Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 82: High Standard Requirements, The Most Unpopular Captain

Ye Yang sat next to him and didn't say anything.

In fact, after the morning meeting, he had arranged to collect all the epaulettes collected by the infantry brigade.

Just keep it in my office.

I plan to arrange for someone to send it there.

It is true that the 122nd Infantry Brigade is an ace unit.

It's just that Ye Yang has no intention of using this kind of thing to communicate with them.

The work of the Hong Kong Garrison is enough to keep him busy.

Let's talk about an infantry brigade.

Ye Yang really didn't take it to heart.

But at this time, there was no way to arrange for someone to bring the epaulettes over.

In front of so many chiefs.

Put a bunch of epaulettes on the conference table.

Isn't that a slap in the face in public?

He's not bored to this extent yet.

Li Peifang only mentioned it.

Didn't dwell on this topic much.

Next, we discussed some issues related to the later construction of the Hong Kong Garrison and some training framework.

That ended this meeting.

Ye Yang and Wu Xiangzhe sent away all the leaders who participated in the promotion ceremony.

A long sigh of relief.

Close the base door.

Wu Xiangzhe smiled.

"After this meeting, the formation of our Hong Kong garrison has really been put on the agenda."

"What are your plans for establishing the headquarters?"

"Are you going to seek help from the Yangcheng Military Region, or are you going to screen from within us?"

"Once the headquarters is established, there will be a large number of vacancies."

"I'm afraid the internal screening won't be completed that quickly."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

"There is nothing to worry about. We are holding such a huge golden mountain, why should we consider asking for help from outside?"

"There are only a few elite officers sent by each army, and most of them are non-commissioned officers."

"Although it is said that the people with good marksmanship and fighting skills in the army are all concentrated in Tian Guan's group.

"But that doesn't mean they don't have other abilities."

"The large number of job vacancies gives them the opportunity to advance."

"The most frustrating thing in the army is that too many outstanding comrades have left because of quota issues."

"This kind of thing can't happen to us again, at least not now."

"Taking advantage of the fact that the Military Ministry has opened up our authority, some capable comrades will submit applications for promotion.

"Keeping people first is the most important thing."

Wu Xiangzhe thought about it and felt that it was feasible.

Establish a headquarters.

If too many people are picked from outside to join.

That would be too unfair to the comrades below.

When they came in at the beginning, they were able to stay until the end, which can be described as having passed five levels and killed six generals.

It was like thousands of troops crossing a tightrope.

Internal positions.

Lifting the stem internally is the most feasible way.

Also avoid it after a few years.

The massive loss of talent is heartbreaking.

"By the way, didn't the chief just say that he would arrange for a chief of staff to come over soon?

"Then we have the right to choose the deputy chief of staff ourselves."

"I heard Captain Liu of the honor guard say that during this battle, there were many comrades who performed well and had leadership qualities."

"I just happened to have a chat with them. The soldiers we have left here must at least have a high school diploma.

"You can also keep up with subsequent studies."

"I'm not worried about that."

Ye Yang nodded.

"The chief of staff is the top leader of the command and is responsible for all the work of the entire command. I am not surprised that the military department will arrange someone to come here.

"But the position of deputy chief of staff is not a permanent position, nor is it the number two person in the command."

"Mainly managing supply-side issues."

"The military will not put too much effort into this aspect, and I have taken that into consideration.

"The logistics of our troops stationed in Hong Kong is different from that of ordinary troops. It is definitely a top priority."

"This requires careful screening and clear selection."

"Don't worry yet."

Wu Xiangzhe thought for a while and didn't offer any other opinions.

The deputy chief of staff is indeed not that important in the military.

Even many commands do not have this position.


If the position of chief of staff is vacant, the chief of operations and recovery will take over.

The deputy position is not available either.

Back in the office, Ye Yang collected all the epaulettes left here by the infantry brigade.

Arrangements were made for them to be sent there.

There's no use keeping this thing with them.

On the contrary, the people on the infantry brigade are still thinking about it.

Just at the conference.

The chief also proposed new mission indicators for the establishment of a headquarters.

This formation process is still quite difficult.

Establishing a headquarters is not just about randomly picking an office building and announcing to the outside world that this is the headquarters of the Hong Kong Garrison.

Not that easy.

The headquarters is the leading organization for military work in the army. Under the leadership of commanders at all levels, it is responsible for commanding operations.

Organize training and manage troops.

They are usually divided into joint commands, combined forces commands, service branches, and service branch commands.

The Hong Kong Garrison is composed of the three armed forces.

