In the underground trading port, under the attack of countless angry strong men, hundreds of subordinates in the trading port have long been chopped into meat sauce.

Robin hugged Usopp, who was covered in blood, and shouted worriedly: "Hey, Usopp, you wake up, thanks to you, everyone can return to their original state."

Usopp was seriously injured and dying. He was covered in blood as if he had been fished out of a sea of ​​blood. The eyes of the little humans gathered around clearly revealed their concerns.


Leo reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of his mouth. It was Usolando who, at the last moment, solved the highest cadre Torrepol, and tripped the sugar with the Tababasco fruit, which made the sugar faint and relieved the childlike fruit. the power of.

As Usolando said, he rescued everyone, the toys that worked underground every day, our partners who were enslaved in the factory, and those who seemed to be walking on the street cheerfully, but they kept crying inside. Toys, and adults who didn’t even notice the loss of their loved ones.

It is because of Usopp's actions that this cursed country can be lifted from the curse and restored to its memory, including the painful past.

He is a true hero!

"Usolan get up!"

"Usolando don't die!"

A small human being lay on Usopp's clothes, holding Usopp's clothes with both hands, his twinkling eyes were filled with tears of grief.

When everyone was crying in grief because of Usopp's death, Usopp opened his eyes with great effort, listening to the constant crying in his ears, showing a wry smile and said: "Then what? I'm still alive" .

"The hero is still alive!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of excitement, and Robin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he could speak, indicating that there was no big problem.

Although Usopp's whole body is in pain now, and his bones are like falling apart, how can Usopp forget his old line and brag at this exciting time!

Exhausting all his strength, Usopp raised his thumb and bragged: "Everything is in my plan. Leave everything to my companion. The battle has just begun."

"So handsome!"

At this moment, many small human races looked at their great hero Usolandu with admiring eyes. Even if Usolando was lying down at the moment, in the eyes of many small human races, Usolando was so tall and worthy of being. A hero who is certain to heaven.

At this moment, Torrepol, who was knocked into a coma by the explosion, came to his senses. When he saw the unconscious figure of Sugar and the surrounding toys all restored to their original state, he immediately realized the seriousness of the incident. They met the Don Quixote family. The most serious crisis since its establishment.

And in everything because of himself, Torrepol didn't know how to face Dover. Failure to protect the safety of sugar was his biggest dereliction of duty.

Torrepol climbed up from the ground, raised his cane in his hand, and said murderously: "After the hateful straw hat boy, there is also the Dongdongta clan. You dare to stun the sugar, release all the slaves, and let the whole Dray Throsa is in a panic, you don't want to leave here alive."

Robin felt deeply about Torrepol's strength, and hurriedly shouted to many villains: "I'll stop, you take Usopp and leave immediately."

"Understand, Robin Lando, with us here, we will definitely not cause trouble to Uso Lando." Under Leo's command, many small human races immediately moved Usopp and fled toward the passage.


Just when Torrepol shot, an angry shout came. The next second, a giant foot stepped towards Torrepol, and there was a loud bang. Although the giant foot did not hit Torrepol , But the strong wind still blew Torrepol out.

"These two guys are cadres under Doflamingo!"

"The two of them turned Lao Tzu into toys. Don't stop Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu will chop these two guys into meat sauce."

"Go away, Lao Tzu is going to take them alive"

Looking at Torrepol and granulated sugar, many powerful men who were still angry, rushed towards Torrepol amidst the roar.

Looking at the many arena contestants gathered here, Torrepol's face changed drastically, and so many strong players could chop them into meat sauce instantly.

He waved a mucus chain and pulled the unconscious sugar to his side, unwilling to look at Usopp, who was rescued by the little human race, now even if he wanted to kill the long-nosed guy, there was no way.

With his right hand waving a chain and sticking to the upper passage, Torrepol hurriedly fled towards the palace with granulated sugar. Watching Torrepol flee, many powerful people could only shout unwillingly.

Suddenly, the pirate giant Helding bent down and stretched out his hand to **** the badly injured Usopp from the little human race.

"Are you a dwarf? This person lends me first!"

