After a half-hour freestyle in the sea, Rosin finally returned to Stone Country.

"Colonel Rosin!" The

first to spot Roxin was a yellow-haired young navy, and his eyes were shining at the moment, as if he had seen an idol

! This time, the navy of the Stone Country was not only attracted by Rosin's righteous speech, but also its strength was recognized by the entire Naval Branch of the Stone Country

! Blocking the golden lion for three days, smashing the island with one sword, I have never seen it!

Everyone's eyes lit up when they talked about Rosin!

Rosin looked at the enthusiastic navy, smiled and nodded, and said, "How is the battle going?"

"Report to the colonel, although Mr. Zefa used some strength, he still won, and the golden lion didn't want to be arrested, so he committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea." The

Navy was very happy when he reported it, and Rosing didn't say anything, and after telling him to prepare some hot water and new clothes, he went to take a shower.

Half an hour later.

After washing up, Rosin came to Navy Square, or the original square.

Now it is used as a temporary lair by Xiaoshi.

It is very suitable for a body that is tens of meters tall to live in the square.

At this moment, Xiao Shi had just finished changing his wound medicine, and his whole body was wrapped like a mummy.

"Little rock. Rosin smiled and waved his hand at Xiaoshi, pacing forward.

Sure enough, Xiao Shi had already noticed Luo Xin, regardless of the pain, he fluttered excitedly and moved a few meters to him.

Lowered his head and squinted at Rosin.


means that Luo Xin has grown to two and a half meters tall now, and the bird's head can barely hold it.

"Hard work Xiaoshi, this time it's very powerful. "

The child is doing well, and Rosin naturally will not hesitate to praise him.

Xiao Shi was also very happy, and said proudly: "Xiao Shi... Protect the Navy!

" The human being's words came out, which really startled Luo Xin, and he took a few steps back and looked at Xiao Shi, "

I'll go, Xiao Shi, will you speak?" IQ plants can make animals evolve I know, I didn't expect it to be able to make people talk. "

In addition to special species, animals need to eat devil fruits if they want to speak, and they must also be human fruits.

Xiaoshi's stumbling language is mostly innate.

And Xiao Shi saw that Luo Xin kept circling around him, and the bird's eyes showed full dissatisfaction.

"Little Rock... It would have been... Father...... Bad!

" Xiao Shi needed to think word by word when he spoke, so he was always pausing, but this was unusually cute in Luo Xin's eyes, and he stroked Xiao Shi's head again, and instructed:


You take care of your injuries, Dad is going to deal with the follow-up, and he will play with you when he turns around."


this way, Luo Xin said goodbye to Xiao Shi and came to the office of Xiao Shi of the branch.

As the office of the major general, now that Zefa is here, he naturally comes here to work, and at this moment, only Zefa is sitting here in a daze.

Luo Xin pushed the door in, laughed and looked at Zefa, "Haha, Teacher Zefa, you should be strong and strong, kill the golden lion with one punch!"

Zefa didn't finish his words, but gave Luo Xin a deep look.

The Golden Lion's acting skills are too clumsy.

Those islands were directly given to Shi Guo, not smashed into Shi Guo but given

to Shi Guo! Directly made Shi Guo jump from a decent island to the largest island in the East China Sea!

This scene made Zefa very suspicious of what Luo Xin did when he stopped the golden lion.

Luo Xin also knows that this matter is not easy to hide, but it is not a shameful thing, except for some secrets about him, the rest of what can be said has been said, anyway, the only person who knows is already cold, so let him say.

Sure enough, after explaining, Zefa was relieved, sat on the sofa and sighed deeply:

"It's really unforgiving, the original golden lion ended in such a way, Luo Xin, you did a good job, that's right, people, the most difficult thing to do is to keep your heart."

Luo Xin also sighed on the side, and couldn't help but comfort the navy, who was also an old man, "Don't worry, Teacher Zefa, with your favor to help us collect the corpse, I will beat you hard when you lose your heart

!" "Ahem!"

Rosin's words made Zefa cough constantly, and scolded: " Stinky boy, who wants you to beat me, when I lost my heart, you kid didn't have the ability to kill me, don't think that you will be proud if you stop the golden lion, I tell you, the sea is very dangerous..."

Obviously, he was thinking too much, Luo Xin would not swell, and after patiently listening to the lecture, he raised his hand and interrupted:

"Stop! Teacher Zefa, stop! Now Shi Guo has more important things to do, so let's postpone the preaching."

"What's more, isn't the golden lion already dead?"

"That's right, but now that Shi Guo is bigger, I need to send some more people, and I can't manage such a large territory without people." Teacher Zefa, you have a lot of students, see who is suitable to send me some. "

Also, Mr. Zefa, do you have any friends who can build sea trains, I want to connect the surrounding islands, and this naval branch is the main island to develop the island chain economy..."

Hearing this, Zefa's eyes kept rising, "Stop! Rosin little ghost, stop! What do you think of me? Human trafficker or business tycoon? Asking for money and people

!" "Also, you are establishing a naval branch? I don't know if you want to build a country!"

He complained, and suddenly, Zefa suddenly thought that this idea was very likely, kept looking at Luo Xin, and asked: " Isn't it, you just want to build a country, you want to be a king?"

Luo Xin directly interrupted Zefa's dangerous speech, "I just want to make some extra money, it's rare that the golden lion gave these islands, he is picky, he can't take the islands that are not rich in resources, and if he doesn't make money now, it will be wasted!"

"Besides, what's wrong with being the king, my Major General Xiao Shi is the legal heir of Shi Guo, and he is justifiable, and when the time comes, he only needs to pay some money to the world government, and everything will be fine."

Zefa still didn't believe it, and kept looking at Rosin.

After a long time, he nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll just assume that what you said is true, the world government does not stipulate that the king cannot be a navy, people can give it to you, and the money will be done by yourself." "

The teacher agreed!" Luo Xin was really happy, he didn't expect Teacher Zefa to really introduce people to him.

"This is for the sake of you calling me a teacher, only this once!" Zefa smiled helplessly and continued, "The situation in the new world is very stable, and I also feel that many students have nothing to do, so it is better to throw it to you to manage, and the matter of building a sea train can be done for a long time, and I will do it for you when you give me money." "

Haha, then thank you Teacher Zefa!" Luo Xin smiled happily, Shi Guo has it now, and there will be money in the future, but there is no one, a person with high-end combat power.

No matter how bad Zefa's students are, their average score is higher than that of the navy in the East China Sea, and they only need to brainwash when they join.......cough, preach his ideas, and let them completely become people on their own side.

In this way, the foundation mold of a force will be done.

Thinking of this, Luo Xin couldn't help but be even happier.

Then he forcibly pulled Zefa to talk in detail about various issues of cooperation.

At one point, Zefa once again wondered if Rosing was going to establish a naval headquarters in the East China Sea.

But under Rosin's repeated denials, Zefa reluctantly believed him.

Finally, after an afternoon of discussions, Zefa and Rosin finally reached a cooperation, and at this point Lina finally returned from exploring the entire island.

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