"Teacher Zefa, Colonel Rosin. Lina entered the door and saw the two of them, and greeted them with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Luo Xin saw at a glance that there was a trace of sadness in Linna's eyes, and he was a little puzzled, and said, "What's wrong?"

It's okay not to say it, a tear flowed directly from the corner of Lina's eyes after hearing Luo Xin's words, and then she couldn't hold back at all, her voice trembled, "I found my hometown on the island..."

Finding his hometown also means that the Golden Lion once raised Linna's hometown to a floating island, and the people in the hometown don't need to think about it to know that they have died at the hands of the Golden Lion.

"So you still have such a past..."Rosin

didn't know how to comfort him, it was the first time that a colleague cried so fiercely in front of him.

The golden lion died, and the great revenge was avenged, and he was full of joy to explore the new territory, but when he saw the buildings in his hometown appear, the blow was still too great after all.

Although the village was eroded by nature, it was impossible to forget the image imprinted on her soul, and she recognized it as her hometown at a glance.

Sad and complicated emotions have been endured until after meeting Rosin.

The sentence "what's wrong" made her completely collapse, and tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes.

"Woo woo, Colonel Rosin~"

Lina cried hard, although Rosin's words were not comforting, but it still made her feel a trace of warmth in her heart, and she hugged her while crying.

"Linna... Colonel?" Rosing felt a softness in his chest, a little overwhelmed.

Raising his hands, it seemed to signal that Zefa was not engaged in an office romance.

And Zefa also knew that Lina just wanted to seek some comfort now, but he couldn't feel comfortable seeing the two of them hugging him, so he coughed dryly and said,

"Ahem, I'll go out..."

After that, Lina was crying there, and Rosing, seeing that there was no one, also began to comfort her and gently pat Lina on the back.

Time passed bit by bit.

Lena slowly returned from the brink of collapse, and reason once again took over her brain, but only for a moment.

At this moment, he was still motionless in Luo Xin's arms, but his face was flushed, and his heart was even more flustered.


How, what, what!"

"How did I hug Colonel Rosin!Calm down, Lina, you are colleagues, isn't it common for colleagues to hug each other!" "

Now you just need to leave

slowly..." "Leave slowly..."

"Ah!! Colonel Rosin hugged him so tightly, what should I do, is it comfortable for me to hug it? I'm still a little confident in this aspect..."

"Ah no, do I have a peculiar smell on my body? I just walked around the whole stone country, there must be sweat on my body, it's over, my life is over." "


Linna's small movements made Rosin feel it, but he didn't know that Linna's mind had begun to make up the small theater like crazy.

He saw that he felt a group of people gathering at the door, and knew that it was time to separate, so he asked tentatively.


?" as everyone knows, Rosin suddenly said something that directly stimulated Linna, who was red-faced, and shouted loudly: "No, the child must at least have a surname Coker!"


Rosin didn't understand.

Danzifa understood.

Zefa pushed open the door with his own thoughts, and wanted to say: "Rosin, you see who I brought here, the reporter is going to interview you, you are famous..."

"Child, what child?" The

reporters are all sharp-eyed people, looking at the state of the two, they are obviously just hugging each other!

Colonel Rosin, may I ask if you fought against the Golden Lion because your love affair with your colleague's office was broken by

the Golden Lion and killed people?" Rosin looked confused: "What?" "Colonel Linna, Colonel Roxin and the Golden Lion fought for three days and three nights, do you feel inappropriate to watch the battle? Is the relationship between you really such that the children sit and watch each other exercise without your surname

?" Lina also looked confused: "


"Colonel Rosin

..." "Colonel Lina..."

The more the reporter asked, the more outrageous it became, and the more Rosing listened, the more confused he became.

In the end, Zefa couldn't stand it anymore, and knocked on one reporter after another before he sat down and spoke.

Lina also told the misunderstanding just now, and Rosin also explained the matter of the golden lion.

The reporter glanced at Zefa behind him and nodded slowly, expressing his belief in this.


The reporter left Luo Xin and the others with satisfaction and went to interview Xiao Shi.

But Xiao Shi was only there, making these reporters scratch their heads.

Later, a reporter asked Morgans, who is known as "big news", with the interview record, and the other party said that Xiaoshi kept saying, "Ah, yes, yes, yes." "After a perfunctory matter, they realized that they had been cheated.

But that's later.

Now Luo Xin, who has just been interviewed by reporters, is physically and mentally exhausted, and Linna, who was still there just now, feels ashamed and doesn't know when she ran away.

Leave him and Zefa alone in the office.

After finally purifying, Luo Xin complained dissatisfiedly, and

said: "This is an interview, it's more tiring than my cultivation!"

After hearing this, Zefa couldn't help but feel funny, and said:

"Don't be dissatisfied, others want this kind of treatment yet, in this way, you are also considered to appear in the world, although you are standing behind me." The

words fell, and he glanced deeply at Rosin again.

And Luo Xin immediately knew what Zefa was thinking when he saw this, and quickly denied: "Teacher Zefa, don't think that you can slander people if you are a teacher, you can see that there is a little wound on the golden lion when you fight against the golden lion, and it has nothing to do with me at all."

Zefa thought about it, it was indeed not, and he knew that he couldn't make up for Luo Xin's words, so he had to sigh and say: "Okay, I won't take your words, what are you going to do next, this can be said."

As a result, Luo Xin's mood was finally relaxed, and he said to Zefa:

"According to Linna's investigation, these islands are rich in minerals, one is wood, and one is an island where Bailey is stored, anyway, there are a lot of resources, I plan to plan the construction direction in the next few days, arrange the villagers on the original islands to move in, and then accept some homeless people, so that Shiguo is a little popular."

Zefa couldn't help but nod after hearing this, and said with rare praise: "If you have your own considerations, then I won't stay here for long, and I will find the forging materials you asked me to find for you, and I will send them to you later." "

Really, that's great, I've always felt weird in my heart when I've been using [Oni Toru alone] lately. "


The two chatted one by one.

And the reporter's newspaper, in just half a day, has already discovered the whole

world! "Quick! Big news! The golden lion has been wiped out by the navy, and the old era has come to an end

!" "This big news must be broadcast all over the world!

Let the news birds move!"


corners of Morgans's mouth hooked up.

He smelled the waves of the sea!

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