Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 868 Do you really want to make a circle?

Going inside, Xia Ruo asked someone to move some chairs for them to sit down.

The live broadcast will only scan the production situation once in a while, the focus is on hygiene, etc., and will not broadcast in detail. After all, it is related to the formula, etc., and letting others learn it is an infringement.

Xia Ruo didn't bring anyone into the workshop either, but treated guests in an empty house outside.

Xia Ruo poured another glass of sweet root grass soaked water for everyone, put flower cakes on a plate, and put a portion in front of everyone.

"This is our freshly baked flower cake, try it and see how it tastes!"

Although a few people came here for the hot pot, they all had an appetite when they smelled the scent of the flower cakes.

"Okay, thank you Miss Xia for the hospitality!" Several people picked up the cakes on the plate and ate them, and then their eyes lit up.

Ji Xuan ate the flower cake that was full of faint floral fragrance but sweet but not greasy. Although she knew in her heart that the taste must be good, she fell in love with it right away.

The ones produced here by Xia Ruo are indeed not bad.

After eating one, the others were embarrassed to speak, but Ji Xuan smiled and said: "Captain Xia, let's try two more."

"Aside from this flavor, is there anything else?" He smelled other floral fragrances.

Xia Ruo laughed: "No wonder you are in the catering industry, you have such a good nose."

I got up and went to get some flower cakes, "There are two more flavors. This one has the strongest sweetness and floral fragrance, and this one is lighter and not very sweet. The one you ate just now is more moderate."

Several people tasted it separately, and their preferences were different.

Originally, he came here for the hot pot, but now he couldn't help but be attracted by the flower cake.

They were thinking about how to speak when Ji Xuan took the first step.

"Captain Xia, are you making these flower cakes for sale?" He asked with a smile.

Xia Ruo nodded and said, "Of course it's for sale."

"Then how about I make it round?" Ji Xuan said with a smile, ignoring the sharp eyes thrown by the people next to her.

He has opened restaurants in the imperial capitals of the Three Kingdoms and many life stars, so desserts are indispensable, and this flower cake is very good.

When Xi Yu and Di Hao heard his words as soon as they walked in, their faces darkened instantly.

Xi Yu said in a low voice: "You really guessed it right, your senior Ji is really shameless, you actually want to make a round!"

"That's right, I didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned, and he's still a god." Di Hao curled his lips.

What would they do if this guy rounded the flower cake?

He also thought of buying more to take home as a gift, and Xi Yu thought the same.

The people next to him didn't do it anymore, "It's not appropriate for Mr. Ji to make a circle as soon as he comes. We are also here to talk to Ms. Xia about business."

Ji Xuan chuckled lightly and said, "Why isn't it suitable? Xia Ruo and the others were originally going to sell it, and then let the manager of this flower cake factory prosper and let more people in the small town have jobs. I have taken a fancy to them products and potential, of course we have to buy it.”

"Baoyuan can save them a lot of trouble, at least they don't have to go to other buyers, and I also cover all the transportation here."

"Besides, as a member of the federation, after watching the live broadcast, I also want to do my part for the small town."

"..." Several people choked, this shameless guy rushed to finish everything.

"We also want to do our part, and Mr. Ji can't snatch all of these things."

Several people said one after another: "We can also buy flower cakes, not only the transportation is included, but the price is also negotiable!"

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