Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 662 Bright red palm print

When they approached the interview area, there was a shout of "Taylor" from behind the fence on the right of the red carpet. Dozens of young men and women held up posters of the girl and squeezed in front of the crowd.

"Go and sign autographs for your fans."

Scarlett nodded with her chin and said to Taylor, "I'll wait for you in the interview area."

"All right."

After Taylor beckoned and walked over, Scarlett glanced at her tall back, turned into the interview area with a bright smile, and before she could see the live broadcast of the TV station, a handsome male reporter jumped. in front of him.

"Hello, Miss Johnson."

Looking at the microphone handed over by the other party, with the logo of "Vogue" magazine on it, Scarlett smiled and waved to him, "Hello."

In the interview area at this time, there were other stars being interviewed, which seemed a bit chaotic, but Scarlett gradually remembered who he was after chatting with each other for a few words-Isaac Mezlassie, inside the circle The gay men who are openly come out are actors, journalists, editors and costume designers, and they are quite famous in Hollywood.

Frankly speaking, she somewhat admires the courage of the other party to come out publicly, but like some people, she only hides.

"Miss Johnson, may I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Looking at Scarlett's red sexy evening dress, Isaac Mezlassie didn't wait for Scarlett to answer, and asked in a mocking tone, "Can you tell me what you're wearing under your Valentino evening dress?"

Frowning, Scarlett said casually, "I didn't wear too much."

"Not too much? But you look really sexy, you must be wearing sexy underwear."

Saying that, Isaac Mezrahi covered Scarlett's chest with one hand as before, and said jokingly while doing this, "I just want to touch it, I like this feeling. There must be some secret in there."

"You...what are you doing?" Scarlett didn't expect that the other party would do such a wretched behavior, and was stunned for a moment in surprise.

"I'm just taking notes."

Although it was in a joking tone, Isaac Mezlassi couldn't hide his pride, and finally he squeezed it gently.

star? What are these stars.

In the face of his own molesting, he could not only endure it obediently.

With pride, he blurted out, "I touched the sexy goddess Scarlett Johansson..."

Just as he was talking, Scarlett on the opposite side had recovered. She had lived a good life in these years, and she had never been so teased and insulted, so she raised one hand without hesitation, facing the picture. The proud face twitched fiercely.


The crisp slap sound is not too loud. But it reached the ears of everyone in the interview area, and many people turned their heads and looked here, stunned for a second.

Isaac Mezrahi was also stunned, but the burning pain in his face clearly reminded him that he was under live TV footage. was beaten by a woman...


Before he could say his words, a tall figure approached him at the fastest speed. The slender arm was raised to a height that he could not see at all, with much greater strength and speed than Scarlett. , fell down again, and slapped Isaac Mezrahi on the other cheek.


The loud slap sounded again. Accompanied by the falling hand, Isaac Mezrahi's head turned to the other side like a cramp. Amidst the burning pain and the flying stars in front of him, he could clearly see that the opposite was an unusually tall girl, Jiang. Yellow two-shoulder dress. Fresh and bright face, beautiful princess headband, like a large Barbie doll.


That was the only thing the girl said to him.

Isaac Mezrahi shook his head vigorously, and after a little sober, he stretched out his hand in a daze and prepared to point at the other party. It's just that the hand was pressed down as soon as it was raised, and several people isolated him from the two girls on the opposite side.

He knew these people, his colleagues from the TV station, he struggled for a while, and shouted loudly, "Let me go!"

"You'd better see who the person opposite Du is!"

The man who whispered the warning was John Trotter, a reporter for the television entertainment department.

They were interviewing Jamie Foxx before, and they didn't notice this until the second slap sounded, and then immediately threw away the number one favorite for best actor on the opposite side, and rushed over at the fastest speed.

He didn't know about others, but the girls were very familiar with them later. The entertainment department of the TV station was right across from the Disney headquarters building. Before the other party became famous, he would often go through the connecting overpass to play around in the TV station and hang out with many people. are familiar.

Maybe Disney has created countless princesses, but insiders all know that Taylor Swift is the real princess of Walt Disney!

