Rebirth In 1993, Starting From Building An Ace Unit

Chapter 97: Pengcheng Police Investigation Reveals That The Robbery On Hong Kong Island Was Just A C

Entering Pengcheng?

On the phone, Ye Yang asked again: "Are you sure?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

According to the investigation and tracking by the Hong Kong Island police, it was discovered that a gang of robbers entered a certain sea port on Hong Kong Island armed with guns.

That night, the police drone also discovered a cargo ship bound for Pengcheng on the sea.

There is nothing suspicious about the cargo ship.

What is suspicious is that the police investigated all foreign trade companies and transportation companies that night.

There were no cargo ships at all last night, and goods needed to be transported to Pengcheng!

Due to well-known reasons, the Hong Kong Island police are unable to directly notify the Pengcheng police.

The process can only be advanced through diplomatic means.

But in this way, the delay is too long.

The key is that these are a group of extremely vicious gangsters!

If you enter Pengcheng, it will also have an immeasurable impact on local public security.

We can only contact Ye Yang directly and ask him to find a way to kill him!

Ye Yang understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Superintendent Wang, thank you for the reminder. I will immediately contact the city police to block all ports.

After speaking, Ye Yang hung up the phone directly.

Then I found the number of the chief of Pengcheng Police Department in the phone book.

The other side rang twice and the call was connected.

Ye Yang directly explained the purpose of his visit without any wordiness.

"This is Pengcheng Base, my name is Ye Yang.

"Ye Yang?"

The other party hesitated for a few seconds and then immediately thought about it.

Isn't Ye Yang the person in charge of Pengcheng Base and the future commander?

"Chief Ye, I am Zhang Linguo!"

After confirming the identity of the other party, Ye Yang quickly explained the situation in detail, which attracted great attention from the Pengcheng police.

Zhang Linguo's tone was serious.

"Please rest assured, Chief Ye, I will immediately send someone out to investigate!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for your reply!"

Ye Yang simply hung up the phone again.

Slowly sitting on the chair, I kept thinking about Wang Jinghua's words in my mind.

I vaguely smelled something more serious than robbers smuggling away!

First, we need to understand a problem.

After the incident, why did the robber gang go to Pengcheng to sneak into the country instead of choosing other places?

The entire mainland is in the stage of severe crackdown, which is tantamount to seeking death.

But robbers can plan such a perfect robbery on Hong Kong Island.

And, shoot hostages and passers-by!

Still able to escape intact.

It is enough to show that this group has a very high level of coordination and cooperation.

You would never do something so mindless.

If you do it, it must be with ulterior motives!

Ye Yang probably figured it out and had a guess in his mind.

This robbery was just a cover, the real purpose was to frame the case and blame it on the mainland authorities!

Suppose that the Pengcheng police cannot control all the robbers in a short period of time.

Some foreign forces are bound to make a fuss about this matter.

For example, they accuse the mainland and robber gangs of committing crimes on Hong Kong Island and killing people on Hong Kong Island.

Of course no one would believe it to be true.

But what if it was reported like this all the time?

Even if it is false, there will be people who believe it is true.

Not only will it have a very bad impact internationally!

It will also become an obstacle to the return of Hong Kong Island!

No matter how the mainland explains it to the outside world, it is feeble.

The most effective way is to capture all the robbers and bring them to justice within a very short period of time.

Ye Yang is still a little worried about the efficiency of Pengcheng police.

He looked at Wu Xiangzhe opposite and said, "Commissioner, let's go to the police station and supervise the entire case."

"If it doesn't work, our people will step in and take over."

"This case must not be delayed for a long time!"

Wu Xiangzhe felt that something was being made out of a molehill.

Gangs of robbers kill people wantonly on Hong Kong Island. After all, that is what happened on Hong Kong Island.

Even if someone smuggles himself to the mainland, if he is tried according to law, he will at most be convicted of smuggling.

The police may not be happy if the military directly intervenes.

Ye Yang sounds like a loud bell.

"The police are not happy with this reason. I'm afraid it will become more complicated!"

"What we have to do now is keep an eye on the progress of the case."

"As long as something is wrong, let Chief Chen coordinate with the police immediately!"

Wu Xiangzhe vaguely understood the meaning of Ye Yang's words.

Gradually, it dawned on me!

Hong Kong Island robber gangs came to the mainland. From the perspective of Hong Kong Islanders, the robbers were seeking refuge! (agdf)

And Pengcheng became their protective umbrella!

Wu Xiangzhe did not dare to delay, and immediately drove to the police station with Ye Yang.

Pengcheng Police Chief Zhang Linguo attaches great importance to this case and has sent police officers to various ports to investigate.

Focus on the investigation of the freighter that arrived in Pengcheng last night.

However, it was too late.

After police investigation, a cargo ship arrived at the northern port of Pengcheng at 4 a.m. last night and is still docked at the port.

There are not many goods transported on it, they are all electronic instruments and the like.

But the key is when the police investigate the port surveillance.

At half past four, two vans drove out of the port.

This is all feedback information provided to Ye Yang by the police.

Ye Yang asked: "Have you found out the origin of the freighter?"

"I found it. This is a cargo ship belonging to Pengcheng Bohai Transportation Group. It was hired by Pengcheng Liyang Electric Technology in the name of transporting electronic equipment." Zhang Linguo replied

"Please let the police focus on those two vans, as well as the person in charge of the cargo ship and the person in charge of the two companies!"

"Chief Ye, you mean to summon him directly?"

Ye Yang frowned and asked doubtfully: "Is it difficult?"

"It's not difficult. It's just about catching a few robbers who are trying to cross the border. There's no need to mobilize so many troops, right?"

"And these two companies are also considered famous companies in our Pengcheng city."

"If summoned casually, I'm afraid it will not be conducive to economic development."

Zhang Linguo was really wasting time by saying this.

However, Ye Yang can understand that depending on the location, the things to consider are naturally different.

"We have dispatched police to follow the two vans."

"If the robbers can be caught, the relationship between the robbers and these responsible persons will be established through confessions.

"The police will fully cooperate and will investigate the matter clearly!"

Ye Yang had already thought of this before he came to the police station.

Cross-system collaboration is very troublesome before formal coordination orders are obtained.

After all, it was impossible for him to order Zhang Linguo to arrest people.

If you give an order forcefully, it is also a violation of discipline.

As a veteran policeman, Zhang Linguo also discovered the clues and heard about what happened on Hong Kong Island.

I know in my heart what is at stake.

Now I can only place my hope on those two vans.

As for the three key persons in charge, the police only adopted monitoring and observation measures instead of summoning or detaining them.

Ye Yang is not impatient.

They waited at the police station for the results of the investigation into the van.

The police were also very efficient. Within twenty minutes, the criminal investigation team under investigation called to report the situation.

Zhang Linguo answered the phone and immediately asked: "How is the situation?"

"Director, according to our investigation."

"The van is a modified vehicle, and the license plate is also a set!"

"But the location of a suspect has been locked!".

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