Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 142 My Stage

Listening to the sound waves in her ears and watching the flashing lights that never stopped, Natalie knew that they were shouting for Ryan and crazy for this young man who moved the United States.

What about me? This kind of fanatical shouting and cheering, the strong tornado-like atmosphere, made her intoxicated.

Now that he has embarked on this road, who does not want to become a dazzling star! Who doesn't want to be the center of the whole world! Who is willing to be inferior to others!

Even if this person is his best friend!

Looking at the hand that was stretched out, Natalie slowly put her hand on it, and only felt an inexplicable peace of mind, as if she had nothing to fear as long as he was in front of her!

Under the guidance of that hand, Natalie bent over and got out of the car. The moment she got out of the car, another very familiar hand lightly rested on the car door above her head, for fear that she would touch her. own head.

Ryan is as attentive as ever! Natalie smiled brightly at her friend.

"Nate, are you ready?" A faint voice sounded in his ears.

"Of course!" Natalie nodded vigorously.

The flash was still on, Natalie could feel that many of the reporters were focusing on herself. If she was a little nervous when she was in the car, that nervousness has long since disappeared. Just feel... excited!

I've been working hard since I was four years old! I have set goals since I was six years old! Isn't that exactly what I want?

Looking at Ryan's curved arms, Natalie put her hands in his arms, doing impeccable etiquette, showing a ladylike demeanor.

The crimson carpet is like a soft sandy beach. Stepping on it is light and fluttering, it always gives people an unreal feeling, as if floating in the clouds. Natalie subconsciously tightens her arms, Ryan seems to have something. Noticing, he turned back and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Nate, wave. Look! There are your supporters over there!" The friend's voice rang in his ears again.

Natalie followed Ryan's gaze, and there were indeed many people holding up Matilda's posters, shouting "Matilda", and even covering up the surrounding Ryan's shouts.

She turned around, gave a charming smile, and waved over there, and the crowd erupted into even greater cheers.

It feels so good to be admired! Is this what a red carpet feels like? Following in Ryan's footsteps,

Natalie thought as she walked, even if a few reporters or paparazzi asked questions, they were blocked by the other party.

Humanoid shield? Natalie thinks about talking on the phone. Ryan's self-deprecating statement. Can't help but smile even brighter.

"Matilda! Matilda! Matilda!"

The calling is getting louder. It seems to be going through Manhattan and all over New York.

Gradually, Natalie discovered unusual places, those so-called supporters of herself. Why is it called 'Matilda' instead of 'Natalie', obviously the name of Natalie Portman is on the poster.

Why are Ryan's fans completely different, they are not shouting the name of any of the characters he played, nor the name of his novel or song, but almost the same 'Ryan'!

Immediately afterwards, Natalie made a new discovery. More than half of those holding Matilda posters were middle-aged people. In the eyes they looked at themselves, there was clearly an emotion called fanaticism.

how could this be? Natalie suddenly remembered what Ryan said before, Uncle loves Loli, and Sister Yu loves Zhengta!

God knows what Ryan taught her!

But...why are Ryan's fans mostly teenagers? Natalie felt a little resentful in her heart, and simply stopped looking that way. Just follow Ryan forward.

After walking through the first part of the red carpet, the closer to the theater, the more Ryan supporters Natalie saw. Many people held up his various posters and shouted frantically about the counterattack of the reborn fat woman. .

On both sides of the red carpet near the front of the theater, except for the reporters in the interview area, almost no one else exists. Everyone here has one characteristic - young people! A lot of them are even minors!

"Ryan! Ryan!" Their shouts seemed to be able to break the sky.

Natalie's lips pursed. It is absolutely impossible to say that she is not envious. She admits that she is a little jealous. She has known each other for three years and has been arguing for three years. She has never lost, since she is sensible. Since that day, she has been a winner, and now...

All right! Ryan Jenkins, no matter what, I have one aspect of talent that will completely overwhelm you! Natalie's hands tightened again.

"What happened, Nat?"

"Nothing." Natalie continued to smile.

Watching Ryan walking and signing autographs for fans, Natalie was indifferent, she knew very well that even if she wanted to compete with this guy, it would not be now.

As soon as she walked to the interview area, Pai Jinsili stood behind her unconsciously, and the reporters who were ready to go gathered around them. Microphones, small tape recorders, etc. were almost piled up in front of her.

"Nate, don't be nervous." Natalie understood that this was Kingsley's reminder.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Natalie Portman?" a reporter asked.

"Yes." Natalie kept her smile and nodded.