Then we need to establish a headquarters, which is also a combined army headquarters.

The purpose of establishing a headquarters is to work according to the intentions of the commander at this level and the instructions of the superior headquarters.

Many departments are required to gradually form a command system.

Then the chief of staff leads.

Serving the two highest leaders, the commander and the committee member.

But now Ye Yang and the others are in a stage where there is heavy thunder but little rain.

There are commanders and political commissars.

But the key is that there are no subordinate units.

lots of work.

They are all responsible for the more than 20 people Ye Yang brought from South China Lijian.

There is also a clerk, Fang Yu, who coordinates all logistical arrangements.

According to the current specifications.

If you want to set up a headquarters, you can only set up an empty shell at most.

It is simply impossible to complete all the units in a short period of time.

But Ye Yang is not in a hurry now.

At present, apart from him, the nominal commander of the Hong Kong Garrison, there are only four units directly under him.

The establishment work is arduous and has a long way to go.

This is something that cannot be rushed.

After arranging for someone to send the epaulettes out.

Ye Yang then submitted the written battle report to the military region headquarters.

As for whether the Yangcheng Military Region will hold a subsequent conference to explain the key points of this battle.

He didn't worry about that at all.

After finishing my work here.

Come to the martial arts field.

All soldiers are practicing honor guard posture.

When training in this area.

Except for the comrades who came from the Kyoto garrison.


Even the company commander and team leader must participate.

No one is exception.

Even Li Yan, the newly promoted deputy captain of the honor guard, still has to stand there and practice with other comrades.

After the promotion ceremony.

The warriors on the martial arts field have been practicing.

Ye Yang looked at the time.

It's been almost three hours.

Then he walked up to Liu Zhicheng and asked: "Captain Liu, how is the training situation this afternoon...?"

"How well do the soldiers master the training on honor guard posture?"

Liu Zhicheng was originally staring at the soldier's posture.

Hear the chief's voice.

He turned around quickly and saluted.

"Reporting to the leader, the current standard military postures and military steps are almost mastered.

"The honor guard posture trains endurance and willpower. Our soldiers here don't need to put in too much effort in this aspect."

"The progress is still very good."

"However, the honor guard can't train these two all the time. Originally, I didn't have enough manpower.

"Now that the vice-captain is here to assist and help, after these two days of collective training.

“Want to focus on training flag bearers and flag bearers.”

"These two items are the most important and the most difficult to train among the honor guards."

"I think it's time to make contact."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Okay, you can just arrange these as you see fit.

"The importance of the honor guard to the troops stationed in Hong Kong does not need to be repeated here, you should also know it very clearly.

"High standards and high requirements, no relaxation at all."

"Just train according to the requirements of the Kyoto Garrison."

"Okay, I see you guys have been practicing for a long time."

"Let the soldiers take a rest, and then notify all captains, company commanders, and team leaders to come over for a brief meeting."

"I have something important to announce."

"Yes, Chief."

After Ye Yang finished explaining, he returned to the conference room again.

Since the head of the military department has given the policy.

Then the comrades below also have the right to know.

According to the speed of action of the military department.

I'm afraid that within three days, the chief of staff will come to report.

Ye Yang also needs to make some preparations.

At first he thought he would establish an army infantry brigade, a naval ship group and an air force aviation group.

It all needs to be set up step by step here.

Since the chief has already pointed it out at the conference, these units will select the complete establishment and close them when the time comes.

Joined the Hong Kong Garrison.

Expand the establishment of the garrison in Hong Kong.

Then many aspects of the plan will need to be adjusted.

The chief has made it clear at the conference.

The establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison Force will be announced in October next year.

Before the establishment is announced, the infantry brigade, ship brigade, and aviation regiment will all be in place.

From now until October next year.

It’s not even enough time for a year to be fully calculated.

When these three troops come, you must set aside a lot of time for them to get familiar with them, and also for you to get familiar with them.


Publicly announce the establishment of the Hong Kong Garrison Force.

At the conference, it would be a big joke if Ye Yang didn't know the organization below him.

I want to be familiar with such a large range of establishments.

It’s impossible to do it without two or three months.

If you calculate it this way.

The training of the old team here is even more intense.

A headquarters will also be established at the same time.

There is not enough time in terms of calculation.

Therefore, Ye Yang must also arrange the training here as soon as possible to speed up the process.

It is to avoid that even the training of the directly affiliated troops is not in place.

That would delay the big thing.

After Ye Yang's notice was issued.

