Because he hated the smell of the plants around him, Xiao Shi did not stay with Lina.

Instead, he commanded the evacuation of the last wounded navy and flew to the island alone.

At this moment, the momentum of the navy is not high, although they all came this time to make a sense of death, but they didn't expect to be stopped by these fierce beasts without even seeing the face of the golden lion.

Lina and Rex leaned against the stone to regain their strength, and with the cover of plants, they didn't have to worry about the beasts rushing at them.

"Brother, how are you?" Lina looked at her relatives next to her and spoke slowly.

"The situation is not good, there are not many navies that can deal with the fierce beasts, and most of them are injured..."Rex wrapped the bandages around his arm, frowned, and said, "This time, I'm afraid I won't even see the face of the golden lion."

Rex's tone was hateful, regretful, and powerless.

Of course, Lina heard her brother's self-blame, and didn't care, but said a little lightly:

"I didn't expect that the golden lion that I had been looking for ten years really found, but I didn't even see it, it's really ironic." "

Hmm," Rex muttered in a low voice, "just like it was ten years ago." "

This is not the first time they have crossed paths with the Golden Lion.

The first time was 10 years ago,

when Rex was 12 and Lena was 8.

They are all children, in a period of innocence.

Just like the children of this world, telling their dreams to the sea was the favorite thing for children to do at that time.

That day, Lina, Rex, and his friend Bart did the same, standing on the cliff by the sea and shouting their dreams.

"I'm going to be a pirate when I grow up, find a lot of treasure, get a lot of money, and buy my grandma the biggest and best maltose

in the world!" "Then I'm like Uncle Wright, in the navy, and if I find out that you're doing something bad, I'll take you to your grandma and see how ugly you are

!" "You! If you want to arrest me, then I won't buy you candy when I find the treasure!"

"No... No, but I'm a righteous navy, and I can't be tempted by sugar!

" "Add another piece of ice cream!"


Linna, who is still at the age of runny nose, saw her brother gradually seducing Bart, laughed on the side, and shouted loudly:


I also want to eat sugar, and when I grow up, I want to be a navy, and I want to catch my brother who does bad things, hehe~".

"Hey, Linna, you're my sister, how can you arrest me?"

"I don't care, I want to eat sugar~"


The wish of this group of children is so simple, and everyone in the village can't help but smile when they see it.

Except for the Golden Lion!

Lena and Rex will always remember that day.

Just after they talk about dreams.

A sudden explosion in the sky shattered the silence of the village for a long time.

There were several islands floating above their village.

Huge islands rise from the clouds, enveloping the sun.

The villagers underground were all terrified.

And at this time.

The islands slowly parted, and the sky continued to cleave with terrifying thunder!

A golden figure gradually emerged.

I saw that the man actually stepped on the air and flew up in the air, as if he were walking on the ground in the air, as if he was strolling in a leisurely garden!

The golden lion did not communicate at all, and waved his hand.

The islands that had carried the village for thousands of years rose into the air in an instant!

The entire island melts into the archipelago in the sky in a matter of minutes, becoming the nourishment of the Golden Lion Islands.

The villagers, unfortunately, were pulled into the archipelago and crushed into the rocks of the island.

The golden lion didn't even look down, and returned to the island haughtily, as if these creatures were nothing to him.

The golden lion is gone.

The original island is gone, and

the sea below continues to encroach on the vacant land.

Several children are pulled by the suction of the sea terror, and gradually approach the center of the gradually forming whirlpool!

The sea water is constantly inhaled by them, and the strong suffocation sensation makes Lina and Rex feel the fear of death.


going to die!" Just when the siblings thought they were going to die, a voice appeared!

" Rex, Lina, take my hand!"

It was Bart and Wright.

His voice was like a life-saving straw in the ears of the two of them.

The strong desire to survive caused them to struggle to reach out, and then Lena and Rex were pulled onto the floating trees.

"Rex, Linna, are you all right? With tears in his eyes, Bart looked anxiously at the two of them.

Lena and Rex coughed and spat seawater.

