A terrifying killing intent burst out.

Shura's swordsmanship made Momoto Gion feel a terrifying tearing feeling.

But they didn't stop it.

Because Roxin is Luffy this time, and he is a pirate.

The figure was fast, and Peach Rabbit only felt a trace of wind blowing in front of him, and did not see Luo Xin make a move.

But when she saw Rosing's figure.

But he stayed a few meters in front of Luffy and didn't move forward!

"Ahhhhh The language was frivolous, and Rosing's terrifying slash was blocked by a white-haired old man!

The huge slash directly cut through the monstrous tree root of No. 12, and the root fell, but at the beginning, a gust of wind blew, and the tree root that should have been smashed elsewhere smashed towards Luffy! Boom!!

huge tree root fell, hitting Luffy!

This coincidence made Reilly not expect it, and his brows jumped.

But before he could say anything, a large amount of blood spilled from the corner of Rosin's mouth!

When he took out the knife, he already knew that this knife was already missing, and in order to kill Luffy, he manipulated the fruit of fate ability,

and made a wish to [be able to cause damage to Luffy].

As long as you touch Luffy with this blow, you can make Luffy die no longer

and you won't consume too much physical strength.

But what I thought was an extremely stable desire turned out to be not what Rosin thought.

This blow consumed a lot of physical strength at the beginning! This

kind of physical strength was like killing that sea king

! Nearly ninety percent of his physical strength was drained!

As a result, this knife did damage to Luffy,

but it was not a sword, it was a tree root, and it realized what Rosin wanted in his heart.

Although it looks terrifying, it didn't kill Luffy

! And he was seriously injured!

This is the horror of his fruit ability, and it is also the shortcoming, if he is not careful, he may be seriously injured.

The blood on the corner of Luo Xin's mouth was still overflowing, and he looked at Reilly, his eyes were low, "If you don't come out, I'm going to let you go, do you want to die for him, One Piece Vice Captain, Reilly!"

"It's terrifying, young people now, I didn't expect my name to be said by the navy, it's really an honor." The corners of Reilly's mouth curled into a smile.

Although I was surprised that the other party knew my identity, I didn't panic.

On the contrary, it was the peach rabbit Gion who was stunned.

Very confused! First,

Rosin attacked XP-0 for no reason.

Then XP-0 seems to have saved the Straw Hats.

Then Rosin slashed at Luffy like crazy, but was saved by an

old man? And when he was on par with the old man, why did he suddenly vomit blood?

The constant reversal was not only stunned by Gion, but also by the rest of the navy.

Rosin wiped the blood from his mouth and ordered to Peach Rabbit Gion

, "You, go deal with Reilly, I'll go and kill Luffy!"

Although Gion was very confused when he heard this, he still obeyed the order,

and Rosin was not in a state that could fight against the vice captain of One Piece.

Draw a knife against Reilly.

"It's not going to be easy, the old man wants to be quiet a little longer.

Reilly shook his head helplessly, but was not afraid.

Slashed in the direction of Rosin, but Rosin didn't make any moves, just walked towards Luffy.

Seeing that Reilly's sword was about to touch Rosin, but at this moment it was stopped by another

sword! Bang! Reilly's sword was only ten inches away from Rosin's head!

"Kill my countrymen in front of me? Gion's eyes were cold, and the sword in his hand was steady in front of Rosin, blocking Reilly's way.

Reilly's eyes jumped, and he stabbed again.

But every time he approached Rosin, he was blocked by Gion.

"The Navy is really amazing, it seems that Luffy has suffered this time. Reilly smiled and shook his head, although he said that he had suffered, but there was no trace of panic in his expression.

XP-0 has already finished shooting all the Straw Hats at this moment, and now only Luffy is missing.

Slowly walked towards Luffy.

But it was blocked by Rosin.

"Want to shoot Floy, it doesn't exist!" Rosin's eyes were low, but his face was not good.

But Xiong said at this moment: "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just carrying out the liquidation plan..."

He didn't accept the order of Rosin as the commander, and began to carry out the liquidation plan

!"Knowing that Rosin is the commander, only people above the rank of lieutenant general

!So, only Momoto Gion knows about this island!


Bastard, I'm going to dismantle you!" Rosin looked bad, but still slashed at the bear with his sword.

And the bear also nimbly dodged and did not attack Rosin.

Just desperately shoot at Luffy, but every time he gets close, he will be stopped by Rosin.

The scene was extremely scorching.

Lina hurriedly took the phone bug and asked for

support, and said, "Attention all the navy, the pacifist XP-0 has mutinied, and One Piece Vice Captain Reilly has appeared on Island 12, and Commodore Rosin and Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit are defending against pirates, please support Vice Admiral Yellow Ape as soon as possible!"

The battle on Gion's side was not something she could enter.

But the fight against the bears is still possible.

"So pay attention to the Navy, aim for XP-0, first round, shoot!" "


Rosin spent a lot of physical strength, but because of the addition of other navies, he was able to barely fight the bear, and he took the opportunity to come to Luffy.

Reilly finally got anxious.

"Something is wrong, the yellow ape is coming, it looks like it needs to work hard!"

muttered in his mouth.

In an instant, Reilly's body became faster, and he quickly rushed towards Rosin! The

blade flashed black light, and the armed color was covered with domineering, and he quickly came behind Roxin

, and slashed down with a sword!

The domineering energy tore through the air, and there was no hand left



Peach Rabbit cursed secretly, and also came to Reilly in an instant, and slashed at Reilly.

But Reilly didn't dodge at all

, and was bound to kill Roxin! Even if Peach Rabbit's blow might make him lose a part of his body, he couldn't let Roxin live like this!

Roxin felt the killing intent in his back, his eyes flickered, and he also controlled [Emperor Star] to slash towards Luffy!

There was no sign of wavering.

The scene is formed, the scene of Peach Rabbit slashing Reilly and Luo Xin slashing Luffy.

And the bear became the fourth person in the scene.


The bear's consciousness returned again, knowing that Luffy was in danger.

No longer blocking the cannon fire that came from the spray, he also came to Luffy's side.

At this moment, Luffy and Rosin are in front of him.

As long as he slaps Luffy, Luffy will be saved.

But just as he was about to make a move, Rosin felt his movements, and said hatefully: "Daughter Island, I will kill him!"

The inexplicable words made the blade-wielding Rayleigh unclear, but the knife was about to fall.

Xiong trembled when he heard Rosing's words, and no longer hesitated.

This was supposed to slap Luffy on the back and slapped Rosin.

Then he slapped Luffy in the face!

Before Reilly's knife fell, he found that the person below him was gone, and Luffy was gone!

But the knife of the peach rabbit behind him was still there!

A large amount of blood spurted out, but Reilly only retreated in pain and did not let out any screams.

"Haha, I didn't expect the price to be a bit big this time, since Luffy is already gone, it's not interesting for me to stay, bye-bye, Navy girl. As soon as the

words fell, he picked up the figure with a severed hand and fled quickly.

Now the goal has been achieved.

Xiong had already told him when he was just fighting that Luffy had been rescued.

Although I don't know why I shot Rosing.

But it doesn't matter.

The goal can be achieved.

And Reilly, who wanted to run, couldn't stop it at all.

Peach Rabbit didn't bother to chase after him, but the bear couldn't run away and was immediately arrested.

The bear did not resist, and sat on the ground, but the glint in his eyes was gone.

Lina picked up the life paper that Rosin had given her, her face worried.

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