With a smile on her face, Ji Xuan also scolded these people for being shameless.

"Captain Xia, what do you think?"

Xia Ruo looked at a few people and said with a smile: "Forget about wrapping rounds or something, I have already made plans for the sales channels of this flower cake, and I am not going to cooperate with the company for the time being."

Ji Xuan asked curiously: "If you don't cooperate with the company, what should you do?"

"I'm going to let people in small towns set up a virtual online store, specializing in the sale of flower cakes, pickled mutant animals, toiletries, bean products, and medicinal powders."

"We want to help this small town grow stronger, and we also hope that one day people all over StarCraft can eat these things, and the price is not going to be too expensive, so we don't plan to let anyone monopolize it."

"That's why I'm sorry to make you come here for nothing." That's why she didn't see those assistants yesterday.

Since she is going to teach these things to develop vigorously, she doesn't want to be monopolized and only be eaten by the rich.

The main reason is that these things are low in cost and everyone can afford them, while the cost of medicinal food is relatively high, and there is also fear that some people will use the materials indiscriminately, so they cannot be popularized.

When this small city rises, she plans to go to other half-desolate stars to expand.

Let the people in the entire interstellar eat bean products, flower cakes, bacon and ham, etc. This is not something she just said casually, but she is really planning to implement it.

"The price is negotiable. If you sell it on the virtual network, the price is not high, so it's not worth it!" One person couldn't help but said.

Xia Ruo replied: "Since we want to change, we must change in all aspects."

"Besides, you should all know that small profits but quick turnover. Our prices are not high, but we can still make money when sales increase."

"The residents in the small town are happy, and the customers who buy it are also happy. Isn't that better?"

Of course they know about small profits but quick turnover, but they still don't agree with Xia Ruo's way of doing business.

If it were them, they would definitely maximize their profits and sell them directly, saving trouble and making more money. After all, the price is much higher than online.

Ji Xuan found that she really couldn't understand Xia Ruo more and more.

However, these ideas of hers still make him more admired, let people all over the stars eat these, how dare you think about it!

But he had an inexplicable feeling that she could really do it.

"Not only are small profits but high sales, but selling on the virtual network, the daily sales volume will definitely be relatively large, and our factory can provide jobs for more people."

"It can also be extended to other industries, such as express delivery, transportation, etc., so as to provide some jobs for people in small cities. I think it is more suitable."

"Papa!" Ji Xuan applauded suddenly, "This is the development according to local conditions. We really stand in the construction and development of this small town and make long-term considerations. Xia Ruo, if you don't come to do business, it will be a waste!"

Several other people thought about it carefully, and they also turned the corner.

This is not just adapting measures to local conditions. Although giving up immediate benefits, it is better for sustainable development. After all, one factory seems to be able to drive many industries.

"That's right! It's a pity and a waste for Miss Xia not to enter the business world!"

"If Ms. Xia wants to be a business owner in the future, she also hopes to think about us more and cooperate together."

"Yes, we are very interested in cooperating with Miss Xia."

Several people could see that Xia Ruo had made a decision, so they all praised her instead.

Ji Xuan glanced at the few people lightly, thinking in her heart that she was sorry, this young master had already taken the lead, so these guys should forget about it.

Xia Ruo smiled: "I'm not going to venture into the business world anymore, I just want to get some farms for fun, and make small troubles. If there is a chance, I will definitely find a few people to cooperate with."

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