Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 896 Shocked the entire interstellar

Yan Lingfeng's action so vigorously this time was also stimulated by his uncle and brother-in-law.

After returning to Silver Dragon from the Wisteria Empire, he joined forces with several princes to deal with him again, so he decided to cut off all the opponent's wings.

Although he is still the prince now, he has already started to handle government affairs with full power. Everyone in the entire interstellar world knows that he has completely become the ruler of the Silver Dragon Empire.

Afterwards, many women wanted to marry into the Crown Prince's mansion and become side concubines, but Xia Xuan didn't need to deal with it. Yan Lingfeng took care of it first, and everyone knew the position of the crown prince's concubine in the prince's heart.

In addition, Xia Xuan used her own strength to deal with several people or families who provoked her. Those who wanted to take Xia Xuan's place before had lost their minds and dared not despise her anymore.

That's why Xia Xuan and Yun Jing stood up and expressed their opinions this time, which completely shocked the entire interstellar world!

Everyone already knew that Xia Xuan and Xia Ruo had admitted to being sisters.

But no one expected that the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire who was said to be the most gifted and powerful in governing the country for thousands of years was also Xia Ruozing's elder brother.

This simply blinded the eyes of everyone in the Three Kingdoms.

The shock of the top leaders of the Federation was the biggest. Xia Ruo was definitely the first person in history who was simultaneously declared to be protected by the highest powers of the three countries.

It also exploded online.

[The daughter-in-law of the head of the Federation, the younger sister of the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire, and the younger sister of the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire, this identity scares me! ]

[My goodness! How did Xia Ruo do it? ]

[Shocked! Whose identity in history is as awesome as Xia Ruo? ]

[Just broke out with SS-level mental power, and then revealed that there is a wisteria emperor brother, it is simply too exciting! If I were always so awesome! ]

[No wonder the emperor of the Wisteria Empire publicly supported me last time. Ruo, it turned out to be my brother! ]

[If it's me, I just want to ask who can do it with this identity? ]

[San’er’s live broadcast just now drew a wave of hatred, I think there are probably more people who want to beat him up now! ]

[Haha, for sure, now they can't see the external network, otherwise San'er will definitely be regarded as a public enemy by the male compatriots of the three major colleges. ]

[Why can't I connect to the external network! It seems that the students of the three major colleges know what the news will look like. ]

[I seem to know too! I suddenly wanted to see Feng Bawang being beaten for spreading hatred, haha, because I was so jealous of him too! ]

[Upstairs you are dead, San'er saw you hammered to death! ]

There was a lot of ridicule below, and then someone asked [I don’t know if Xia Ruo will have other equally scary identities, let the storm come more violently, I can bear it! ]

[If everything is possible for me, but I don’t seem to have any other identities, can I be better than now? ]

[Whenever the king or prince of the Starry Sky Alien Beast Alliance comes out and says he is Xia Ruo's brother, I will kneel down! ]

[Haha, if there is such an official Star Expo announcement, then I will kneel too! ]

These are all jokes.

The little prince who was lying beside Yunjing's desk, staring at these comments with his eyes, curled his lips. Brother doesn't exist, but he has been a pet for a while...

But he would never make a second mistake and go to the star network to announce it, and he would lose people to death.

The little prince who was curling his lips hadn't restrained his expression when Yun Jing saw it.

His white and slender hands fell on Fan Yue's furry head, and rubbed vigorously, messing up the golden hair that had just been straightened out.

"Are you disliking my sister?" He raised his eyebrows.

Continue at 17:00~~

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