Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1046: The darkness that surfaced

Whether it is coincidence or luck, in short, Usopp has already used his own combat power to solve the Don Quixote family's highest cadre Torrepol, and the Don Quixote family's most important cadre sugar.

And the moment that Sugar was in a coma, it also meant that the sop plan specified by the little human race was successful. The abilities and contracts of the childlike fruit were lifted with the faint of Sugar. All the toys would be restored to their original state, and the disappeared memory would also be Back in everyone's mind.

In an instant, the entire country, whether it was the adults laughing happily on the streets, the toys walking on the streets, the people escaping from the bullfighting arena, and the toys that worked day and night in the underground trading port, all recovered. In its original state, the shady that concealed the truest side of this country was torn apart, and the hidden darkness finally surfaced.

Underground trading port!

As the sugar fainted, the toys here exuded a ray of light, and the adults who turned into toys finally returned to their original state, green peppers, Cavendish... these strong players in the arena also returned to their freedom.

The strong men who have become toys have already forged a deep hatred with Doflamingo in their hearts, and there is still anger as the freedom is restored.

In the horrified eyes of the pirates under the Don Quixote family, the anger of the powerful men who had recovered their freedom erupted like a volcano, attacking the surrounding managers guarding the underground trading port.

In a blink of an eye, the entire underground trading port became a battlefield, and the furious strong men vented all their anger to the pirates of Doflamingo, and the guns piled up in the port became weapons that people could get everywhere.

The sound of guns and guns echoed over the underground trading port.

Faced with the attacks of the furious strong men, the Don Quixote family who had lost Torrepol and the sugar commander had already retreated at a deft pace.


Compared to the underground trading riots, the whole Deres Rosa has been in panic and chaos. A toy walking on the road is restored to its original shape, and people who have lost their memory begin to recover.

Looking at the road, the toys turned into human beings. The naval soldiers in this country were shocked. Although it was difficult to accept this scene in their hearts, everything they saw was the truth. .

As the country returned to its original shape, the people who returned to its original form smiled, and as the disappearing memory returned, Dres Rosa was completely in chaos.

In the past ten years, people who have lost their memories have begun new lives, and the return of memories will break everything. Women who once again marry others and have children remember their husbands and sons, and fathers remember their wives and children.

So chaos and quarrels flooded this country. This chaotic scene was staged on every street. Wives found their husbands, and husbands found their wives. The children remembered their fathers and mothers. When everything was back on track, for ten years The accumulated anger exploded in an instant.

The flags of the Don Quixote family were burned and the pirates who belonged to the Don Quixote family were surrounded by angry people and beaten into meat sauce. The voice of crusade against Doflamingo was heard everywhere in this country. .

"This guy Usopp did a great job!"

Somewhere in the tower of the palace, Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting on a high place, showed a faint smile on his face as he watched this scene happen. Under this seemingly glamorous country, there are deep darkness that cannot be seen directly, and today these darkness will be public. Focus on the world.

Compared to Lin Tian's joy, Taotu only had a shocked face. She didn't know that the toys were actually humans, nor did she know the childlike fruit ability of sugar.

When I saw that this previously peaceful and prosperous country fell into chaos in an instant, Taotu’s heart was shocked and could not be described in words. Although it has long been speculated that Ming had used what means to hide the darkness of this country, when the darkness appeared, Even if it had been prepared, Taotu still couldn't believe that the darkness hidden in this country was so terrible.

After a while, Taotu accepted all this and turned his head to look at Lin Tian and asked seriously: "Lin Tian, ​​have you known this for a long time?"

Lin Tian nodded and directly admitted: "Yes, exposing the darkness of this country to the world is the best and most effective way to let Doflamingo manage and destroy for decades. It will be the matter of Deres Rosa tomorrow. Spread all over the world, Doflamingo is not only considered **** by people who are also pirates, even the world government cannot use methods because of his identity as a dragon."

After a pause, Lin Tian's conversation turned, and he smiled: "Of course, it is better for the world government to shield Doflamingo, so that our revolutionary army can use this opportunity to make a big publicity. I think there must be many countries around here. I will be afraid of the world government because of this."

