The war in Myanmar has officially started.

The most excited person about this war is not Xu Dafei, nor the top leaders of China, but the military technicians of China.

At this moment, they are so excited. They have finally found a place to experiment with so many weapons and equipment they have developed. Although they can exercise at ordinary times, no matter how good the exercise is, it can't show the effect in actual combat.

"This target is 600 kilometers away. Let's try precise long-range fire!"

In the command room of Longbang, a group of technicians discussed. The new combat target is 600 kilometers away. This target is a base built by the government army with strong defense.

"You can try it. Use precise long-range fire to cover the firepower and see how it works. Warheads come one by one, start with ordinary warheads, then change to thermobaric warheads, and then anionic salt warheads..."

An old man wearing glasses said directly. This made some soldiers next to him swallow their saliva. This group of scientific researchers are crazy.

Long-range fire with a range of 600 kilometers, this weapon they have already tested. I can only say that this group of lunatics is too crazy. Whose rocket can shoot 600 kilometers?

The most important thing is not only that it can shoot far, but also that it can shoot accurately.

This long-range rocket has a shooting accuracy of ten meters. The caliber reaches 480 mm, and the weight of the ammunition unit reaches 240 kg.

Just this ammunition unit, even if it is ordinary explosives, the power is terrifying. If it is replaced with thermobaric bombs and anionic salt ammunition units, it will be even more terrifying.

Especially the anionic salt ammunition unit, it is not just as simple as multiplying the power by 6, the super high temperature destructive power of the explosion is greater.

If it is replaced with anionic salt, the power is almost equivalent to the power of a 1.5-ton warhead, and it will also produce intense high temperatures.

1.5 tons, let alone 10 meters, this thing explodes, there is no possibility of any survivors within 100 meters, and the huge shock wave can directly shatter the internal organs of people several kilometers away.

The order was issued, and three launch vehicles at a launch site in Longbang lifted their camouflage.

There are four launch tubes on each launch vehicle. When the order was given, the three vehicles started to move. All the launch procedures were fully automatic. In less than half a minute, the launch vehicles were ready and adjusted the launch angle.


The order was given, and the three launch vehicles roared.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Twelve rockets were launched in less than ten seconds. After the launch, the rocket launcher directly moved quickly.

This is actual combat. Although the Myanmar government has almost no possibility of counterattack, actual combat is actual combat. This time they set up several launch sites to test the troops in actual combat.

The launcher moved, while the rocket was flying at high speed.

The speed of this long-range rocket is very high, and the flight speed directly reached Mach 3.6. The distance of 600 kilometers can be reached in more than 20 minutes.

The rocket flew towards the target, and the launcher came to the second launch site after dozens of minutes of transfer. Then the soldiers started to work, and the entire launch box above was hoisted down as a whole, and replaced with a new launch box, focusing on a modular replacement, which is not only fast but also more flexible.

This launch vehicle can be installed with different types of launch boxes as needed. Different launch boxes carry different ammunition, with different ranges, power and functions. This launch vehicle can also launch tactical missiles over 1,000 kilometers!

At a position of the Myanmar government army, some government soldiers were hiding in the base and chatting. This place is located in the hinterland of the territory controlled by the government army, and there has been no war in the past few years.

"Swoosh, swoosh..."

Suddenly the soldiers heard a sonic boom, and many people didn't react to what was going on.

The rocket fell from the sky, and the 3.6 Mach rocket directly penetrated into the turtle shell. The entire defense line is poured with reinforced concrete, with a thickness of more than two meters, and it cannot be opened with 155 heavy artillery. This defense line was built by the government army at a huge cost.

After all, reinforced concrete is not easy to get in Myanmar now. After so many years of war, the industry has collapsed long ago. There is not even a decent steel mill and cement plant in the whole of Myanmar.

However, the Myanmar government army felt that it was enough to deal with the warlords. The defense line that could not be opened by heavy artillery was already very safe.

However, when encountering rockets with a speed of 3.6 Mach, it was still not enough. This warhead is not only powerful, but also has very strong penetration, and two-meter-thick reinforced concrete cannot withstand it.

The rocket warhead directly drilled into the turtle shell, and 12 rockets fell from the sky and hit the target accurately. After the 12 heavy rockets exploded in the turtle shell, the huge power directly blew 12 large holes in the huge turtle shell.Although the entire base is still large, the destructive power caused by these 12 rockets is very large. Hundreds of government troops in the base were directly killed by the explosion of 12 rockets.

Screams were heard in the base. In addition to those who were killed on the spot, many people were injured. The huge shock wave and sound were the most terrifying weapons in the base. The government army built this base like a big turtle. Except for some shooting holes, all other places were closed.

The entire base has two parts, the ground and the underground. Now the rocket exploded in the ground part.

"What? It was attacked by missiles?"

After receiving the news, the government army was sweating all over their foreheads. Damn, the base was attacked by missiles. Will China be personally involved?

The territory controlled by the government army is now very small, with an area of ​​only some areas in the south, and a total area of ​​less than one-fifth of Myanmar. At present, the main forces of the government army are concentrated near the capital.

But today, the government army is in chaos. Many senior generals were precisely beheaded, which was already chaotic enough.

Now even the bases have been attacked by missiles, which is terrible.

Myanmar has been in chaos for a long time, and has actually entered a state of anarchy. The entire country is completely cut off from the outside world. The port was bombed, the communication was interrupted, and the airport and highway were destroyed.

Even if the government army wants to evacuate, they don’t know where to retreat. In recent years, many senior generals of the government army have died. Compared with a few years ago, more than half of the generals of the government army have been replaced. Now the remaining half are almost killed again. How can they live like this?

You can’t escape, you can’t fight, and you can’t hide.

Surrendering will probably not end well. Now it’s not just the officers who have no fighting spirit, but even the ordinary soldiers have no fighting spirit.

This kind of asymmetric war is simply impossible to fight. No matter how good your shooting skills are, no matter how strong your fighting will is, if others directly bombard you with missiles, how can you fight?

Looking at the broken turtle shell, many government soldiers are ashen-hearted and full of despair for the future.

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