Floating island.

The Navy is still fighting.

"Colonel Lina, the beast is getting fiercer!" a

navy shouted to Linna, who was at the front.

Not all of them have the power to fight against the beasts.

Not so long ago, they were just normal adults.

"Hold on! Slowly retreat west

!" "Yes!"


finished ordering, feeling her hands tremble.

These beasts have evolved too fast, and now the power of a fierce beast is too fast for her to bear.

It is only sensible to slowly retreat back now.

She guarded the east side of the army, her brother guarded the north, and Xiaoshi guarded the south.

Steady heading west.

But the only thing she worries about is Xiao Shi, after these days of observation, Xiao Shi's ability is more reflected in intelligence.

Can it really deal with these beasts!


but Linna's worries were unnecessary.

Little rock here.

At this moment, there was murderous intent in its eyes.

The fierce beast in front of him can be seen to have evolved from a chicken.

But at this moment, the height of this chicken has reached more than ten meters! The wings of

the chicken's beak can be seen to be hard

! Every step reveals a strong force, stepping on the ground and shaking constantly!


The chicken beast roared.

Spread its wings and waved

! A huge gale of wind immediately rushed towards the navy behind it

! Rolling the dirt and trees, Xiao Shi could think that if this blow hit the center of the navy, the navy would definitely suffer heavy losses!

Then he spread his wings and flew up, and his eyes revealed a hint of overlord domineering.


crimson microwave spread towards the fierce beast chicken, directly dispersing the gale it was waving!

The chicken beast was stunned for a second under the domineering aura of the overlord color.

And it was this second!

Xiao Shi flew directly to the neck of the chicken beast.

The armed color domineering covered the wings, and the wings slashed through the air, producing fierce flames

!"Bang!(Eagle Wings, Fire Chopper!)"

Bang! The huge and hard chicken neck was directly cut off by Xiao Shi's single wing, which was less than a meter long!

, and bright red blood spurted out,

but it was not stained on Xiao Shi's body at all.

Speed and domineering

! It has

it! This is also the reason why it dares to defend one side and retreat

! "Tsk!" Xiao

Shi raised his head to the sky and roared, although it was not as frightening as the eagle's call, but this cry containing the domineering spirit of the overlord also made the weak people around him dare not approach!

The south is the safest!


Master, the navy is too powerful and is heading towards the village, these beasts can't destroy them!" The

golden lion's subordinate looked at the screen, his tone a little anxious.

The golden lion frowned and fired a shot directly at this subordinate.


The golden lion's men fell to the ground, lifeless.

Pirates are so domineering and control the lives and deaths of others.

Let everyone around them fear the rule of the golden lion.

I only heard the golden lion say after killing people:

"It's just a few ants dead, panicked, how can you be worthy of my flying pirates!"

"The strong conference hasn't started yet, and the fierce beasts in the laboratory can't be used..."

The golden lion flew up gently.

The two famous swords [Sakura Ten] and [Deadwood] that exposed his feet.

Twenty-four years ago, he broke into the naval headquarters, was arrested by Karp and Sengoku, and imprisoned in the undersea prison Advance City, which is said that no one can escape.

He gave up his two feet and escaped from this underwater prison from which no one could escape

in history! Later, the two knives [Sakura Ten] and [Dead Wood], which were originally his weapons, became his feet!

With the famous knife as his feet, all the pirates around him prostrate on the ground, mixed with fear and admiration.

If you're so cruel to yourself, this is the real pirate!

" "In that case, the old man will go and kill those ants!" the

golden lion muttered.

Fly down!


half an hour ago.

Lina here.

With their joint efforts, they evacuated to the vicinity of a village.

"Colonel Lina, how is there a village here!?" Rex exclaimed.

Part of the navy has withdrawn into the village.

Hearing her brother's report, Lina pressed the button hidden in the gold rod, and the original two-meter stick shrank into a twenty-centimeter stick, which was pinned to her waist casually.

"It's not the most peculiar, you see that those fierce beasts didn't dare to continue attacking us, but fled as if they had met something scared?"

Lina spotted the point, looked around, and sure enough, around the village, there was a large row of trees that looked like turnips.

And Major General Koishi, intentionally or unintentionally, stayed away from these plants.

"Major General Koishi, this smell is terrible?"


The smell made it instinctively want to leave.

But reason told it that it had to protect the navy, or it would be swept away by the smell.

"I see, this village is protected by these plants to survive under the hands of these beasts.

The quick-witted Lina immediately thought of the cause and effect, and after muttering a word, she continued to order: "The wounded navy evacuates the island, informs the Shiguo navy to prepare for the attack, and tells the arriving Colonel Roxin to explain the situation here

!" "Yes!"

Lina did not say what they should do.

But everyone knew that they couldn't go!

If the island was full of pirates, they could withdraw whenever they wanted, and it was just a matter of failing the assault.

However, there may be villagers here, so they cannot be evacuated easily!

As a navy, it is impossible to abandon the villagers and flee on their own.

If they want to leave, they must send these villagers away first!"

"Brother, first investigate the situation of these villagers and the island, the golden lion did not come, there must be something strange."

Rex nodded slightly, and immediately arranged it.

And Xiao Shi and Lina are recovering their strength.



Ten minutes later, the Navy had completed its investigation.

Report to Lina:

"Colonel Linna, the investigation has been completed, this village is a village under the rule of the Golden Lion, there are no adult men in the whole village, and all the labor force has been sent to work under the Golden Lion. "

And there is an IQ plant on the island that allows animals to evolve, and the surrounding plant is called Daft Green, which emits a smell that makes it impossible for animals to approach!"

"And the village is controlled by an auto-propelled video transmission phone bug, and every move is seen by the golden lion!"

Intelligence is easy to obtain.

Linna's eyes jumped, and she said sarcastically: "The golden lion is really domineering and possessive, even the weak villagers have to be controlled." After

the words fell, he said to the navy: "Order the other navy, don't promise these villagers anything, don't reveal the purpose, and withdraw when the supplies are finished."

After hearing this, the navy subconsciously prepared to carry it out, but was a little puzzled, "Colonel Lina, why is this?"

Lina wiped the blood from her face and said softly,

"Hope that cannot be realized is often more desperate than despair. "

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