Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 843 Potential stocks delivered to your door

A group of people walked to a valley, and when they approached, they felt a sense of enlightenment, and then saw that the valley was full of flowers, and the flowers were very beautiful.

Looking at these flowers, Yu Huai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said to Xia Ruo: "Captain Xia, you are right, this is a big treasure house, and these flowers are very useful."

Seeing so many flowers, Xia Ruo also had an idea. Hearing him jokingly asked, "Tell me about it!"

"These flowers can be made into shower gel for sale." Yu Huai said with a smile: "I know several formulas for shampooing and bathing."

"I also know two perfume formulas," he added.

He thought that if he wanted to hang out with Xia Ruo and Feng Yan, he would do anything, so he said the only thing he was good at.

Xia Ruo's eyes lit up, "Do you know how to prepare perfume, shampoo and bath?"

"I was very interested in this aspect when I was a child. My mother taught some when she was alive, but my stepmother stopped letting me touch it after she came in."

He continued with a smile: "The recipe in my hand was left by my mother. I studied it when the waste star was fine, but it succeeded in configuring the bath. Because I didn't learn the perfume professionally, it failed."

The Yu family is a first-line cosmetics and toiletries company in the alliance. His mother's family is mainly a perfume company. His mother is very talented in this area. master perfumer.

He also likes this aspect very much, but after being taken over by his stepmother, he guides him to eat, drink, and have fun. Recently, he has found a little feeling, and then found that he has a relatively good talent in perfumery.

Xia Ruo didn't expect Yu Huai to have the talent to make fragrances, "Your family's main business is cosmetics. Your stepmother doesn't want you to compete with his son for the family property, so she definitely won't allow you to learn it. Fortunately, I learned it and blended it successfully. It shows that you are very talented in this regard."

"Has the formula left by your mother in your hand ever applied for a patent?"

Xia Ruo thought for a while and asked: "I mean, has the Yu family ever done it? We can't do things that infringe upon our rights."

Yu Huai shook his head: "I haven't used it. It was researched by my mother when she was sick and was about to die. It was given to me by a lawyer when I was an adult. Then I was sent to the waste star. I haven't had time to be coaxed by those people." go."

"Now that the Yu family has taken the initiative to expel me from the family, it is naturally impossible for me to give them the formula. It is very good to use it to transform the small town, and my mother should be happy."

Even if his things are destroyed in the future, those poisonous snakes will not be cheap. If Xia can come up with the method of bean products, he also wants to make a contribution.

Xia Ruo could see his seriousness, and nodded with a smile, "Okay! Then your team will come up with a bath product plan, and it can be produced here at that time."

"The technical content of perfume is relatively high, and it can't be done without the support of professional technicians."

Yu Huai said with a smile: "I think so too, and the perfume will not sell well if it is not branded, but the bath products are different, you can always find someone to buy."

"That's right, you have a lot of ideas, and I will be in charge of this project. As long as the plan is approved, you can implement it." Xia Ruo encouraged.

As long as she is well trained, Yu Huai will be a technical talent in perfumery. She just wanted to start a cosmetics company, but she never expected that potential stocks would come to her door.

It was the first time that Yu Huai was recognized for his ability, and the smile on his face deepened, "I will definitely not let everyone down."

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