"Brigadier General Rosin, the Chambord Islands are formed by the roots of the world's largest mangrove tree, and the natural resin secreted by the roots of the tree expands to form bubbles, which have a lot of bubble effects, and have formed a lot of bubble culture in the local area, such as bubble cars and bubble Ferris wheels..."


And Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit went to No. 1~29, which is an illegal zone. "

General Yellow Ape also went to the 27th. On

the boat, Rosin was still lying on a sun lounger, basking in the sun.

Next to her, Lena was introducing information about the Chambord Islands to Rosing.

"Well, let's go to Bubble Park 33 first, let's go there and have a while.

Luo Xin made a lazy voice again, a black line appeared on Linna's face, and she said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "Brigadier General Luo Xin, you are also on a mission, and you have to be sneaky to play, for example, you happen to be passing by No. 33, you are too blatant!"

"Is that so, okay, then go directly to No. 1, anyway, the Tianlong people have been beaten, and the whole island is in chaos, go to the auction house to find out if there are any good things."

Lina was a little speechless, Rosing's span was too big.

I just went to play, and now I'm in the messiest place.

Luo Xin also saw the speechlessness in her eyes, and said with a smile: "You don't understand, Peach Rabbit is one step ahead of us, and I will transfer from the route of No. 33 to No. 1, and when I arrive, No. 1 will be safe." "


The waters around the Chambord Islands are already absolutely safe!

The wreckage of pirate ships is constantly floating on the sea.

The sea has turned into a

sea of blood!

Hundreds of warships have swept through the sea of blood.

Now, the Chambord Islands have been surrounded

! The pirates inside are bound to die!

Rosin took out the phone bug, and the lazy words spread throughout the Chambord Islands Navy, "Moxi Moxi, the battle has begun, all those with weapons will be arrested, and those with bounties will be killed directly, that's it, remember, the old man of the yellow ape is watching you from the sky, remember to shout if you are in danger." "

Yellow Ape: ...

In this way, tens of thousands of navies are under the control of Rosin, and not a single mosquito will fly out of the Chambord Islands!


a few hours later.

Rosin stepped into the Chambord Islands, looked at the corpses in one place, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Well, Peach Rabbit did a good job, and the rest of the people, confirm their identities and burn the corpses in a centralized manner."

"Yes!" This

group of pirates is doing evil at sea, burning, killing and looting, and they must also have the consciousness of being killed today!

Rosin has no sympathy at all, but will applaud.

A pirate with a bounty appears, piled up with the lives of multiple civilians.

"The garbage on the sea has to have a place where the garbage goes, Linna, let's go. Regardless

, Rosing didn't stop there.

I came to the auction house to take a look.

Martial law has been imposed here.

The Draconians have been beaten, and the boss of this auction house has been labeled as mortal by the World Government.

"Back to Brigadier General Rosin, the slaves here have run away. "

Well, it's okay, it's all in control, continue to push the front line. "

Yes!" Rosing

was as lazy as ever.

As for why, because the results in the original book have already achieved their effect, Rosin does not need to do any out-of-specification stratagems to achieve his goal.

Coupled with the appearance of the peach rabbit, it is even more impossible for the pirates to escape!

Luo Xin and his party began to collect the body from the 1st and received the 12th.

Originally, this was the place where the Yellow Ape fought against the Straw Hat Pirates.

But Rosin forgot, because of the importance of this island, this time it was not the old man of the yellow ape who often released water.

At this moment, the yellow ape left with the unconscious Draconian, but it was Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit who stayed here to clean up the pirates.

Supernovas gather here, and all kinds of abilities are displayed.

But still not an opponent of Lieutenant General Peachrabbit.

No one can stop the slash from the [Golden Biluo].

All the supernovas were able to escape, while Luffy and the others were knocked to the ground.

Gion looks down at the Straw Hats who have fallen to the ground, ready to mend the sword.

Luffy and the others also showed despair on their faces!

, "Lord Peachrabbit, leave this kind of trivial matter to me." The Pacifist PX-0, who had been following Gion, suddenly spoke.

Let the peach rabbit who was about to mend the knife stunned.

But he nodded slowly and slowly put the knife away.

Now her status does not need these merits, it doesn't matter who she gives them.

But this scene happened to be seen by Luo Xin, who rushed over, and his eyes were cold.

He drew out the [Emperor Star] and rushed forward.

With a slash, the terrifying knife light tore through the air and hit PX-0's chest!

Peach Rabbit's eyes flashed, and for some reason Rosin was so irritable, but he still drew his knife again to block it.


two knives collided, and [Emperor Star] and [Golden Biluo] produced a violent

shockwave! and Luffy and the others were directly rushed away by the terrifying shockwave generated, and they were injured again!

The two froze for a few seconds and retreated.

Gion looked at the few centimeters back from his retreat, and while shocking Luo Xin's force in his heart, he said to Luo Xin with dissatisfaction: "Commodore Luo Xin, although I don't know what reason you made the sword, but attacking your naval companions will go to a military court!"

Luo Xin said and did not put away the [Emperor Star].

He didn't know how to explain it to Gion.

Could it be that I know that the pacifist XP-0 still has the consciousness of the original Bartholomy Bear in his body? His attack is to save Luffy

? I can't say that, I can only say it in another way: "You can kill the straw hat, but he can't! If he shoots, I will kill him!" "Why can't

he? He is also a soldier under the command of the Navy, although he is unconscious, he also enjoys the treatment of his companions!"

Gion didn't understand why Rosin was so emotional.

And the reason why Rosin is so excited is precisely because Bartholomy Bear's consciousness still exists in XP-0's body, and as long as he palms it, Luffy and the others will be shot around the world.

And Luffy is gone, and after two years of training, he will become a big enemy of the navy!

Alabastan Rosin can let Luffy go.

Because Luffy helped Vivi return to the royal capital.

Justice Island Rosin can help Luffy.

Because Luffy hit the face of the world government.

But at this moment, Luffy is useless!

what he does in the future will only fuel the arrogance of the pirates.

And now, Luffy must die in the Chambord Islands, even if he offends Karp, he must be killed

! A protagonist grows too fast, this son must be a threat to his plan

! Seeing that the bear has already slapped the straw hats and the others away, Rosin did not stop it, as long as Luffy is still here, it will be fine!

This time Rosin slowly pulled out [Ghost Toru] with his left hand,

and said lightly:

"Bear, you can shoot others casually, but whenever you approach Luffy, you are dead!" Between

the words, Rosin's tone was extremely low, and a terrifying killing intent appeared.

Gion took a few steps back, his face shocked, "Are you really a brigadier general

?" and at Gion's doubts, Rosin just smiled evilly:


The words fell, and both swords were drawn.

"Shura Ghost King Cross!" Kill

Luffy's heart, he is full!

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