Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 851 Are their eyes blurred?

Some of them have unsatisfactory lives, and they can't help complaining usually.

But seeing these people, as long as they can have food, they seem to be satisfied and hopeful, and they instantly feel that they should not be what they used to be.

Feng Yan calmed down the people in the small town, and used the terminal to contact the Chief Examiner, asking him to send a battle group over to take away these gangs of evil forces.

Since Feng Baixuan became the leader, he has vigorously rectified the evil forces and the underground black market, and the war group has also become the main force to fight against these gangs.

For Feng Yan's request, Bo Ming agreed without hesitation.

The reason why he chose this half-desolate star was to clean up those gangs, but he didn't expect Feng Yan to attack so quickly.

However, this is also in line with his taste. Like the First Academy and the Third Academy, he feels that these so-called academy elites will definitely have to shed several layers of skin under his hands.

After replying with a "good" word, he forwarded the message to a battle group stationed nearby.

Over there immediately organized people to fly to the half-desolate star.

When Xia Ruo and the others came back with a bunch of things, they saw a lot of people tied up and kneeling outside the base, all of them looked fierce and not good people.

From a distance, the tall and handsome young man in the red battle suit stands out the most. His peach blossom eyes are full of sternness and coldness, and his whole body exudes a kind of domineering aura. Many girls in small towns secretly look at her look.

Although the girls in the academy knew that Feng Yan was already Xia Ruo's boyfriend, they couldn't help but look at him.

No way, appearance and temperament determine everything. Although it already belongs to someone else's house, it doesn't cost money to take a look!

The moment Feng Yan, who was originally cold and domineering, saw Xia Ruo, the fierceness in his eyes was instantly replaced by a smile, as if he had gone from a cold God of War to the mortal world and became a sunny handsome guy.

"Xia Xia, all the evil forces in the city have been wiped out. I have already notified the people in the war group that they will come and take him away soon!" He walked quickly to Xia Ruo, looking like I am good? Seeking praise!

Seeing him like this, Xia Ruo's eyes overflowed with rare indulgence, she reached out and patted him on the shoulder in praise: "You did a good job!"

"That's right, I can't embarrass my girlfriend!" He grabbed Xia Ruo's hand and squeezed it gently, because the occasion was wrong, so he reluctantly let go.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Okay, you are the best!"

For her boyfriend, Xia Ruo is not stingy to praise her sometimes.

Hearing her praise, the smile in Feng Yan Taohua's eyes grew stronger, as before, it was like two people, an angel and a devil freely switching.

Seeing this, those evil gangs who were captured almost didn't lose their eyes in shock. The demon who beat them to death before and specifically attacked people's weak points actually had such a gentle side?

Are their eyes blurred?

"There are still some things that you need to deal with." Feng Yan didn't bother to pay attention to them, and took Xia Ruo to the base.

The audience outside the live broadcast properly ate a handful of dog food.

[I seem to see a big tail waving to invite pets from behind Feng Bawang! ]

[I saw pampering and pampering from Wo Ruo's eyes, shouldn't it be girls who invite pets to act like a baby, and boys who pamper and indulge? Ahhh, I was so sweet by their anti-cuteness again! ]

[Just now, he was a ferocious big wolfdog, but in a blink of an eye he turned into a coquettish little milk dog begging for praise, how could Feng Bawang be so cute! ]

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