"Can you introduce yourself?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Natalie rolled her eyes imperceptibly.

"Hey, Natalie, you and Ryan came in the same car, did you know each other long ago?" Another reporter managed to squeeze in and asked loudly.

"Ryan and I are friends. In fact, we have known each other since 1989." Natalie replied casually without thinking much.

Have you known each other since 1989? Ryan wasn't famous back then, was he? It seems that their relationship is not ordinary! Many reporters realized this was going to be big news and wanted to dig deeper.

"Okay, can we talk about something after the movie is released? Nat, let's go."

Under the support of several staff members, Natalie took Ryan's arm and walked out of the interview area.

"Hello everyone!"

When they came to the place where the group took pictures, Natalie greeted Luc Besson, Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, Julis and others one by one.

In the past few years of correspondence, she has been remembering some of what Ryan said. Networking is very important in this circle, and she needs to work hard to manage it like an acting career.

Chatted with the crew. Natalie walked to the other side and greeted the little girl with growing hair, "Hello, Scarlett, long time no see."

"Hey, Nat." The little girl was clearly delighted. "I went to Long Island to find you last month, but you weren't home."

"Sorry, Scarlett," Natalie continued, greeting the girl's mother. "Didn't I leave a phone call for you? You can call first."

"I forgot." The little girl lowered her head.

The crew stand together. After the routine photo session is over. Natalie still followed Ryan's side and walked towards the theater. It is said that Miramax and Luc Besson invited many people to attend the premiere.

"Hi, Harvey. Long time no see, you're getting fat again."

The person Ryan was greeting, Natalie, met on the set, and one of Miramax's family members, Harvey Weinstein's daughter, came.

Yes, Ryan mentioned in the letter that he is very good at Oscar's PR.

Thinking of the things that Ryan deliberately mentioned in the letter, as smart as Natalie, he naturally understands that this circle is not as simple as it seems.

However, he was already ready. isn't it?

"Harvey, this is my best friend, Natalie Hushler, you should know."

Natalie could hear Ryan saying the word 'most'. Deliberately accentuated.

"Hello, Mr. Weinstein." Natalie shook hands with the fat man opposite, only to hear him say, "Natalie, your talent is so amazing, I've seen the demo, your performance is absolutely Comparable to Ryan's performance in "The Sixth Sense", I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Thank you, I think there will be." Natalie is very clear that the other party attaches so much importance to her, but it is only because of the affection of her friends.

Following Ryan, Natalie greeted the people he introduced one by one, she understood what he meant, it was helping her.

Some of these people are big stars on the stage, but more are characters she has never heard of, such as Disney's Carter Eisner, a Warner Production Manager, and Caroco Films' representative Mario ? Casa, the head of the editing team of Universal Pictures, etc., especially a woman named Shirley Lansing, even Ryan rarely put on a very serious look when facing her.

Although she has never actually been in contact with this circle, she has long corresponded with Ryan after all, and the two sides will naturally talk about some things in Hollywood. Therefore, Natalie understands that these are powerful figures in the entertainment circle who have the ability to decide a movie. The film and the existence of the main characters in it.

It turned out that I have been left so far by him! Natalie realized something, her empty hand has been clenching tightly, and today she finally stepped onto this big stage! Will definitely go further!

In the end, Natalie followed Ryan to a man with messy hair. She knew this man. The other party was too famous. He was known as George Lucas, one of the four major directors of the 1980s.

I didn't expect him to come! Also, his ILM is said to be working with Ryan and Universal on Jurassic Park, and it's no surprise that he was invited to the premiere.

"George, this is Natalie Hushler... ah, it should be Natalie Portman, one of the stars of today's movie, my friend."

"Really, Ryan, it's really rare, I've never seen you have friends of the same age." The other party seemed to know Ryan very well.

"It's really rare. Nat is my only friend of the same age."

"Hello, Mr. Lucas, I love the Star Wars series so much!" Natalie complimented.


"Speaking of which, George, aren't you going to keep making Star Wars? We've all been waiting for years."

Hearing Ryan's words, Natalie was keenly aware that he seemed to be playing something else.

"There is a plan, but it will take a few years."

After talking for a few more words, and seeing that the time was about the same, Natalie and Ryan walked into the screening room together. Their seats were in the front row, just connected to each other.

The lights went out, and after the momentary darkness, a picture flashed on the big screen. Natalie was unstoppably excited, and her first movie was about to be released!

This is my stage!

Natalie glanced around subconsciously, my stage! I lead to the brilliant stage of life!

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