Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 81: Promotion, Discussion On Establishing Headquarters

Ye Yang and Wu Xiangzhe stood on the high platform.

Salute to Chen Junzheng.

The other party returns the favor.

Take off the two bars and three stars from their shoulders.

It was replaced with two bars and four stars, and the rank of senior colonel.

A change of military rank.

It is obvious that my spirit is different.

After the promotion process is completed.

Chen Junzheng took the lead in applauding.

Thunderous applause erupted once again.

Despite the warriors in the audience.

It has only been a little over two months since I came here.

But most of them have truly integrated into this group.

Work together for the construction of the Hong Kong Garrison.

Chen Junzheng looked at the soldiers in the audience who were applauding thunderously.

He smiled and said: "Comrade Ye Yang, you and Comrade Wu Xiangzhe can speak on behalf of the group."

"At this time, no matter how much we talk, it will be more meaningful without the two of you standing up and speaking on behalf of us."

The three bosses of Sea, Land and Air in the distance all nodded,

They came only to witness and observe the ceremony.

Let the soldiers in the base take a look.

The above attaches great importance to the establishment and construction of the Hong Kong Garrison.

Give them sufficient confidence and confidence.

Ye Yang and Comrade Zhengwei are the real protagonists.

It makes sense for him to speak on his behalf.

Ye Yang nodded without being coy.

Turn around and face the audience.

He said loudly: "Comrades, the commander just said that our troops stationed in Hong Kong are to build a mighty and civilized division."

"Our army has had special missions and responsibilities since its establishment."

"We must keep our mission in mind, safeguard the reunification of the motherland, and maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong Island.

"The mission is more important than Mount Tai, discipline is more important than life, and the image represents the might of the country and the military."

“We still have to face many challenges and pass many hurdles.

"But these are trivial because we are soldiers."

“We are the guardians of our country and our people.

"Our country is developing, and our troops will have to learn to stay away from the battlefield for a long time.

"Come and fight a war far away from the battlefield."

"This war is more cruel than the real battlefield, and the task is more difficult."

"We will become a real Great Wall in the future, blocking all enemies who dare to invade the country.

"Our war is not limited to the battlefield. As long as the motherland and the people need us, we will be there. 06"

"Comrades, are you ready?"

"Ready at all the time!!"

“Seize every day and fulfill your mission.

A louder cry.

The determination of the soldiers at this moment has been shown.

Army Commander-in-Chief Li Peifang stood aside and saw this scene.

Couldn't help but nodded.

"It seems that at the conference, Comrade Ye Yang was chosen to take charge of the formation work this time."

"This guy Lao Chen is also real."

"There are good candidates, but they are hidden and unwilling to be revealed."

"When I recommended Comrade Ye Yang, I also recommended him as a candidate."

"If he hadn't recommended himself at the conference, I might not have seen this scene today. y

As Li Peifang spoke, he couldn't help laughing.

Chen Junzheng stood beside him feeling helpless.

This really doesn't mean that he was hiding it at the time.

Last year.

The parliament to establish the Hong Kong Garrison Force has been officially put on the table.

The military department has held many meetings, large and small, on this matter.

But among the selected candidates at the beginning.

The person in charge of forming the army has strict requirements in all aspects.

This also includes seniority and age.

Ye Yang's past qualifications are indeed sufficient and he has the ability.

But the problem is that he is not old enough.

That's why Chen Junzheng put him on the list of candidates, and he didn't expect to be selected at first.

Who knew that Ye Yang was going to hold a conference.

Mao Sui recommended himself from the list of candidates and pushed himself to the main candidate.

This responsibility really shouldn't be his.

It's just that Li Peifang is in a good mood at this time.

It was hard for him to say anything more.

Shen Hongliang, commander of the infantry brigade, looked at the soldiers on the martial arts field and felt in a trance.

There are also some regrets.

The ace unit that has been in business for so many years.

Just because he said a few words too much, he was as competitive as a young boy.

This resulted in another defeat for the infantry brigade.

He also knows that victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism, but when it comes to other troops, he can be very open-minded.

I really put it on myself.

Still can't help but feel a little melancholy.

Fortunately, everyone around them focused their attention on the soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison.

No one pays attention to him,

Last time he almost became the center of attention.

This time, whether deliberately or intentionally standing behind.

It is all because of him that the combat effectiveness of the Hong Kong garrison has been verified.

The focus naturally shifted.

After Ye Yang finished speaking on the high platform, Wu Xiangzhe also spoke on behalf of the group.

