Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 810 Don't Go Back

Xia Ruo didn't lie to Ren Mingliang before, she turned on the video recording function of the terminal as soon as she saw that the two groups were targeting Zhai Hao.

They recorded the whole process of how these people deliberately made the mutated fox go away, pushed it on Zhai Hao, and forced him to leave the team, and put it on the forum.

"The First Academy cannot tolerate outstanding mech elites, we welcome them!" " also made a more prominent title.

She didn't play the video of Ren Mingliang and others running away, and she also asked the people who recorded it in the Second Academy not to play it. In many cases, enough is enough, too much will easily lead to backlash.

Now they are on the favorable side. If the later video is released, it will not only be aimed at Ren Mingliang and others, but will arouse the emotions of the students of the First Academy and become hostile to them.

If the students from their academy were kicked away and someone put the video on the video, they would definitely feel ashamed and vent their anger.

As soon as this post was posted, it caused a lot of repercussions.

Ever since his father became the principal, Ren Mingliang has changed his low-key style before, and now he is high-key and arrogant, completely showing the success of a villain to the fullest, which has long dissatisfied many wealthy children.

Zhai Hao belongs to one of the princelings recognized by their circle, so what is Ren Guangming?

It was only because his father became the principal that they didn't bother to directly educate them. Now they didn't expect to step on Zhai Hao directly. The method they used was despicable and shameless, but it was useful.

This is also where they look down on Ren Mingliang.

Among the students in their college this year, apart from Bai Siyu, Zhai Hao has the strongest abilities and fighting power, and his ability to control mechs is also top-notch. He didn't expect to be dismissed like this.

They also went to the Second Academy, which had caused them some headaches recently. Many people couldn't help but express their opinions and complaints towards Ren Mingliang.

Some wealthy children were not used to seeing them, and their relationship with Zhai Hao was okay, so when the two groups returned to the small town, seeing the gloomy Ren Mingliang who was very unwelcoming, they couldn't help but sneered.

Ren Mingliang was ashamed and hated being ridiculed by these people, but he could only endure it for the time being. The foundation of their Ren family is still too weak. They offended a few wealthy heirs together, and he was scolded to death by his father when he went back.

Of course, this is something.

After Ren Mingliang and others ran away, Xia Ruo returned with a group of people.

On the way, her spiritual sense caught a group of third-level mutant pigs, and she said to the students: "There are third-level mutant pigs infesting ahead, try the team battle method I taught you, and I will watch from the side."

"Okay!" The group had just tasted the sweetness of hunting first- and second-level mutant beasts, and now they all couldn't help but gear up.

Di Hao wants to hang out with Xia Ruo in the future, so naturally he can't be a marginal person, so he said with a smile: "I'll help out too!"

His best brother, Bo Siyu, was exiled to the border. The current behavior of the headmaster of the First Academy is very unpleasant. He feels that the atmosphere of the Second Academy is much better than theirs. He will consider whether to transfer to another school.

Xia Ruo also hopes that Di Hao can integrate into them as soon as possible, "Okay! You are a fourth-level supernatural being, and I will leave the matter of saving the field to you!"

Zhai Hao was squeezed out by the students of the First Academy, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't go back, he still has the right to be willful anyway.

"Okay, make sure to complete the task!" The smile on Zhai Hao's face deepened, and he felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

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