Liu Zhicheng did not dare to delay and directly announced to the soldiers who were training to suspend training and take a rest.

Because there are more warriors in training.

Some company commanders and team leaders stood at the back of the team and did not see what happened at all.

Lei Gang, leader of the third group of special forces, scratched his head and walked out of the crowd.

He opened his mouth and asked: "Old Liu, you usually practice standing in a military posture, but what about

To do the cross, it takes three hours to start and five hours to warm up.

"Why did today end so early?"

"Has your conscience been discovered?"

Liu Zhicheng shook his head helplessly.

Honor guard practice is really hard.

It was clearly explained above.

Every day when all soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison are training in this area, all personnel must participate.

No matter if you are a team leader or a team leader, there are no exceptions.

Therefore, the company commander of the infantry company, the leader of the special operations team, and even the people in the automobile company will more or less complain about him.

Knowing that this was an order from the chief.

They didn't dare go to Ye Yang to complain.

Pour most of the bitter water on yourself.

This also made Liu Zhicheng very helpless.

Listening to Lei Gang's inquiry.

Liu Zhicheng shook his head.

"Don't ask me this, the chief just informed me to take a rest.

"He also told us to gather in the conference room as soon as possible for a meeting."

"If you hurry, don't waste your time. The heads of the military headquarters and military regions have just left. A meeting will be held now.'

"I guess there is something important to announce."

Yi Lianshan, the leader of the special operations team, nodded.

"No matter what it is, it must be reasonable for the chief to be so anxious. Let's go quickly.

A group of people couldn't care less about standing in a military posture for such a long time. They were tired or not.

He hurriedly ran to the conference room to gather.

Just sat down on the chair.

Many people snorted comfortably.

The standing posture of the honor guard is really not something that ordinary people can persist in.

Standing for hours on end.

I feel like my legs are not my own, and my feet are not my own either.

Even the waist is not his own.

Ye Yang looked inside the conference room, with a hint of exhaustion on the faces of all the people.

He smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You have been training for such a while and you are now so exhausted?"

"Haven't you heard that one minute on stage and ten years off stage?

"Captain Liu was praising you for your good training just now, and he is going to focus on the honor guard.

"Train flag bearers and flag bearers."

"When you see their subsequent training, you will know how happy it is to just stand in a military posture and take military steps."

Everyone listened to Ye Yang's words.

He looked at Liu Zhicheng as if he were a monster.

It was hard for them to imagine that this guy would put in a good word for them.

During the training process.

He always holds the 81-bayonet in his hand. Anyone who does not stand upright is the real killer.

Although the military uniform he wears is relatively thick.

It was impossible for him to really prick it with force.

But after correcting a whole set of postures (Nuo Mo Zhao), you can still make people grin.

I have already experienced his methods some time ago.

It has become a little easier to participate in the battle these days.

I didn’t expect him to praise others.

Look at everyone's faces.

Liu Zhicheng smiled awkwardly.

"Comrades, you can't blame me for being strict."

"It was like this when I was training new recruits in the garrison, and it was like this when I was being trained.

"The squad leader who was training me didn't deal with me for the first three days."

"If I make a mistake later, I will be punished much more severely."

"Did you know that the flag bearer resists the flagpole and hangs a kettle on the top of the flagpole?"

"Other flag bearers can hang up to three flags, but when it's my turn, I will hang five flags."

"A flagpole weighs thirty kilograms, and a kettle weighs two kilograms. In total, there are forty hills."

"Put it on your shoulders and use the lever principle. When your fingers clamp the bottom of the flagpole, the weight can be doubled.

"Under such circumstances, when practicing military postures and walking steps, we have to follow the standards of the honor guard.

"Do you know what it feels like?"

Lei Gang was a little unconvinced after hearing this, and was about to retort a few words.

Ye Yang waved his hand and interrupted their conversation.

"Okay, let's wait until the meeting is over to talk about training matters."

"Team Leader Lei, don't rush to refute Yi."

"When the special forces were training in the past, they only focused on the skills of killing enemies and training on the speed of killing enemies.

"It's nothing like the Kyoto garrison."

"There's no comparison."

"If you want to practice, you can go to Captain Liu alone after the meeting to compete."

"It's right to have more discussions outside of training."

"Okay, we'll talk about other things later."

"This time I have called everyone here to announce two things. The first thing is that the commander-in-chief asked our troops stationed in Hong Kong to establish their own headquarters."

"My position is the commander of the headquarters, and the positions of the main committee members have not changed."

"He is the political commissar of our Hong Kong Garrison Headquarters."

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