On the martial arts field.

After all the soldiers once again made their missions and responsibilities clear.

Back straighter.

The expression is also more determined.

Wait until Representative Wu Xiangzhe finishes speaking.

The three bosses of sea, land and air also came on stage to give some encouragement.

This is an honor that no other army has had.

And the Hong Kong Garrison has it.

There are prerequisites for victory in the battle with the infantry brigade.

At the promotion ceremony.

On the contrary, there is no need to perform any more performances.

What an excellent performance.

There is no direct defeat of the ace troops on the battlefield, it is more realistic and shocking.

After the promotion ceremony.

The company commanders and captains took the soldiers and began a new round of training.

Li Peifang and the others came to the base conference room.

After taking a seat.

He looked at Ye Yang.

"Just now, all the leaders and I have seen the current situation of the troops stationed in Hong Kong."

“It can be said that the preliminary preparations and organization work were completed very well.”

"The military currently plans to officially announce the establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison, which will be October next year."

"Before announcing the formal establishment, we studied and decided that the infantry brigade, aviation regiment, and ship brigade would enter the port base in a complete organization.

"This plan may still take some time, and the military department also needs to carry out various preparations."

"Just choose carefully."

"Comrade Ye Yang, before the large troops move in, do you have any training plan in place?"

"You can speak out now, while all comrades are here, and you can express any different opinions you have."

Ye Yang nodded.

He had already submitted similar plans to the military department.

However, most of the arrangements for the training and formation of the troops stationed in Hong Kong are based on direct contact between the military headquarters and the base.

The message does not need to go through other departments.

Now ask again.

It’s nothing more than a vaccination for everyone here.

The real big move by the Hong Kong Garrison is yet to come.

Ye Yang stood up from his seat.

First, salute to all the leaders.

Then he said: "The Military Department has made major decisions a few years ago and implemented strategic changes in the guiding ideology of military construction.

"It is to shift from the strategic state of early strike and big strike to the track of peace-building period."

"How should the army adapt to this change? I have also thought about this issue in the past few years."

"Now the same problem is before the Hong Kong Garrison, and I have made some plans."

"I think that since a big war cannot be fought, we should consider the long-term, basic and comprehensive construction of the army."

"The training for the troops stationed in Hong Kong will be more difficult and their mission will be more special."

"The challenges we will face in the future will be even more diverse."

"So I decided to focus on three aspects first."

"First, improve the construction of military camps and food in military camps to provide soldiers with a better training environment."

"Second, with the reform of military training and martial arts training, it is almost impossible for the troops stationed in Hong Kong to engage in large-scale battles in the future."

"So in terms of combat, it cannot be the same as ordinary infantry. It must be combined with the armed police force and our infantry unit to make the training methods more diverse.

"Third, enrich the amateur cultural life of soldiers."

"The military camp is not only filled with the smell of gunpowder, but with the development of the times, the importance of culture and knowledge will become more and more prominent.

"This is especially true for the troops stationed in Hong Kong."

Li Peifang nodded.

He didn't express his opinion first.

Instead, he turned his head to the other people in the conference room.

He opened his mouth and asked: "Comrades, Comrade Ye Yang just expressed his opinion.

“If anyone has anything to add or different suggestions, you can put them forward.

"We are having a meeting and discussion here."

After listening to what Li Peifang said.

Everyone in the conference room shook their heads.

From the establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison, to the selection of troops, and to its current scale.

Everyone can see it.

This is a very special force.

Therefore, it is necessary to select a person with strong ability and ability to build troops to lead.

And these conditions.

Ye Yang fits the bill perfectly.

If at the original time, some people would have raised different opinions or questioned it.

So now there is nothing to say.

Because not everyone has the ability to lead 600 people and defeat an ace force of 3,600 people on the battlefield.

Being able to fight may not be the criterion for evaluating an officer's all-round capabilities.

But there will be no war.

You must not be a proper commander and fighter.

The current soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison are indeed elites gathered from all over the country.

But it’s not like the people present have never led troops.

The more elite you are, the more difficult it is to lead.

They were even less sure that they could train these people to their current scale in such a short period of time.

What's more, the three points Ye Yang just raised are also reasonable.

Both responded to the call of the military department.

Very useful for development

There is nothing to refute or add to this point.

Looked around for a week.

I saw that no one in the meeting room had any different opinions or additions.

Li Peifang nodded.