Taking a deep look at the badly injured Usopp, Helding immediately shouted to the strong men around him: "You can see it clearly to me. It is said that some of us have even been toys for ten years. How is that? Such torture, if there were no such man in my hands, we would still be toy jobs here, until we died and were discarded in the toy dump, we were so lucky to have recovered a life, we are all optimistic, soldier People!".

As he said, Helding held the seriously injured Usopp in both hands, and his two big hands held Usopp's arm, and lifted the seriously injured Usopp high above his head.

In the shocking eyes of hundreds of powerful men, Helding said: "It is because of this man that he lifted the curse on us and restored us to freedom. He is...Captain Usopp!!!"

Loud shouts echoed throughout the trading port. In an instant, countless cheers rang out. Many powerful men waved their weapons and shouted the name of'Captain Usopp'. This was the excitement of coming back from the dead, and even more so. Thanks to Usopp for saving their lives.

"Captain Usopp! Captain Usopp! Captain Usopp!"

The little human races below seemed to be infected, looking at each other, and they all smiled. It was this man who rescued the country and completed the sop plan. They also joined the cheers.

"Usolando! Usolando! Usolando!"

At this moment, in the huge trading port, everyone's eyes were focused on the man who was floating in the sky.

If in normal times, Usopp had long been provoked by this exciting scene, it would be inevitable to bluff while being excited.

But at this moment Usopp didn't have the slightest thought. After Helding's work, his body became more painful. His hands seemed to be torn, and there was a tingling sensation everywhere.

Kaz... Kaz... cracks spread across the ceiling. In a blink of an eye, only a loud bang was heard. The solid ceiling suddenly collapsed and cracked. A blue light beam shone down from the ceiling’s large, cracked hole, and shot directly at Wu Thorpe was surrounded by thick smoke.

Many strong men who looked up, stared at all this in a dumbfounded manner, their trembling eyes almost couldn't believe it.

"What is this... the blue light and why does it appear in this light", someone shouted incoherently.

Even if the ceiling is cracked and connected to the outside, it should not be the blue light, but the golden sunlight, which has already shocked people's hearts.

"The light from heaven, is he the messenger of heaven?" Some people could not restrain their excitement, and their eyes revealed worshipful gazes.

Yes, the heavy smoke from the ceiling fell just to see Helding's figure obscured. At this moment, Usopp seemed to be floating in the sky out of thin air, with the weird blue light, which is not like the **** in the rumors. ?

Even if Robin is very familiar with Usopp, looking at the scene in front of her, she stretched out her hands to cover her mouth in surprise.

Suddenly, hundreds of people shouted out their hearts.

" are witnessing a miracle!!!"

At this moment even these murderous pirates couldn't restrain their trembling heart, tears were streaming down their twinkling eyes.

A pirate burst into tears and said with emotion: "It's too sacred! He is simply the God with arms outstretched at us!"

Tilting his head, Usopp's mouth squirmed slightly. Suddenly, many powerful men stopped and listened carefully to the teachings of our lord Usopp.

In this solemn and solemn atmosphere, many powerful men have never heard someone say so solemnly, even if it is their parents, Usopp said every word.


In fact, Usopp just wanted to say, you **** put me down, it's too unkind, annoying, didn't you see me bloody? Damn it.

But because Usopp's injury was too serious, he stopped talking for a while. As a result, many powerful people heard ‘you will be guided forward by me’, what a clever language.

Of course, this is what a child would never believe. At this time, this kind of scene is contagious, and most of the strong are convinced by the excitement of many strong people.

With a plop, as one strong man knelt down, one strong one after another knelt down on one knee towards their lord Usopp, showing the most noble manners.

"My lord Usopp! My lord Usopp!"

At the same time, above the underground trading port, Lin Tian was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and was fighting an enemy in front of him. The blue light shining on Usopp was actually just the light of thunder and lightning on Lin Tian. The broken ceiling was also split out by Lin Tianlei.

Naturally, Lin Tian didn't know that he indirectly made Usopp a god, and he did nothing to accept a group of powerful servants of God.

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