Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 853 Can I Trust You?

Xia Ruo was beautiful, with a gentle expression on her face, without any contempt or disgust in her eyes.

Although these children are not old, they have experienced a lot with the crowd, and they can feel her kindness.

"Thank you sister!" The little girl took the sugar pill and stuffed it into her mouth, her cowardly eyes were full of brilliance, "It turns out that sugar tastes like this, it's so delicious!"

The other children also took the candy and ate it one after another, with bright colors in their eyes, "So this is candy! It's really delicious."

"I heard that sugar is sweet, so is this the sweetness? It's delicious!"

These children were not born well, and sugar is a luxury for them. They have never eaten it, but only heard about it.

Xia Ruo smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I like it!" They nodded in unison.

"Then you will stay here from today onwards, will my sister give you candy every day?" She asked again with a smile.

The children replied without hesitation, "Okay!"

"You are all good children!" Xia Ruo was unhappy in her heart, but still had a gentle smile on her face.

Many people in front of the live broadcast had the urge to cry. Many of them were picky eaters, and they had long given up sugar.

I didn't expect these children to be so easy to coax, and eating a candy every day is enough.

Xia Ruo got up and said to Feng Yan: "Take the star coins from the spoils, and buy them two sets of clothes, shoes and daily necessities for each of them. There are still a few vacant rooms, let them live."

Feng Yan nodded: "Okay!"

Soon the nearby battle groups arrived here and escorted all the people from the evil forces onto the spaceship.

Feng Yan said straight to the point that he wanted to keep the spoils. The commanders who came over were a little bit dumbfounded, but they didn't object.

Finding that Feng Yan and others had rescued some orphans, he looked at them and asked, "Send them to the shelter of the nearby Life Star?"

One of the children shook his head immediately when he heard these three words, "No, we don't want to go to the shelter, we just stay with our brothers and sisters."

Seeing him like this, the others thought he was rescued because he was afraid of strangers, so they didn't think much about it.

Xia Ruo felt something was wrong, she looked at the child and asked softly, "Have you ever been to a shelter before?"

The child gritted his teeth, lowered his head and said nothing.

At this moment, everyone also felt that something was wrong. This child also looked about eight or nine years old, and he was already at the age of remembering things.

Xia Ruo walked up to him, reached out and took his little hand, "Can you tell my sister why you don't want to go to the shelter?"

"Don't worry, I can guarantee in front of so many people that I will never send you to a shelter, nor will I send you to places you don't want to go."

Her soft words comforted the frightened child, and he looked up at Xia Ruo: "Sister, can I trust you?"

"You can, I promise!" Xia Ruo nodded firmly.

The child's eyes were filled with tears, "My sister and I were sent to the shelter of the nearby Star of Life, but they sold us after a while, and we were changed hands several times. My sister was sick and those people didn't care. Give him treatment, and he will die with a fever!"

"So I don't want to go to the shelter, my sister, I don't want to be sold anymore!" Then his big tears fell and dripped on Xia Ruo's hands, which seemed to be hot.

Xia Ruo shook his little hand and comforted him, "No, we won't go to the shelter!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~Tomorrow's update at 12 noon~~~

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