Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 809 What a mouthful I am!

Aside from being disgusted with being the principal, Aunt Feng was not happy with what the principal of the third college said.

"Principal Rong, please explain clearly to me again, what does it mean that both of them are at fault, what is wrong with Xia Ruo?"

Saying that their family is small, it is absolutely impossible.

Principal Rong was speechless, he couldn't even say it, "Although Xia Ruo is doing it for friends, it's a bit unreasonable. Girls should not be so aggressive!"

He didn't believe that the Feng family would like such a fierce and arrogant daughter-in-law.

Since the assessment of the three schools, because of Xia Ruo's existence, they have a feeling of being out of control, which is not good!

Last time, their third college was the second place in the assessment, and this time they also want to stabilize this ranking, so they naturally don't like the appearance of a student like Xia Ruo.

Aunt Feng said coldly, "That's called a normal counterattack. You're still the head of the school, so you can't even speak?"

"Why can't girls be fierce and domineering? Is it possible that they have to care for their husbands and teach their children like in ancient times? Your thinking is wrong!"

She was able to become the principal of the Second Academy mainly because of her ability and her strong temperament.

Therefore, she prefers self-reliant, tough and imposing girls, and she is not generally satisfied and fond of Xia Ruona.

This guy thought they would dislike Xia Ruo if they provoked her?

How could it be possible, they would like Xia Ruo more, and they would be able to shine in the assessment, and their Feng family was happy and proud of her, which shows that the third son of their family has a good vision and will find a wife!

She continued with a cold face: "What do you mean, do you think I shouldn't be harsh? This principal shouldn't be a woman like me?"

At this time, she gave the people present an aura and feeling that if Principal Rong said something wrong, it would be time to do it!

Principal Rong suddenly felt a little regretful, what are you talking about!

Although this woman is humble and polite, she is still very scared when she is fierce, and he almost forgot about it.

Some people used to talk about women, but they were beaten up by this woman on the spot, crying and begging for mercy.

Glancing with that Xia Ruo, she looked harmless, but after the outbreak, it was not a good thing, but it was fierce!

He didn't want to provoke the tigress, but he couldn't beat him, so he smiled embarrassingly: "Let me just say that, after you automatically entered the Second Academy, you led it to develop so well, how could it be inappropriate!"

"I was just thinking that Xia Ruo is better at medicine, so I don't need to be so aggressive, but it is undeniable that she is excellent, and your Second Academy has a lot of talents."

"..." The senior executives and mentors present all twitched their mouths. The two principals felt in their bones that they should not be suppressed by women and looked down on women in power, but in the end they didn't want to give in to women. They were looking for abuse on their own. Why bother!

Now it's not like a bunch of good words come out without money, but if it's so powerful, just go straight to it!

Ahem, of course, none of them here can afford to provoke this tigress.

Aunt Feng knew that this guy was just as cowardly, "Hmph, it's not too bad, so be careful when you speak in the future!"

Now everyone knows that the Feng family protects Xia Ruo tightly, so don't even think about saying a few words, they must pay attention in the future.

Many people actually think that there is nothing wrong with Xia Ruo being so strong. She might be able to join the battle group in the future, so she needs to be more aggressive.

Besides, what Ren Mingliang did wrong was the first thing he did today. The old principal Zhai has not fully retired yet. The principal Ren allowed his son to suppress other people's grandsons. This is not kind!

So many times, justice is at ease!

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