
As soon as Rosin woke up, he felt a severe headache and looked around in confusion.

After being slapped away by the bear, he only remembered that he had been flying since he put the knife away.

After flying for a day, he fainted.

Just woke up now.

"Where is this?"

Rosin stood up with his head covered, patting the dust and blades of grass off his body, and surveying his surroundings.

"I'm so hungry....."

I rubbed my stomach, and now my tired body had a huge hunger pang again, and there was only one phone bug on my body.

"Can you eat this? sashimi?" Rosin

patted the phone bug, which was also unconscious, its eyes closed, its neck crooked, and its little tongue sticking out.

At first glance, it looks like he is not healthy and has not lived for a long time.

"Forget it, when it wakes up, I'll have to contact the headquarters and let it go. Thinking

about it, he withdrew the phone bug and felt the air around him.

"There was the sound of the sea breeze outside the woods. "

Now he is extremely weak, and he has no way to support the breath that opens all things, and he does not know where to go.

But the ability of the cat fruit is also reflected again.

Transfiguration into a beast form, you can avoid danger even when running in the jungle.

Follow the sound of the sea breeze.

Soon you will be on the beach of this island.

As a cook, I naturally know the ingredients of the sea.

But if you eat a Devil Fruit, you can't touch the sea, you can only pick up ingredients from the shore, like sand crabs or something.

Finally, after an afternoon of recovery, I regained some strength.

But it wasn't enough, this little bit of food could only restore him a little bit of energy.

It's night, but suddenly there are a lot of voices around, and it seems that they are transporting things.

Rosin didn't know whether he was friend or foe, so he took advantage of the darkness to get into the box and prepare to blend into the city.

It was fragrant in the box.

It's also soft.

It made the already tired Rosin even more sleepy.

Unconsciously, he fell asleep.


After some time, Rosin woke up from the box.

The spirit was completely restored, and the physical strength was only recovered by more than 30%.

But the sight and hearing of all things breathing can be used.

Suddenly, a heavy breath appeared.

The sound of the whole island came to Rosin's ears.

It's a small island with a lot of people.

Moreover, these people are all women!

This unique phenomenon made the corners of Rosing's mouth in the box twitch constantly.

"I'm on Daughter Island?" ----

Empress Han Cook looked in the mirror.

Looking at today, it is still beautiful and beautiful.

I couldn't help but be intoxicated.

"Ah~The concubine is so beautiful~"

At this moment, she returned to Daughter Island on a pirate ship with the supplies for the island.

There was a knock on the door, shattering her self-indulgence.

"Sister, my daughter island has arrived. The two of them shouted at the same time, one of them was Boya Sandasonia and the other was Boya Marigorud.

Both were the younger sisters of Empress Han Cook.

"The concubine is tired and doesn't want to get off the boat now. "

But the people are still waiting for my sister,"

Hancock sighed, and walked up to his sister, Boya Marigorud, and looked at himself with her chin curled.

"No matter what bad things the concubine does, the whole world will forgive me... Because the concubine body is so beautiful!".

Today's Hancock is still a wayward day.

But Sandasonia and Marygorud were at the mercy of Hancock.

Because it's really beautiful.

Mary Gorud's face flushed, looked at the empress who was close at hand, and nodded slowly.

Hancock smiled slightly, lifted her sister's chin slightly, and turned to walk towards the bed.

Her pet snake also obediently followed behind her.

I don't know how long it took.

Hancock finally disembarks from the pirate ship, but the people waiting for her below are uneasittingly welcoming.

Crazy shouting, "

Snake Queen!! Snake Queen!! Han

Cook shook off his beautiful long hair and strode towards his palace.

As the voices faded away, she also came to her palace.

The slender hand was raised slightly, and the voice was cold.

"Herald, bathe. "



ordered to bathe.

Rosin, who was still lying in the box, immediately sat up.

"Hancock wants to bathe, why is she getting closer and closer to me?"

But unconsciously become more focused.

It was the first time he had used his sights and ears to peep, and it wasn't a voyeur, but he could hear it.

I saw that the voice of the shadow of the palace was getting closer and closer, closer and closer.

Rosin could feel that the figure was all around him

!"Holy, wouldn't I be in Hancock's bathroom right now?!


Slowly opened the corner of the box, and sure enough, there was a curling heat around him.

In the distance, there was a figure that could not be seen clearly, and Luo Xin could feel it without breathing, the sound of the two snow-white collisions.

And the woman was like the most beautiful spirit in the world, slowly shedding her clothes.

This scene made the nose of Rosin, who was still a virgin, hot.

But he didn't let go of the cracks in the open box.

It's about to be felt.

As long as there was the sound of clothes falling, he understood whether the empress was wearing underwear or not!

And at this moment, as if she had heard something, the empress suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of Luo Xin.

"Who's there!".

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