Xia Ruo took people to hunt in the forest, Feng Yan didn't hesitate, and directly led people to clean up that evil force.

Because everything they do is broadcast live, once the time is delayed and the other party realizes that they have prepared, it will be troublesome for them to uproot them.

So Feng Yan led his people to the underground black market directly, and the other party had already guessed through the live broadcast that the students of the Second Academy would attack them.

After all, it is impossible to open this factory or that factory without their consent. If these students want to change the lives of residents in small towns, that is to oppose them and destroy their interests.

Several of their leaders are convening a meeting, thinking about how to solve this problem, and some even say to manipulate Xia Ruo and the others first, and then snatch them away after the results are obtained. months.

Who knew, Feng Yan and the others rushed in before discussing a solution, and the two sides immediately started fighting.

The opponent had three level five supernatural beings, Feng Yan used his mecha to restrain two, and Zhai Hao used his mecha to restrain one.

Although he didn't use his spiritual power or mecha, Feng Yan's combat power was not superfluous. The ancient martial arts seemed to be fused with the soul, and one of them was quickly resolved.

The other was a bit tougher, but he defeated him nonetheless.

After recovering his mental strength, he had increased a lot because of being suppressed for so long, and he felt that his level might have also increased.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the supernatural ability also entered the sixth level naturally.

Although he didn't use his spiritual power and abilities now, he also gave Feng Yan a lot of blessings, and he was able to solve the two bosses at once.

Although Zhai Hao is only a fourth-level supernatural being, with the blessing of the mecha, he can definitely leapfrog the level, and it didn't take long to get rid of him.

The abilities and combat power of other people brought by Feng Yan are not weak. After all, those who want to enter the battle group to practice, are too weak and the battle group will not accept it.

The people in the black market didn't have any defenses, and they were directly taken over by the pot.

A few students were also injured here, but they were all within acceptable limits.

Feng Yan then brought the other party's purchase point and several processing factories non-stop.

Only by beating the opponent to death with a pole can you not get up, otherwise it is disgusting to come out and jump occasionally.

In one day, Feng Yan led people to eliminate the evil forces in the small town vigorously, catching everyone by surprise.

The backing force behind the evil force was very angry when they found out, but they didn't take any action to regain the territory or take revenge.

Just kidding, this is an assessment site set by the federal government. They have no time to hide, so how could they send them to their door to be arrested.

Besides, the leader is the little overlord of the Feng family. Just being the heir of the first battle regiment makes them fearful.

They can only consider themselves unlucky, who made their land happen to be selected as the assessment site.

From the live broadcast, it can be seen that Feng Yan's method is very decisive and fierce, but it is not a good thing.

After the evil forces in the small town were wiped out, the residents in the city couldn't help clapping their hands and applauding when they knew about it, and some even wept with joy.

Especially when Feng Yan rescued the children under his care, the parents were all very grateful to them.

It's just that some people are confused. If this evil force is eliminated, how will they continue to work? Who will collect their prey and medicinal materials?

After hearing Feng Yan say that he would arrange jobs for them and find someone to buy them, and the price would not be lowered any longer, the confusion and fatigue disappeared from their faces, and they finally showed a look of hope.

Seeing this, the people in front of the live broadcast felt very uncomfortable.

The writing is soft, and the last wave will come between 23:30 and 0:00~~

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