farms and pastures. In addition, the chef is also poached and cultivated by Ji Xuan at a high price, so the taste is still very good.

The two ordered some of the restaurant's most distinctive seafood dishes and began to eat them. Feng Yan also specially arranged it as a candlelight dinner.

Xia Ruo picked up a glass of red wine and looked at him with a smile, "Happy birthday to you again!"

"Thank you, daughter-in-law!" Feng Yan picked up the cup and touched him.

After the candlelight dinner, it was already around eleven o'clock in the evening.

Xia Ruo got up and said, "I got up in the morning and made you a cake. Let's go to the beach to find a place and blow out candles for you when midnight comes!"

Feng Yan got up and held her hand: "Okay!"

When the two left the private room and went out, they met several couples who also came to eat, and someone secretly took a picture of the two holding hands and leaving affectionately.

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