Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 852 Only He Can Do It

[Just now, Feng Bawang's resolute attack took the evil forces' hideout, and beat the bad guys to doubt their lives. I thought the former God of War figure in my heart had returned, but I didn't expect...]

[Haha, handsome for only one day, as long as he is in front of Ruo Ruo, San'er's previous God of War character will collapse, but why do I feel so loving? ]

[Can't help showing my aunt's smile! ]

[It would be great if I did a head-touching kill again! ]

[Touch the head to kill the same, thinking about it is so cute and sweet! ]

Then a group of people below begged to be killed by touching their heads, but it was a pity that the two protagonists couldn't see it and couldn't satisfy their wish.

Xia Ruo followed Feng Yan into the base, and saw many things on the ground.

Feng Yan said with a smile: "This is our spoils of war, I believe the war group will not be embarrassed to take it away."

"..." The corners of the students' mouths twitched. Feng Bawang is indeed a scoundrel. Only he can do such a righteous thing of stealing spoils, but they like it!

In fact, if they were replaced by them, they would have the heart but not the guts!

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "I also think they should be embarrassed to take it away, after all, you are all the bad guys who worked hard to catch them."

Since it is a trophy, there is no reason to give it away. They are most short of resources and star coins now.

Moreover, there are dominant forces behind the evil forces here, and they will transfer away the star coins and supplies every few days. It seems that there are a lot of things here, but there is not much to divide.

Hearing what she said, the others couldn't help sighing in their hearts, these two are really a couple!

Xia Ruo walked inside, and saw a dozen children sitting in a wooden house.

"What you're asking me to do, is it about them?" she asked.

Feng Yan nodded: "They were captured by those evil forces. Either their parents were dead, or they were all sold by their parents, relatives, or human traffickers. They have no homes and are unwilling to leave. I think it's very pitiful. brought it back."

"Other children with families, I have sent them back!"

Seeing the ragged and skinny appearance of the children inside, Xia Ruo sighed: "Then let's stay for now, we can support them."

"After the assessment is over, they can leave us or stay here if they want to."

In the federation, the gap between rich and poor is relatively large. Many wealthy families feel that they are nobles, while people from black households or slums are untouchables. The slave trade has always existed.

After the rectification, this situation has decreased a lot, but it still exists.

However, compared to the Wisteria and Silver Dragon Empires, the Federation is considered better in this regard. The slave trade between the two countries is legal, and there are several identities. The royal family is the highest existence, followed by the wealthy family.

But now that her brother and sister are here, this situation may also improve,

Xia Ruo walked into the wooden house, and a dozen children watched her carefully.

"Do you want to eat candy?" Xia Ruo squatted down, looked at them with a gentle smile, and touched the head of the youngest girl in front without being too dirty.

More than a dozen children licked their mouths, looking like they wanted to eat, but they were all silent and did not dare to take it.

Feeling Xia Ruo's kindness, the youngest girl raised her head and asked weakly after a while: "Sister, can we eat?"

"Of course!"

Xia Ruo took out a handful of the medicinal candies that she made when she was bored on the road today, and distributed one to each of them, "Eat it!"

They found some honey in the valley today. Her candy is made of several sweet herbs and honey, which has the effect of clearing away heat.

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