"We have established a garrison in Hong Kong and will later garrison Hong Kong Island. This is first of all a sign.

"It shows that our country's sovereignty lies here."

"This is an armed force of the country. This armed force is not a symbol, but a real existence."

"We have all three armed forces, including the navy, army and air force, and they are all in this unit."

"The meaning it represents, I believe, does not need to be expressed in any words to let the outside world know our determination."

“Comrade Ye Yang said very well at the conference just now

Well, our troops stationed in Hong Kong will face challenges from all aspects in the future.

“If we want to gain a firm foothold in the coming storm, we must first start from within ourselves.

"The parliament above has also put forward requirements for the construction of the Hong Kong garrison."

“There must be high standards and strict requirements.

"In terms of political ideology, military training, style and discipline, management education, etc."

"Everything should be top-notch."

"The garrison in Hong Kong has concentrated the navy, land and air forces, bringing together the elite divisions of our army."

"This also shows our determination to enter Hong Kong Island."

“An important symbol of the end of the domination of others.

"The task is very heavy and the significance is even greater."

"Comrade Ye Yang, Comrade Wu Xiangzhe, are you two fully prepared?"

Ye Yang and Wu Xiangzhe stood up quickly.

He declared his oath loudly.

If before that.

The garrison in Hong Kong only leaves it to Ye Yang to be responsible for selection, selection, elimination, and training.

So now.

This mission really fell on his shoulders.

He is no longer as simple as a person in charge.

The establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison has truly entered the most important stage.

Li Peifang waved his hand.

Indicated Ye Yang and the others to sit down.

"Okay, I just finished talking about the important things."

"Now I'm going to talk about two digressions. In fact, they can't be said to be digressions. It's just that the atmosphere in our conference room no longer needs to be so solemn."

"The first one is about the establishment of the Command 450 Department within the Hong Kong base."

"I have only been here for a while and saw the officers below. Many of them were calling Comrade Ye Yang captain.

"Now the Hong Kong Garrison has passed its most preliminary stage."

"This title should also be changed."

"Next, you must establish a headquarters as soon as possible and improve all facilities.

"If you have any difficulties, please apply to the military district headquarters."

"On behalf of the military department, I solemnly propose the appointment here."

"Comrade Ye Yang, serves as the commander of the main port force headquarters.

"Comrade Wu Xiangzhe serves as the political commissar of the Hong Kong Garrison Headquarters."

"Under normal circumstances, the headquarters has five divisions under its jurisdiction."

"Operations Division, Intelligence Division, Supply Division, Communications Division, Mobilization Division."

"In the future, as the scale of construction becomes larger and larger, you two can't always rush to the front."

"We must learn to delegate work to others."

"The headquarters conveys important strategic guidelines."

"The Operations Department is responsible for the formulation of military combat plans, and the Intelligence Department is responsible for the search for military intelligence."

"The Supply Department is responsible for collecting information on military logistics and weapons and equipment, and the Communications Department is responsible for the transmission and reception of military encrypted messages."

"The Mobilization Department is responsible for the work of the second-line reserve troops."

"In the next few days, the military department will select a suitable chief of staff [to report to you two here]."

"The chief of staff is the top leader of the command and is responsible for all work of the entire command."

"The Operations Department is the core of the headquarters. Below it is the Operations Section, the Confidential Translation and Electronics Section, etc."

"You must perfect all of these from now on."

"As for the deputy chief of staff, you can select from within. If necessary, you can also apply to the Yangcheng Military Region.

"This is about setting up a command."

"The second question is about this battle with the 122nd Infantry Brigade.

"One is the newly established Hong Kong garrison force, and the other is the old ace force."

“The whole process of the battle was exciting and intense.

"There's a lot to learn from and introduce to other troops."

"So you two commanders, next prepare a complete combat report and submit it to the Yangcheng Military Region Headquarters.

"Next, the military department will take time to arrange a large-scale meeting."

"Research and explain specifically this battle."

"As for post-war communication, you two troops can handle it on your own.

"But as soon as possible."

"I see that Comrade Shen Hongliang hasn't worn his shoulder straps yet."

"It's okay for a short time, but if it takes too long, there will inevitably be some inconvenience.

After Li Peifang finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Shen Hongliang was even more embarrassed.

It was said to be post-war communication work.

In fact, there is no communication at all.

Many of the epaulettes of their infantry brigade are in the Hong Kong Garrison.

But the epaulettes of others.

There aren't even a few of them there.

This is the most unspeakable thing...

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