Seeing the look on David's face, George asked suspiciously, "Mr. Dai, what are you laughing at?"

David turned his head to look at George and said, "This guy is very interesting, he obviously had the opportunity to ask for more, but he didn't do it and agreed to his terms."

David had already prepared in his heart that the other party would open his mouth.

But he didn't expect that the other party would only ask for $10,000 to fix a bug transaction.

In David's view, their company has invested tens of millions of dollars in the research and development of the seventh-generation system, and if they can make the system more perfect, they don't care about giving the extra 100,000 dollars.

In addition, the other party also provided bug fixes, which also saved them time for subsequent repairs, and did not have much impact on the planned time for the launch of the seventh-generation system.

George nodded slightly when he heard David's command, and then asked his men to reply to Zhang Yu.

Inside the Internet café.

Zhang Yu watched the other party send a reply agreeing to the transaction, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief after he was nervous.

Although Zhang Yu looks very calm on the surface, he is very worried in his heart.

Although he knew that Microsoft valued the seventh-generation system very much, he didn't know if he was willing to accept it.

At this time, Zhang's mother was still lying on the hospital bed, and if he couldn't raise funds in a short time, Zhang's mother would probably miss the best time for treatment.

Missing this harvest of Microsoft's leeks, Zhang Yu didn't think of any way to get a huge amount of money in a short period of time for the time being.

Fortunately, the other party agreed.

After the other party agreed, the next transaction was completed quickly.

Microsoft quickly remitted the money to the virtual account designated by the other party according to Zhang Yu's instructions, and then Zhang Yu transferred the funds from abroad to his mother's account in China through a series of complicated methods.

Microsoft also quickly received an email from Zhang Yu, which not only pointed out the problem of the bug, but also provided a solution to it.

Microsoft Corporation.

George looked at the email sent by Zhang Yu, and after seeing the contents, there was a look of surprise and disbelief on his face.

"Mr. Dai, this person is not simple, but the other party's skills are better than ours."

George was from a technical background, and when he saw the email sent by Zhang Yu, he immediately judged that the computer skills of the person who traded with them were very good.

When David heard this, he said with a smile: "I'm getting more and more curious about this person, not only is he technically good, but he also has high emotional intelligence, I haven't met such an interesting person for a long time."

When George heard this, he said in surprise: "Mr. Dai, you seem to have a high opinion of him, you rarely have such a high opinion of a person."

David smiled at George and said: "It's not a question of whether the evaluation is high or not, I just think that this person who traded with us is not simple, I feel that he will not be a lonely person in the future, maybe in the near future, we may meet again."

David was right, and a few years later, the technology company founded by Mr. Zhang became Microsoft's biggest competitor.

Inside the Internet café.

Zhang Yu packed up his things and whistled happily and prepared to leave.

"There's something I'd like to discuss, young man."

When Zhang Yu passed by the front desk of the Internet café, Huang Qiang stopped Zhang Yu with a flattering smile on his face.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Yu, who got $100,000 from Microsoft, was in a very good mood.

So he didn't leave directly without being kind, but stopped to see what the other party was looking for him.

Huang Qiang had a smile on his face, a little nervous, he rubbed his hands and said to Zhang Yu: "I see that your typing speed is so fast, I think you should be very good at computer technology, right?" "

In the era of 2009, many people think that if a person is very good at typing, it means that he is also good at computers.

After all, at this time, computers were not popularized in thousands of households, and many people even learned to type with five strokes.

Zhang Yu said: "Let's just say something."

Huang Qiang heard Zhang Yu's words, and hurriedly said: "I opened a plug-in studio, I don't know if you are interested in cooperating."

When Zhang Yu heard this, he was slightly stunned.

Zhang Yu was stunned when he heard Huang Qiang say that the other party actually opened a plug-in studio.

You must know that they are a third-tier small city, and in this kind of small city, few people will get a plug-in studio.

Because 2009 is no longer the kind of plug-in barbarism period that it was a few years ago.

At this time, it is illegal to cheat.

And at this time, many game companies have begun to pay attention to the crackdown on plug-ins, and the funds invested in this area are getting bigger and bigger, and many plug-in studios have closed down.

The only ones who can survive in this environment are some large-scale, hard-hitting studios.

Zhang Yu said suspiciously: "You got a plug-in studio?"

Huang Qiang saw that Zhang Yu didn't believe it, so he called a guy out to look at the Internet café, and then took Zhang Yu to the back of the Internet café.

Zhang Yu followed Huang Qiang for a few minutes, and saw the studio in a private house not far from the Internet café.

It is more appropriate to call it a small workshop as a studio.

Three computers and three young men, each of whom looked to be in their twenties, each with a giant panda eye and a haggard look on his face.

When he pushed the door in, the room was filled with a thick smell of smoke, and Huang Qiang hurriedly opened the window to ventilate for a long time, and the smell of smoke dissipated a lot.

After listening to Huang Qiang's explanation, Zhang Yu finally understood.

These three young people are Huang Xiaojun, Zheng Dahai, and Sun Wenhao.

It is better to say that it is to engage in plug-in, but it is better to engage in plug-in distribution.

After they got a large number of plug-ins from other studios through secret channels, they sold them through Huang Qiang's Internet café.

However, most of the profits were handed over, and Huang Qiang was only able to get a small part of the profits.

Huang Qiang was naturally unwilling, so he got three squads to figure out the principle of these plug-ins, and then went out on his own so that he didn't have to hand over most of the money he earned to others.

However, Huang Xiaojun and the three of them only know a little bit about computer knowledge, and let them figure out the plug-in, which is more difficult than driving sows up trees.

Huang Qiang also felt that Zhang Yu might be very good at computers, so he proposed to let Zhang Yu cooperate, so that he could solve the problem of lack of technology on his side.

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