Myanmar, after receiving the defense of Shan State, the entire Kingdom of Myanmar officially began to move.

In the underground command center, countless people were busy, and various information was constantly collected.

At this moment, China's high-resolution satellite covered the entire Myanmar territory without dead angles. In addition to satellites, in the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters, a large number of drones were hovering in the air at this moment.

These unmanned reconnaissance aircraft kept an eye on various warlords 24 hours a day. Through these unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the movements of all warlords were clear.

At the same time, two of China's latest electronic reconnaissance aircraft entered Myanmar. This electronic reconnaissance aircraft is particularly powerful and can collect too many signals.

Even the messages sent by the individual radio stations on the ground can be collected, as well as the signals, locations, and specific content of the calls of the other party's satellite phones.

"Target No. 1 has determined its location..."

"Target No. 6 has determined its location..."

"Target No. 7 is locked..."

"Target No. 13 has determined its location..."

"Target No. 14 is locked..."

In the command room, the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system continuously sent back information. Xu Dafei and his team had already made a list of targets to be eliminated, and these targets were all under key monitoring.

"The elimination operation has officially begun..."

Xu Dafei gave the order, and after the order was given, the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system immediately took action. In the sky, a military version of the double-tailed scorpion drone was flying in the air. After receiving the order from the Thousand-Handed Guanyin, the double-tailed scorpion drone took action.

This drone is completely different from the civilian version. Under the huge wings, there are 16 air-to-ground missiles.

This air-to-ground missile was specially developed for drones. It is not big, with a range of 10 kilometers, a speed of 1.2 Mach, a weight of 40 kilograms, a warhead weight of 10 kilograms, an armor-piercing capability of 1200 mm, and an armor-piercing capability of 1400 mm for reinforced concrete.

Multiple warheads can be replaced. For different targets, it can be mounted on drones and armed helicopters, and can hit ground targets and mobile targets.

It uses multiple guidance methods and has quite awesome performance. This thing can be used to accurately strike ground defense positions, armored vehicles, and moving personnel.

This missile is the AR series. Now China's AR series missiles have many models, including 10 kg, 20 kg, 40 kg, 80 kg, 100 kg, etc.

Different sizes of missiles are used by different drones. This time, the double-tailed scorpion is equipped with an AR-4 missile, which is a 40 kg missile.

However, today's missiles are a bit special. Chinese researchers have replaced the ammunition in the ammunition department with all-nitrogen anion salts, which are six times more powerful than ordinary TNT.

So this small missile hitting the target is equivalent to the explosion of 60 kilograms of TNT.

The order was issued, and four missiles were launched directly from the double-tailed scorpion. After the four missiles were launched, they rushed directly to the ground. At this moment, on the road on the ground, a warlord's convoy was moving fast. A warlord was sitting in his car, which was a specially modified military Hummer.

Even if the rocket launcher couldn't penetrate it, this car gave him a great sense of security. At this moment, the convoy was moving fast, and he needed to go to one of his bases quickly.


Suddenly, many people heard a whistling sound from the air, and they hadn't reacted yet. Four missiles had hit the target, falling from the sky at a speed of 1.2 Mach, and one missile directly hit the top and drilled into the car where the boss was sitting.


A huge explosion sounded, and all four cars exploded from inside the car. The power of 60 kilograms of TNT exploded inside the car, and the consequences can be imagined.

Even the military Hummer that the boss was riding in was directly blown up and turned into a pile of parts, not to mention the people inside, who were directly blown into pieces of meat.

The four missiles hit the target accurately, and all four cars were destroyed. In fact, there were more than a dozen cars in the convoy, but the four missiles only hit four, because these four cars were all loyal to the warlord.

The whole convoy was in chaos, and many people got off the car in fear, but there was no movement in the air. The missile dropped from the sky and hit accurately. No one even saw the person. The boss and a group of senior officials were dead.

"Keep going. From now on, the team will follow my command..."

A leader stood up and said that he had never been able to get a place here before. But now the boss and a group of senior officials have been killed. He is the boss. A group of people without a leader can only recognize him as the boss.

The little leader looked at the sky, mysteriously, and made an OK gesture to the sky.

"The target has been eliminated..."

The Thousand-Handed Guanyin system quickly passed the reconnaissance aircraftThe information fed back directly confirmed the news.

At the same time, on the other side of the warlord, several 100-kilogram air-to-ground missiles directly hit a building, the entire small building was destroyed, and the target was beheaded.

In the command room, good news continued to come, precise beheading operations.

Electronic reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft collected intelligence, the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system commanded, and the drone launched an attack to accurately behead the target.

The tactics are not brilliant, but they are very challenging for a country's military strength.

First of all, your intelligence system must be powerful and be able to accurately locate the target. Secondly, the fighter must be well grasped, and the action must be started immediately when the fighter is found, and the fighter must not be delayed.

At the same time, the weapons must be advanced, and the missiles must be very accurate to perform precise beheading. This requires an accurate positioning system, a powerful high-altitude reconnaissance system, and so on.

It is too difficult to achieve this. So far, only the United States and China have such capabilities. In fact, the United States is also experimenting with this tactic, and this time it is also being experimented on the battlefield in Iraq.

China is also conducting experiments on the battlefield in Myanmar, and the results are two examples.

The United States did not gain much in Iraq. The reason is very simple. Their intelligence system does not know the specific location of Boss Sa and a group of senior officials.

After they were ready to take action against Iraq, Boss Sa and a group of senior officials disappeared. They never showed up, and the US electronic reconnaissance aircraft did not collect any useful information. After the war, the Iraqi army disappeared mysteriously and no one could be found.

So the United States did not gain much, but China is different. Now the warlords in Myanmar are being eliminated one by one, with great accuracy and fruitful results.

The decapitation operation officially began. In addition to the air, there are also special forces on the ground. It is impossible for all targets to be decapitated by the air. Some people hide and cannot be found, which requires ground forces to take action.

In addition to the special forces, the large forces of the Kingdom of Myanmar also directly started the operation.

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