A few people away, Tyler stared at Isaac Mezlasey coldly, those sapphire blue eyes as cold and piercing as Ceylon sapphires buried in the depths of the North Pole for 10,000 years.

When she walked into the interview area, she happened to see that the other party pinched Scarlett's chest, and then the chubby girl shot angrily. Although her past education reminded her that she should be calm, she was a friend who had been with her for more than ten years. One of her closest people...

Therefore, she did not hesitate to give Isaac Mezlassi a loud slap in the face, and used the greatest strength.

Although the live TV screen was replaced with advertisements by the TV station, the surrounding flashing lights turned into a whole, and dozens of reporters gathered around.

"Scarlett..." Taylor shook her hand and looked around, Scarlett was doing the same thing, "I'm fine."

The two pairs of beautiful eyes briefly met, and then quickly separated. Oscar's security personnel had already run over. After a leading person glanced at Taylor, he gave a low voice, and immediately a few people put Taylor and Taylor together. Scarlett protected.

Covering his swollen cheeks, he didn't need to look in the mirror. Isaac Mezrahi also knew that there must be a bright red palm print on it. He also stared at the two women opposite, and bit his teeth hard. .

He had already seen who was behind him, and one hand trembled slightly, but the pain on his face immediately reminded him that the other party was completely insulting him in public!

I was just joking and pinching their breasts, and they treated him like this!

Must fight back! Must fight back!

The current Isaac Mezrahi can be described as furious. He knows that he can't do anything now, but he won't just let it go.

Not only do I want to touch your breasts, but I also want to ruin your reputation!

Isaac Mezrahi stared at the two young girls, and instantly thought of a way. He is the editor of "Vogue" magazine, and he is best at telling stories with articles... No, it is to expose the essence of facts!

Also, I am an openly gay gay man, discriminating against gays...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth, but before the smile appeared, there was a burning pain on his face again.

"I advise you to..."

Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder, and when Isaac Mezrahi turned his head to look, it was a reporter from the Los Angeles Times. The other party had a little friendship with him, and at this time, he lowered his voice and reminded him in his ear, " Hurry up and apologize to Scarlett Johansson, either publicly or privately, and put this matter to rest as soon as possible."

"Quiet! Apologize?" Isaac Mezrahi said through gritted teeth, "I'm going to stink those two bitches!"

He knew that Ryan Jenkins might be behind him, but he also had Vogue behind him, and his boss was an unreasonable devil!

Besides, they are not Ryan Jenkins' real family after all.

Anger always brings some wrong judgments. Anna Wintour is indeed the devil in their eyes, but not the devil in the eyes of the top people.

"Things seem to be in trouble."

With two loud slaps, Scarlett's anger gradually calmed down, and she looked around. If it wasn't for the security guards, those excited reporters would definitely surround them.

"Scarlett!" Taylor said seriously in her ear, "I will protect you."

In the VIP room of the Kodak Theater, Ryan sat in a chair and talked with David Yates next to him about the follow-up shooting of "Harry Potter". The British director signed a long-term contract with Disney until he finished directing. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will step down.

And his first film received quite good response, much better than the director who only directed one film in his previous life. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" earned more than $767.4 million at the global box office. Although it is not as good as the first one, it is a lot more than the global box office of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".

After a few words between the two, John suddenly walked into the VIP lounge, hurried to Ryan's side, and whispered a few words in his ear.

"What?" Ryan stood up immediately, then turned to David Yates and said, "I have something urgent to deal with, I'll talk about it next time."

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to reply, he left the VIP lounge, hurried through the front hall, and walked out of the main entrance of the Kodak Theater.

After coming out, the first thing that catches the eye is the chaotic interview area. After Ryan saw that Taylor and Scarlett, who were protected by the security staff, were safe and sound, he immediately let go of his heart.

As long as Tyler and the others aren't hurt, everything else is fine.

He waved to the back, and several security personnel immediately walked in front of him, dividing the surrounding group of reporters on both sides.

Ryan ignored the flashing lights and the various questions asked by reporters, and went straight to Taylor and Scarlett.

"What the hell is going on?"

In the eyes of the two girls, there was anger that could not be concealed. ()

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