Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 839 What's the point?

Xia Ruo found that the students of the Second Academy were pretty good, and they had almost all the information that could be collected and investigated.

So she looked at them and asked, "According to the investigation just now, do you have any good development ideas?"

"That force, Feng Yan, will solve it here. You can assume that they no longer exist, and come up with a plan."

The groups present all made plans, but many of them were aimed at that faction before, and if it doesn't exist now, the plan must be changed.

"I suggest to introduce normal buyers, no longer squeeze the prey of mercenaries and hunters and find the price of medicinal herbs."

"The processing plant can actually continue to operate, but the remuneration and wages need to be adjusted."

"If the economy improves, we can build a more formal school and let those children go to school."

Everyone was chattering, but they were making changes based on the original basis, that is, mainly to increase wages and not squeeze.

Xia Ruo turned the pen in his hand, "According to my investigation, those processing factories are actually illegal. The parts are processed and smuggled to other countries. When the mutant meat is processed, a lot of additives are put in, which is harmful to the body. is harmful."

"There are also big problems in the nutrient processing factory. They use additives to process rotten meat."

"If you don't use additives, do you know the processing steps and formula? I don't know how to make nutritional supplements."

"The channels they sell do not need to go through the inspection department. Most of them are shipped to other semi-desolate stars. There are many nutritional supplement companies in the Federation, and they all have stable sources of purchase. How can we guarantee the processing of nutritional supplements for them? Will you accept it?"

She paused and said, "And continuing to open the processing plant actually didn't change much for the people in the small town, it just improved some of their living conditions."

"Captain Xia, you're right. We took it for granted before, and didn't think about what needs to be done when the processing plant continues to operate, and there will be subsequent sales issues." Many people find that their thinking is simple, but the actual operation is not. easy.

If Xia can't make nutritional supplements, they won't be able to. Besides, they don't have sales channels, so it's impossible to smuggle them like the previous processing factory.

They think more that as long as the wages and benefits of the residents of the small town are improved, the entire economy will naturally go up, but in essence, it seems that not much has changed.

"Then what should we do? Team Xia, please remind us." Everyone has been studying and rarely comes into contact with these aspects, so they don't have much experience.

Xia Ruo's constant questioning is also to guide them to think deeply and accumulate experience.

"Teaching people how to fish is worse than giving them fish. Instead of thinking about continuing to set up processing plants and raising their wages, it's better to find a way to let them all master some skills and then spread them out."

Xia Ruo continued with a serious face: "Since we want to change the small town and its residents, it can't just be two months."

"Otherwise, after we finish the assessment in two months, who will manage the processing plant? Can you guarantee that after we leave, will there be forces similar to the current black market and continue to squeeze them?"

"If this is the case, then what's the point of our so-called change? Maybe it will harm many people instead."

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