While the students of the Third Academy gloated over their misfortunes, they also felt more urgency. It seemed that the Second Academy had gained another strong general.

The Chief Examiner has said before that they will not prevent Yue Academy from forming a team, as long as they do well, they will still be rewarded with points.

The people of the First Academy are really stupid. Pushing such a strong person to the opponent will harm them as well.

Yu Huai swiped the terminal, surprised that such a powerful Di Hao actually went to join Xia Ruo directly, and he became thoughtful.

"Your meals are halved tonight. Not only did you not bring back many prey, but it also caused us all to share food with you. It's really unlucky!"

"That's right! You dudes shouldn't be holding back this kind of assessment. I don't know how much your total score in the Third Academy will be dragged down by you."

"I don't know how many days of rest I will have to rest after being injured like this. When I think of our hard work in hunting to benefit you, I will be angry!"

"If you don't have that ability, don't go deep into the forest. Is it interesting to drag everyone down like this?"

"Hurry up and go back to inherit the family business, don't come to harm us!"

"Pfft! Inherit the family business? Just rely on them? If the family business is in their hands, I'm afraid they will be wiped out immediately. If you still inherit the family business, don't tease us!"

"It's just harming the family at home and dragging everyone down at school, what else can they do!"

Some people complained as if chatting not far away, but their voices were not low at all. It was obvious that they were speaking for the injured and Yu Huai.

The people in Yu Huai's group clenched their fists, and their faces were very ugly. They didn't drag anything from the beginning to the end!

On the first day before, didn't people in other groups also get injured a lot? Why isn't it a drag?

If it were them, it would be a burden. They also brought back some prey yesterday, and the food was halved, which was just enough. How can I put it like these people gave them alms!

Yu Huai was also extremely angry in his heart. He looked up at the so-called younger brother who was not far away and showed a smug smile on his lips. He didn't know that the other party encouraged others to do this on purpose.

The purpose is to let people in their group be disliked, and create a subconscious feeling for other students that they are the black sheep who will only drag everyone down, make everyone resent and hate them, and at the same time embarrass him, the captain.

It can also play a role in combating them. This move is not poisonous, but it is also more useful.

His younger brother is much more vicious and vicious than Ren Guangming.

On the surface, he still looks respectful to his brother and friend, and it gives people the illusion that he can't tolerate the other party. He is what some people call the male white lotus.

It's just that his previous image was really bad, and he was completely abandoned by his stepmother. If it weren't for the experience on the abandoned planet and the accidental discovery, he would have thought that the other party treated his stepson better than his parent and child.

"These bastards, why do you say that we are lagging behind?" Tang Xu was full of anger, and couldn't help standing up to rush over to argue.

Since they came to this small town, they haven't eaten a sip of meat from these people and drank a sip of water from them. Now they are talking as if they are raising them, which is too much!

Before he rushed over, Yu Huai grabbed his arm, "Don't be impulsive, it's useless to argue, now we are the black sheep in their impression!"

That younger brother of his has absolutely not been less publicizing these ideas these days, and everyone thinks it is true when he talks too much.

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