Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 687 The Taste of First Love

The beach here is a place for vacation, and it is very lively at night. There are also many bars by the sea, and lights are lit everywhere.

The two found a relatively remote beach with lights on, and sat down next to each other.

Xia Ruo took out a piece of cloth and spread it on the floor, then took out the cake that she specially made in the morning, and then took out the candle she made and stuck it in.

The cake is not big but very beautiful, and there is a cartoon character based on Feng Yan on it, with the words "Happy Birthday to Feng Yan" written on it.

Xia Ruo looked at the time, took out some raw materials that had been prepared before, and began to make cocktails.

Ever since she started to move, Feng Yan couldn't help holding the terminal to record the video. He wanted to record this beauty forever, and watch it with Xia Xia when he was old.

Soon, a glass of light blue wine was brewed in Xia Ruo's hands.

Xia Ruo looked at the time, it was exactly zero o'clock, she said with a smile, "Blow out the candles and make a wish first."

Feng Yan nodded, clasped his hands together and closed his eyes to make a wish. After opening, he pulled Xia Ruo to blow the candles together.

Xia Ruo then took out a heart-shaped ice cube and threw it into the wine glass, then handed it to Feng Yan.

Feng Yan stretched out his hand to catch the cup, and the ice also sank to the bottom.

Then the original light blue liquid changed in an instant, and a little pink bubbles emerged from below, flashing with beautiful brilliance.

"The name of this wine is First Love!"

Xia Ruo leaned over and kissed him on the face, "A gift for you!"

Feng Yan's hand holding the wine glass tightened, looking at the wine that was still bubbling with pink bubbles, he felt that his heart was also bubbling with love bubbles.

"Thank you, daughter-in-law, I like it so much!"

"What to do, I can't bear to drink anymore!" Putting the cup to his lips, he took it down again.

Xia Ruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The wine is mixed for you to drink, and every year after your birthday, I will give you a glass! Try it!"

"Hearing your words, I feel relieved!" Feng Yan Taohua's eyes were full of smiles, as if there were stars shining brightly in the night.

He smiled and took a sip. It had a sour taste at first, and then it slowly turned sweet, just like when they first met and quarreled and fell in love, it was sour and sweet.

Especially when the sweetness comes back, it has an indescribably heart-wrenching taste, which is really like first love.

"It's delicious, I like it!" He didn't want to waste it, drank all the wine, and looked at Xia Ruo with pink bubbles in his eyes.

"I knew you would like it!" Xia Ruo smiled confidently.

After Feng Yan finished drinking, he put down the wine glass, hugged Xia Ruo and took a group photo with the terminal.

Today Xia Ruo was wearing a long blue dress, Feng Yan thoughtfully went back to his room after having breakfast and changed into a blue shirt of the same color, the style was very simple and elegant, it looked like a couple's outfit deliberately worn.

Xia Ruo also pampered him, leaning her head on his shoulder with a happy smile on her face.

After Feng Yan finished taking the photo, he leaned into her ear and asked, "Xia Xia, let me post a Starblog."

Such sweetness should be shared anyway.

He absolutely doesn't admit it, he just wants to show off, spread a wave of dog food by the way, and also make some people who miss his wife give up their hearts, such as a person surnamed Bai who has experienced experience on a certain planet far away.

Xia Ruo knows what kind of temperament he is, so he can show it off if he wants to, "You post it!"

"Daughter-in-law is the best!" Feng Yan smiled and kissed her on the face, took out his terminal and logged into Xingbo.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~

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