Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 842 Can't sit still

Xia Ruo wanted to do something from the bottom of his heart, so he disbanded without asking everyone to say more.

Feng Yan began to select suitable students, prepared to make a detailed plan, and then went to eradicate the evil forces in this small town.

Xia Ruo took the rest of the people to the forest to hunt for medicinal herbs.

She didn't know, because what she said in the live broadcast made the people in front of the screen blow up.

[God! It's incredible that Xia Ruo wants to teach people in a small town how to make bean products for free! ]

[I really didn't expect that when Xia Ruo said that she wanted to do something, she didn't just talk about it, but actually wanted to do it. ]

[Few people can be so generous. If it were someone else, they would definitely save a lot of money. I believe that as long as she wants to sell the production method, there will definitely be a bunch of people rushing to buy it at a high price. ]

[Even if you open a few more processing factories, you will definitely make a lot of money! I was lucky enough to snatch it twice. The taste of mapo tofu and fried bean curd with chives is still in the aftertaste. The soy products will definitely not worry about selling. ]

[Yes! But Xia Ruo did say that she would teach people in the small town how to do it, and now I see that those people who said she was a show are still embarrassed to say no! Who will use this for a show, I don't know how many star coins will be lost. ]

[Who will listen to those silly birds! They just envy and envy me. ]

[I didn't believe that such a generous person existed before, but now I believe it! ]

[If my character is here, I will see people's hearts for a long time, and my actions will show everything, those black people can shut up in the future! ]

Xia Ruo's actions won more people's favor. If she really taught the people in the small town how to make bean products later, it would be more commendable than donating a large amount of star coins to charity in the past.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. This is a great saying!

Many people waited and watched, but many people couldn't sit still.

If people in a small town learn to make bean products, they will inevitably need to find a buyer to cooperate, and if they don't act, they will be snatched away by others.

Not to mention the owners of many original restaurants, even Ji Xuan, who knew about this, sent his assistant to guard the half-desolate star.

He has been busy with the medicated food restaurant recently and can't spare time to pass, otherwise he has to watch it himself.

If you can round up the soy products in the small town and introduce some new dishes, the old customers will definitely be happy, and it's just a good time to do activities.

Many old men who like to eat soy products heard about this, and asked their children to send someone to Banhuangxing to see if they can sign a long-term shipment contract, so that they can eat it from time to time.

So the spacecraft flying to this half-desolate star changed from a few days to a daily trip, and many people went to the small city in advance to stay and stay there.

Many restaurant owners in the Wisteria Empire and the Silver Dragon Empire are actually very tempted, but it's a pity that they have to go through immigration procedures to go to that half-desolate star, and they may be taken the lead after they go there.

Xia Ruo led a group of people into the deep mountains, and this time hunted a lot of mutant beasts, and picked a lot of medicinal materials.

Those mercenaries and hunters are looking for and picking more valuable herbs, and because they don't know how to identify them, they treat many herbs as plants, so after going to the deep mountains, they often encounter them on the road.

The students of the Plant Research Department and the Logistics Department were particularly happy, and they kept pulling Xia Ruo to introduce the medicinal properties and efficacy to them.

Since the others knew that Xia Ruo used his free time to charge, they also listened carefully.

I came here because of a sudden power outage on the maintenance line. I will continue at 17:30. I will try to write more than ten posts during the day and at night~~~

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