Lina vomited and passed out.

Rex felt better, hugged his sister, and thanked the two of them, "Thank you, Uncle Wright, Bart."

Bart still had tears in his eyes, sadness, but more of fear.

And Wright laughed hard and shook his head, "Now is not the time to worry, the sea, haven't let us go yet!"

Rex was guided by Uncle Wright, and watched as the dead wood that carried several people gradually drifted towards the center of the

whirlpool! Several children entered this huge whirlpool, and there was no doubt that they would die and die!

Rex looked at his unconscious sister.

Some envy her that she can die without knowing it.

There was despair in everyone's eyes.

And suddenly.

Wright found something, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Jump off the dead wood and swim towards the barrel in the distance.

The pull in the sea is not even a strong feeling even for a trained navy.

But the strong desire to survive forced him to come to the barrel.

Then he swam back with the barrel.

"Uncle Wright?" Bart was still wondering what Uncle Wright was doing, so he explained

, "You three, get into the barrel quickly! You can only survive if you enter the barrel!"

"No, Uncle Wright, you are the navy, you live to avenge our village!" Rex had tears in his eyes,

and he shook his head and refused as he heard Wright finish speaking.

And Bart didn't speak.

Wright was very tired, and he had already wasted a lot of his physical strength in the sea, and he was no longer ready to consult with them and waste time.

Instead, he opened the barrel directly, ready to knock a few little guys unconscious and put them in.

But as soon as he opened the barrel, he was stunned.

"Grass mud horse, why can this barrel only hold two people!!

" Wright burst into foul language, but had no choice but to look at the three children, thinking about making a choice, "Rex, Bart, you enter the barrel, and Lina will leave it to me!"

Lina is physically weak, and this position does not give her the possibility of holding out until she survives, while the two boys have a chance to survive.

Rex was very smart and saw Wright's thoughts, and directly refused: "Let Bart go with his sister, I'll be with Uncle Wright!"

But Bart, who was usually cowardly, said, "Rex, you go with Lina, I'll stay!"

his voice trembled.

The constant ups and downs of the sea beat against his face, and he couldn't tell whether it was water stains or tears of fear.

Rex immediately shook his head and retorted loudly, "I was about to die at sea just now, and now it's worth it to change my sister to live! Don't fight with me!"

They both want to give each other the hope of life.

Wright was also very moved, but this was not the time to argue, "Quick, it's about to enter the whirlpool! No one will survive by then! Decide quickly!"

Rex wanted to explain to Wright, turned his head and said, "Uncle Wright, I want Bart to live..."

Bart struck Rex on the back of the head with a stick, tears in his eyes and fear on his face, crying out loudly, "Don't doubt a Navy's decision, you bastard!"

But it was said anyway.

Rex was hit hard and slowly fell unconscious, which was the last word he heard Bart say before he fell unconscious, and he unconsciously muttered, "Stupid... Eggs..."

, looking at Rex,

who was gradually falling.

Wright didn't say anything to Bart, but stepped forward and grabbed the little guy who had fallen towards the ocean, threw the two of them into the bucket together, and sealed them.

Then slowly sink into the ocean.

In this way, only Bart and Wright were left on the dead wood.

"How's it going, little imp, how does it feel to hand over the hope of life to a partner?"

a bleak smile appeared at the corner of Wright's mouth, which was the best expression he could make in the face of the whirlpool.

Bart didn't answer Wright's words, but also learned Wright's expression, and laughed miserably: "Uncle Wright, am I a qualified Navy now?"

Wright stood up abruptly and roared loudly into the horrible mampool, "You're the most qualified Navy now!"

"Hi !!"

Wright laughed, and Bart laughed with tears in his eyes.

Together with the dead wood in this island.

Together, they fell into a deep submarine whirlpool.



I don't know how long it took for

the sun to shine on the ocean again.

The fish are even more jubilant in the sea.

The sea has also returned to calm.

A Navy warship arrived belatedly from afar.

Wooden barrels floating in the ocean were found.

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