The dark revealing of Dresrosa is only the first step of the plan. Next, Lin Tian will let him experience the feeling of losing everything but being unable to change.

Looking down at Sister Tao Tutu who was silent on the side, Lin Tian asked indifferently: "The evil deeds and nature of the pirate Doflamingo have all been exposed. Facing this sad country, Sister Tao Tutu, what should you do as the navy? How to choose, is to help Ming Ge cover up the turmoil? Or join the rebellion crowd to shoot at Doflamingo?".

Standing up, Taotu gave Lin Tian a white look and cursed: "You fellow, really gave me a problem."

If it were the ordinary pirate Qiwuhai, if this kind of thing happened, Taotu was fully qualified, and would not hesitate to deprive the other party of Qiwuhai qualification.

But Don Quixote Doflamingo is a Draco. Although he is a Draco who was expelled, it is undeniable that he is a Draco. Therefore, the Navy Headquarters has no right to judge Doflamingo.

"This country becomes the way it is now. Our navy must appear and maintain it. Then I will go first, Lin Tian." After that, Taotu jumped down the street, and the navy was busy with the following things.

It wasn't until Taotu's back figure disappeared from before that Lin Tian looked back, looked up at the palace above, and said to himself: "Doflamingo, let us resolve this ten-year hatred."

Inside the palace!

Hearing the news that sugar was solved by Usopp, Ming Ge was shocked and suddenly crushed his **** under the stone chair. Looking at the chaotic country from the window, Ming Ge’s frowning brow was dripping. Cold sweat ran down the brows.

The cadres in the room did not dare to make a loud noise. Although Brother Ming didn't say anything, everyone could clearly feel the anger in Doflamingo's heart.

A subordinate ran into the room in a panic with dozens of phone bugs. "Young master, reports of emergencies are endless. Southern Saibio called urgently. The toys of the workers at the port became pirates, and they attacked the port guard. The entire port will soon be taken by pirates, and our casualties are huge."

"There is also Carruta in the east, where all the toys have become soldiers who served as Dresrosa, and some of the toys have become state officials, navy, nobles of various countries, and even huge ones. Beasts raged on the streets"

For more than ten years, the entire ten years of accumulation were destroyed at this moment accompanied by sugar fainting. Brother Ming was bleeding in his heart and clenching his teeth. It was already difficult for Ming to suppress the anger in his heart.

Brother Ming knew better than anyone that if today's things were to spread the whole world, then he would really be over. Those guys who lived in Marin Joa would definitely use this as an opportunity to attack him.

In the past ten years, Ming brother has not known how many people have been turned into toys. Many of these people are former enemies and opponents, and many of them are nobles and government officials. Ming brother can imagine that people in the whole country are probably right now. He hated him and wanted to drink his blood and eat his And all this was because of Usopp, the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, who sniped himself in Grimbit and let Luo save Caesar. The sniper, at this moment, Ming Ge's killing intent on Usopp far exceeds Lin Tian.

"How about? Doflamingo, now you have been driven to a dead end." Luo's laughter filled with excitement and sarcasm echoed throughout the room.

Although he can't see what is happening in this country at this moment, Luo can imagine what kind of turmoil will erupt in this country where the sugar fainted, and Doflamingo and his Don Quixote family will welcome them unprecedented crisis.

Thinking of this, Luo couldn't help expressing his gratitude to Long Nose Master. Not only did he save himself before, but now he also lifted the darkness of this country away.

"Damn it, Luo you kid shut up," baby5 walked over and shouted angrily, raising his hand to slap Luo's face.

"Stop, baby5!" Doflamingo's shout suddenly came. Baby5's palm stopped a few centimeters away from Luo's cheek, and baby5 looked at Brother Ming with a puzzled face.

I saw a ferocious smile on the corner of Ming's mouth, and said, "Luo, do you think I can't do anything this way? It's time to release the bird cage."

Hearing this, Luo's face changed suddenly, as if he had seen something terrible.

call out…

Suddenly, there was a piercing sound in the air, and a sharp cold light flashed in everyone's eyes. The next second, Ming's head flew straight and fell to the ground, making a bang.

Quiet... There was a strange silence in the room. Everyone was stunned and didn't realize what was happening.

"Little Lord!!"

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