After David figured out his current situation in his heart, he suddenly had an idea in his heart, and he already knew what attitude he should use to treat Zhang Yu next.

The next day, after Zhang Yu finished breakfast, he rode the creaking 28 bar to the Internet café.

"Boss, drive for an hour."

Huang Qiang saw that Zhang Yu was coming again, and said with a smile on his face: "Little brother, you are here again, the machine is open, and it is still No. 58."

Zhang Yu didn't have too much politeness with the other party, and directly found No. 58 to sit down and turn on.

When he logged into his mailbox, he found that there were several unread emails from the same email address he had sent yesterday.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu's face showed a bright smile, and the tense heartstrings were completely relaxed.

In fact, Zhang Yu was really afraid that Microsoft would not pay attention to his email at all, if this was the case, then he could only make money to pay off his debts through other methods.

Although Zhang Yu can find other ways to make money even if he doesn't "gather wool" on Microsoft.

However, his mother's condition was urgent and surgery was necessary immediately.

Therefore, Zhang Yu must get the cost of the operation in a short time, otherwise, Zhang's mother's condition will deteriorate at any time.

Now seeing the email sent by the other party, Zhang Yu knows that the other party has taken the bait, and the next time is to bargain.

Zhang Yu tapped the keyboard quickly with his ten fingers, and an email was quickly sent.

Beautiful Country, Microsoft Headquarters.

David and George stood in front of a large screen in the technical department, behind which dozens of technicians waited.

"Mr. Dai, the other party replied."

George saw the email alert on the screen, so he hurriedly said to David next to him.

David didn't speak, nodding at George.

Seeing this, George hurriedly ordered the technicians behind him to start tracking Zhang Yu's IP address.

Dozens of technicians hurriedly began to sit in front of the computer and type on the keyboard.

Internet cafe.

Zhang Yu soon discovered that someone was tracking his IP.

You must know that Zhang Yu sent an email to the other party half an hour after he got on the plane yesterday, and it doesn't take so long to write an email.

Zhang Yu wrote a simple anti-location tracking program before sending an email to the other party, and it was Zhang Yu's program that sent an early warning signal just now.

Seeing that the program he had written issued an early warning, the corners of Zhang Yu's mouth rose slightly, and he already knew in his heart who was locating his position, so he quickly tapped on the keyboard with ten fingers of both hands.

Huang Qiang, who was in the distance, looked at Zhang Yu's terrifying hand speed, his face was full of shock, and a trace of admiration gradually appeared in his eyes.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yu's hand speed finally stopped, and he breathed a sigh of relief, not noticing that there were already a lot of fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

But fortunately, he still defeated the other party, although the other party is the world's largest Internet company and has the best programmers in the world, but at this time, these programmers are still a little immature compared with Zhang Yu, the top programmer more than ten years later.

That is, the computer configuration of this Internet café is not good enough, otherwise, Zhang Yu can defeat the other party in a shorter time.

Microsoft Headquarters.

George looked at dozens of computers that had blue screens, with a look of shock and helplessness on his face.

He didn't expect that Zhang Yu's skills were even more powerful than he predicted.

"Mr. Dai, we failed, the other party's technology is very powerful, and our people are not opponents."

When David heard this, he nodded slightly and said, "Reply to the other party and see what conditions the other party needs." "

Inside the Internet café.

Zhang Yu looked at the content of the email on the screen, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly to reveal a smug smile.

Then he quickly beat the fingers of his hands and gave the other party his own conditions.

Zhang Yu is not greedy, just charge the other party $10,000 for a bug.

In the past, Microsoft offered a $1,000 reward for a single bug when it solicited bugs for the seventh generation of systems around the world.

And Zhang Yu not only told the other party where the bug was, but also proposed a solution, saving the other party a lot of revision time.

In Zhang Yu's opinion, the asking price of $10,000 is not too much.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to ask for more, after all, the other party was a wealthy Microsoft company, and there was no shortage of this money at all.

However, Zhang Yu is worried that if the asking price is too high, he will start a "war of words" with the other party, which will drag on too long.

What Zhang Yu lacks most now is time, because Zhang's mother's illness waits for no one.

As for whether Microsoft's side will agree to the deal, Zhang Yu is not worried at all.

Since Microsoft paid so much attention to this seventh-generation system in the previous life, it proves that this system is important for the strategic development of their company.

If they knew that there were still so many bugs in this seventh-generation system, they would definitely try to fix them.

Zhang Yu is not worried at all that the other party will find out the bug after telling the other party that there is a bug in the seventh-generation system.

If the people at Microsoft could find those bugs, they would have been found long before the system went on the market.

But those bugs were not found after the system was listed, which means that as long as Zhang Yu does not disclose it, there is no way for Microsoft to find out, and this is why Zhang Yu dares to ask for $10,000 for a bug.

Microsoft Headquarters.

When George looked at the conditions of the other party's reply, there was a look of surprise on his face, and then he turned his head to look at David on the side and said in surprise: "Mr. Dai, the other party only needs $10,000 to propose a bug." For

Zhang Yu's offer, it was unexpected in George's heart.

It's not that this offer is too high, it's too low.

You must know that Microsoft has a lot of importance for this upcoming seventh-generation system, and their plan is to strive to get computers all over the world to replace this generation of systems.

Although Microsoft has launched several generations of systems, because each system has its own advantages and disadvantages, the world is currently using various versions of the system that Microsoft has launched.

It may not matter to those users, but this situation is a burden for Microsoft, because they need to have enough people to maintain these systems, which is a huge amount of money.

Therefore, Microsoft intends to launch a perfect system that can satisfy the majority of users, and then the vast majority of users can choose this system.

If that happens, Microsoft can start announcing that those legacy systems are going to be out of maintenance, which could save the company a lot of money.

David looked at the contents of the email, and there was a look of meaning in his eyes.

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