Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 811 Why Are You So Stupid?

Under the leadership of Xia Ruo, the group found the group of third-level mutant pigs.

Xia Ruo didn't go in and lead the mutated pigs to let everyone practice their hands this time, but arranged corrections from the side, so as to play the role of final experience.

The mutant pig's attack power is very high. At the beginning, they rushed a group of people away, and they were a little nervous and overwhelmed.

Xia Ruo immediately asked them how to attack and defend. Hearing her voice, they felt an indescribable sense of security.

So gradually began to get started, and after using this formation, the attack power and defense were greatly enhanced.

Sometimes, if a mutated pig rushes into the crowd by accident, it will be cleaned up by Zhai Hao.

Although we have a large number of people, our actual combat experience is far worse than that of these mutated pigs.

The process was not easy, and the fight was even a bit difficult, but in the end, seeing the two mutated pigs captured alive and the pigs killed in one place, they felt a sense of accomplishment and pride that they had never experienced before.

Xia Ruo is not surprised to see that they have made rapid progress. After all, the requirements for recruiting students at the Second College are quite high. "You did a good job. Let's eat roast suckling pig tonight!"

After eating stew for two days in a row, it's time for a change.

"Captain Xia, is the roast suckling pig delicious with herbal food?" Someone was still thinking about yesterday's herbal stew.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Each has its own taste. When the time comes, I will stuff some medicinal materials into the pig's belly, and it will also have some effects on relieving fatigue and strengthening the recovery of the body. Try it!"

Di Hao likes to eat Xia Ruo's cooking the most, "Roast suckling pig must be delicious, I feel hungry now listening to it!"

"The food that Team Xia taught us to make will definitely not be unpalatable. I look forward to the roast suckling pig meal tonight!"

"I just wish that time would pass faster!"

A group of people mentioned that they couldn't help but stare at the food now. They thought their stomachs would be tortured in the past two months. Who would have thought that it would be better than what they ate in Federation Star.

"I'll take a few photos and post them on the forum, and I'll show them to the students of the First Academy. Before we fought the mutant pigs, student Zhai helped us a lot!" A black-bellied student suggested.

The mutated pigs rushed into the crowd several times just now, and if Zhai Hao hadn't made a timely move, some of them would have suffered severe injuries, so after a hard fight, they recognized him a little more.

Since the First Academy pushed people away, naturally they couldn't make them happy.

"Fat, we support it!"

Soon someone posted a post.

"Today's harvest is very rich. Before leaving, I hunted and killed a group of third-level wild boars. The new members contributed a lot. Eat more pork tonight (ps: Team Xia said to eat roast suckling pig today)"

Then there are several photos, some are hunting wild boars, some are heroically helping Zhai Hao, and finally there are piles of mutated pig carcasses.

This is the first time for everyone to experience this kind of assessment, so many people will use the terminal to record it during the battle. Many photos are screenshots of the video, but they can also see the whole process.

After this post came out, people from the other two colleges also saw it.

I couldn't help being envious of the good luck of the Second Academy, but also laughed at Ren Mingliang and the others who lost the watermelon and didn't even pick up the sesame seeds.

Seeing this, the students of the First Academy became even more dissatisfied with Ren Mingliang.

If Zhai Hao was here, he would be the main hunting force of their No. 1 academy in the future, but he was pushed to the competitor's side like this. How could Ren Mingliang be so stupid?

Still trying to fight for the position of the captain. Judging by his exposed IQ, is he worthy of this position?

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