Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 96 Robbery On Hong Kong Island, Desperadoes Enter Pengcheng

The assistant lowered his voice, and Chen Zhengjun and Ye Yang would not listen.

Since it is official business.

Moreover, at this moment, Wang Jinghua's face became extremely ugly.

The palm holding the wine glass gradually tightened.

The veins on the back of my hands popped out!

Wang Jinghua looked at the content on the fax.

His breathing began to become rapid.

The assistant just finished speaking.

Wang Jinghua stood up immediately, with an apology in his tone.

"You two, the situation on Hong Kong Island is urgent, and this exchange may be terminated here."

"I have to return to Hong Kong Island immediately to deal with it."

"This is a very bad case!"

Chen Zhengjun and Ye Yang frowned at the same time.

"Okay, I'll ask Ye Yang to take you to the airport immediately!"

The three of them didn't say much nonsense.

Avoid wasting time.

Since it is a serious case, it is a matter of life and death!

After Wang Jinghua packed his bags.

Ye Yang had already driven to the camp dormitory and then drove out of the base.

Speeding towards Pengcheng International Airport.

en route.

Wang Jinghua's face was full of worry.

Ye Yang didn't ask.

Due to the sensitive identity, it is also an internal matter of Hong Kong Island.

He has not returned yet and asking too many questions will bring trouble to Wang Jinghua.

After arriving at the airport.

Ye Yang bought a ticket for him and contacted the airport staff to open a green channel.

Let Wang Jinghua board the plane directly.

Before leaving, Wang Jinghua said regretfully: "I originally wanted to stay for two days, but it ended up being only a dozen hours.

"No need to take a moment to remember. You can come anytime when Hong Kong Island returns. I welcome you at any time." Ye Yang smiled softly.

"Thank you, Colonel Ye, for taking care of me. I will pay back the wine I owe you when the time comes.

"Then I will definitely accompany you!"

After watching Wang Jinghua enter the boarding gate.

Until the back disappears.

Ye Yang stopped staying and quickly returned to Pengcheng base.

Although the communication time was short, the effect was achieved and far exceeded expectations.

Chen Zhengjun was very satisfied.

The next thing to do is to complete the preparatory work for filming the movie.

It was originally very late.

Ye Yang didn't think about taking a rest, so he worked hard all night to write the report.

At half past five in the morning, Chen Zhengjun's subordinate was handed over.

Chen Zhengjun was quite surprised.

"You didn't sleep all night and just wrote the report?"

"It doesn't matter. If it's not done, I won't be able to sleep well. After all, it's about the return of Hong Kong Island!"

Ye Yang then said: "The time was tight and there are still some imperfections in the report."

"My current idea is that the military characters in the movie should be selected from our Pengcheng base, which is closer to the real situation."

"For other roles, people are selected from the military studio, which requires communication from the chief."

"There are also issues of funding and equipment."

"As long as these are resolved, filming can begin immediately."

Although Chen Zhengjun had just woken up, he had developed a habit for a long time.

Keep his brain very clear.

Chen Zhengjun wondered: "The most important thing is, where is a perfect script?"

“Screenwriting also takes time.”

"And the script is the essence of the movie and must not be hastily!"

Hear this.

Ye Yang took out a document bag again.

Inside is the "Thunder Rescue" script that was previously redeemed from the system store.

It's just a copy reprinted by Ye Yang.

There is no difference in content!

When Chen Zhengjun saw the script, his eyes were full of surprise.

"I didn't expect you to be so efficient!"

Ye Yang smiled and said: "How could I dare to propose this idea to the chief without preparation.

"Well, I'll go and communicate with the Military Studio first, and submit the script to them for review."

"If there are any results, I will contact you by phone."

"But don't worry, I will do my best to facilitate this!"

Ye Fan has 100% faith in Chen Zhengjun.

As long as he is willing to go out, the military studio will not disagree with filming.

The problems mentioned will also be easily solved.

After Chen Zhengjun had breakfast at the base, he immediately asked his secretary to drive away and go to the studio to coordinate the work.

Ye Yang returned to his office.

A document was drafted.

Prepare to select fighters from each team who have a better image and preferably have acting skills.

Complete preliminary preparations in the shortest possible time.

Ye Yang didn't want to waste any time.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the drafted documents had been delivered to each battalion.

The soldiers heard that they were going to make a movie.

Even people with no acting skills want to participate.

Even if it’s just a walk-on, I’m willing to do it!

Ye Yang was going to hold a meeting in the big playground. He originally wanted to ask the soldiers about their wishes.

As a result, everyone was eager to rush forward.

It’s more positive than seeing first-class merit!

"Hey, it would be great if I could be chosen."

"When the time comes, my mother will be able to see me leaving the country in the movie!"

"After acting in a movie, are we also stars?"

“What a beautiful thought!”


Life in the military camp is inherently boring, and with something like this, it's obviously good to arouse the overall mood.

Ye Yang spoke at the meeting.

"Everyone, please be patient and submit reports to your respective squad leaders if you are willing."

“Finally, they will be handed over to the base office for sorting.

"I will try my best to give everyone the opportunity to participate in the movie!"

As soon as these words were said, the soldiers suddenly became elated.

They immediately ran back to their respective dormitories and scrambled for pens and papers, fearing that they would be snatched away by others if they were too late.

Ye Yang then returned to the office.

As soon as he sat down, he let out a heavy breath.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the regiment office.


The visitor was Wu Xiangzhe, holding in his hand an international newspaper freshly released this morning.

Ye Yang asked in confusion: "Zhengwei, what happened?"

Wu Xiangzhe's expression was very bad, with obvious anger in his eyes.

He placed the newspaper on his desk.

"Look at the news about Hong Kong Island.

Ye Yang picked it up and looked at it carefully, his face suddenly became gloomy.

At this time.

I finally understand why Wang Jinghua left in a hurry last night.

International news headlines are extremely visible.

A line of bold and black characters suddenly appeared in sight.

""A bank on Hong Kong Island was robbed by a gang of gangsters (Zhao Li's), with more than 40 people killed and injured!"

"Those gangsters were so rampant? They stole more than 30 million in cash!"

"He actually shot a dozen hostages!"

Ye Yang suppressed the anger in his heart.

What a desperado!

Wu Xiangzhe sighed.

"Hey, the situation is more than that. The news I got from Hong Kong Island is that the actual situation is even more serious."

"The gang of robbers broke through the police blockade and are currently missing."

"While escaping, he also shot and killed many Hong Kong police officers and many passers-by."

at the same time.

The phone on the desk rang.

After Ye Yang connected, a familiar voice sounded over there.

"Excuse me, is this Colonel Ye?"

Ye Yang responded: "I am Ye Yang! Who are you?"

"I am Wang Jinghua, I believe you have learned about what happened on Hong Kong Island!"

"The current investigation status of the Hong Kong Island Police has been released!"

"It is very likely that the robber gang entered Pengcheng City through smuggling!".

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