Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 895 Brother's Open Relationship

The Feng family immediately stepped forward to congratulate Xia Ruo.

He also said that if Xia Ruo was the fiancée of their third son, anyone who dared to make a move on her would be an enemy of the Feng family, and if something happened, the Feng family would not stop dying.

This is mainly to support Xia Ruo, lest someone with bad intentions or family will have her idea. After all, she was not born with dual talents, but was promoted later, which is a miracle.

Surely many people don't believe it's luck, and want to find out how her talent was upgraded.

The members of the Feng family also didn't believe that Xia Ruo was promoted because of luck, but they were not going to inquire or inquire, as long as they protected her well, no one let her be their own family.

The people and families who had already thought about it hesitated when they saw the Feng family's public statement.

Soon the federation issued an announcement that Xia Ruo, currently a peerless genius newly promoted by the federation with ss-level mental strength and s-level physical fitness, will be protected. Anyone who dares to attack her will violate the law and be severely punished. crime.

This announcement was officially approved by the House of Representatives and has legal effect. It was obviously written by Feng Baixuan.

However, the protection of the Feng family is recognized, and no one thinks it is wrong, but those who are originally S-level and want to find out the reason for Xia Ruo's promotion are very unwilling.

Xia Ruo's upgrade not only shocked the Federation, but also the Silver Dragon Empire and the Wisteria Empire. It has been a long time since the two countries have produced SS-level geniuses.

The Federation did not dare to do anything because of the Feng family, but the big families or certain forces of the Yinlong and Wisteria empires were not afraid. They thought in their minds whether they should do something to investigate the main reason for Xia Ruo's upgrade.

But soon, this idea was indeed broken.

The official Xingbo of the Silver Dragon Empire first congratulated Xia Ruo, and then the princess publicly stated that if anyone dared to hit her sister, she would not die with anyone.

As soon as this Xingbo was released, everyone in the alliance was stunned. I really didn't expect that the relationship between the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire and Xia Ruo had reached such a level.

But what is even more eye-catching is still behind.

It was only a few seconds apart, as if they had made an appointment.

Wisteria Empire, on behalf of the emperor's official star blog, also posted a content.

First congratulations on Xia Ruo's promotion, and then the new emperor of Wisteria publicly announced that he had previously recognized Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan as younger sisters, and said that anyone who dared to attack his younger sister would be against him, and he would never stop dying.

Originally, Yunjing planned to announce the relationship later, but her younger sister's talent was exposed live. Such a sudden promotion is bound to attract the attention of many parties.

In the Commonwealth, there is a Feng family, and those with family backgrounds generally dare not do evil things, otherwise they will be ruined if they are found out.

But the fact that people from the Federation didn't take action doesn't mean that people from the Silver Dragon and Wisteria Empires didn't take action.

So he discussed with Xia Xuan, and decided to disclose the relationship between Xia Ruo's brother, and told everyone like the Feng family that Xia Ruo's sister, whoever touches her, will be prepared to be retaliated by them.

It just so happened that my younger sister wanted to buy barren stars and garbage stars for planting, so he was able to give them away in a fair manner.

Xia Xuan's recent situation is also very good, and she is completely able to openly protect her sister.

Yan Lingfeng had already taken strong control of the Silver Dragon Empire, and the old emperor was completely emptied by him.

Those brothers who had been against him before were either taken away by him or expelled from the royal family. Those who wanted to harm him and Xia Ruo were directly exiled by him.

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