"After all, their wages have been raised in the past two months, and they have hope in their hearts. But after being controlled by other forces again, they will return to their original living conditions."

"There is no harm without comparison, but can they change themselves?"

Looking at the students present, they all showed various expressions of reflection.

Xia Ruo continued: "They have returned to their original living conditions. The material gap is so great, and some psychological problems are bound to occur."

"Maybe they want to resist, but can they really resist? The overall force value of those forces is not low. I investigated that when they were not fully controlled at the beginning, people in small towns also resisted, but they lost. Many people even So die."

"So don't think about changes one-sidedly. We have to start with the fundamental problems, so that after we finish the assessment, we can ensure that they continue to live like that."

"Since we want to change the town and its residents, shouldn't we be responsible to the end? Think about it carefully!"

These people are inexperienced, and they almost only care about the present when thinking about problems, so she needs to wake them up.

She also really wanted to do some practical things to help a group of people in the small town, so she considered more comprehensively.

This statement made many students who took it for granted feel like a slap in the face, because they really only considered how the past two months would change, and did not think about what would happen to this small town and its residents after they left.

Nine times out of ten it would be worse and they would be sinners.

"Captain Xia is right. Our consideration was too one-sided. Fortunately, you made us wake up!"

Someone couldn't help asking: "Then why should we teach people how to fish instead of giving them fish? I hope Team Xia reminds us again."

"Yes! Team Xia, we are completely confused now, please remind us again." Everyone looked at Xia Ruo with bright eyes.

Xia Ruo didn't give a damn, "Start from reality and develop in a diversified way."

"The forest outside is a treasure trove. We can't waste it. At that time, we can build a breeding farm and capture some wild animals to breed and domesticate them, such as wild boars, hares, pheasants, etc. As long as the meat is of good quality, we will not worry about selling it."

"I found that the soil quality of the wasteland near the small town is not bad. At that time, it can be reclaimed to grow vegetables and so on. In addition to supplying the residents of the small town to buy, the leftovers can be used to feed wild animals. The excrement produced by wild animals can be processed to make Fertilizers are purely natural and pollution-free."

"We can also set up a processing plant for medicinal materials, let those who can process medicinal materials work, teach them some formulas to stop bleeding and treat common diseases, let them produce, and we help contact buyers."

"I'm also planning to teach people in small towns how to make soy products, so that they won't have to worry about selling them, and they can also meet the needs of people on the stars who have been thinking about eating soy products."

"You can diverge your thinking from this aspect. It is best for each group to come up with a feasible plan."

"If you really can't figure it out, think about it together with several groups, and finally implement it. If you fail, sum up your experience and continue. I believe that as long as everyone works together to make changes, this small town will definitely become beautiful and prosperous."

"By the way, what I just said about opening a breeding farm, opening up wasteland to grow food, etc., you can use it as a plan for your own group, and then implement it. You can first collect books on how to feed and open up wasteland, and ask some experienced people People wait."

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