Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1048: Fierce Battle Oka

Bang... bang...

A series of collisions sounded, and Lin Tian floated high in the air like a **** in charge of thunder and lightning, waves of thunder and lightning between his hands were like a sharp blade slashing towards Oka under the ground.

In the endless explosions, the tall houses were destroyed by thunder and lightning, and most of the destroyed streets were no longer there. The battle between Lin Tian and Oka was really earth-shattering, and the destructive power was really terrifying.

Upstairs, Oka turned into a white light, which constantly flickered in the roof. At extremely fast speed, even the lightning that Lin Tian cooperated with the powerful and domineering and domineering accurately could not hit this guy.


Suddenly, Oka stomped on both feet, and the violent power came out. Then there was a rumbling, and the ten-meter-high building collapsed under Oka's feet. The whole street was trembling, and there was a lot of thick fog and debris. Shi Feiqi.

At the moment when the house collapsed, Oka's figure turned into a streamer and burst out, raising the iron fist covered by the armed domineering, and blasting towards Lin Tian who was covered in thunder and lightning.

"Lin Tian, ​​for the hatred of our clan, those hundreds of thousands of people who died tragically, you die for me."

Amidst the shouts full of anger and hatred, Oka's figure exploded with killing intent, and the waning moon-shaped imprint on his forehead shrouded his hands with a white light, and his fists turned into a dragon, jumping through the void, straight Chao Lin Tian killed.

Faced with Oka, who had already been occupied by anger, Lin Tian didn't have any words, and his fists blasted out, pushing countless thunder and lightning to meet him.

The fists collided, the violent fists collided, and a large amount of blood fell from the two fists.

Suddenly, a terrible shock wave radiated centered on the two of them, and the void shattered, and a series of spatial cracks appeared beside them, and even the void could not bear such a terrifying force.

Dozens of hurricanes were set off on the streets out of thin air. Large objects and shops were blown away by the hurricane. Pieces of houses fell like waves. The collision of this kind of force even shook the entire Dresrosa.

Fortunately, all the people on this street have fled, otherwise the shock wave that leaked a little would be enough to kill countless ordinary people.

"What a terrible force this is, it shattered the whole house with one kick! It is a powerful pirate of the Qiwuhai level, especially the collision just now, the whole street was razed to the ground", the navy soldier in the distance watched this scene , Could not help but utter a heartfelt sigh.

With the disappearance of the childlike fruit ability, many navy soldiers gradually learned everything after being shocked. While angry at Doflamingo's inhumane approach, the darkness hidden in this country shocked many navy soldiers.

It stands to reason that in the face of this situation, Doflamingo has clearly violated the rules set by Qiwuhai and the world government. Admiral Fujitora is fully qualified to declare that Doflamingo will be deprived of the Qiwuhai title, and the navy will also join the crusade. Doflamingo’s camp.

But Fujitora only ordered many lieutenants to lead his troops to monitor the battlefields, and no one could act without his orders.

Standing on a tall building somewhere, Lieutenant General Maynard, watching the earth-shattering battle in the distance, said to himself: "What the **** is Admiral Fujitora thinking, so let these powerful pirates stay in this country? Chaos, Lin Tian, ​​Oka, Shi Zhihao, and Saab, the top three of the Revolutionary Army. Any of these people can destroy this country, but our navy has nothing to do. What is Mr. Fujitora waiting for? ".

Looking at the **** fist face, under Lin Tian's abnormal resilience, the wounds have stopped bleeding and scarred at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, this kind of resilience was nothing compared to Oka of the Moonlight Clan. Oka's hands were restored to their original state in an instant. The name of the Moonlight Clan, known as the world's No. 1 individual art clan, was not to boast.

"Lin Tian, ​​since that year, I have been living in endless hatred for the past few years, and I will be awakened by the misfortune of that day for countless days and nights."

As he said, Oka clenched both fists, and the resentment that could not be described in words burst out. As the last remaining member of the Moonlight Clan, Oka has lived in terrible pain every day for the past two years, and all this is because of the front This man.

Shaking his head, Lin Tian looked at Oka idiotically, "I have said it countless times. Things were not that simple back then. There are terrible secrets hidden in this. I really don't know what your head thinks. At that time, the moonlight clan was like a cloud. Your father and the three big clans were all top powerhouses. I didn’t even think about how it was possible to kill them with my combat power.”

For such a simple question, you don't need to think about it. As long as you are an ordinary person, you can know that things were not so simple. Not to mention the G1 branch he led, and even the entire navy headquarters did not completely eliminate the power of the Moonlight clan.

When he waved his hand, how could Oka believe what Lin Tian said, and said: "Lin Tian, ​​stop quibbling, who must be the last murderer, although I don’t know how you used my father and the three elders. Killed, but when I returned to the ruins of our clan again, I found decisive evidence of **** in the old room of the second clan."

After speaking, Oka took out a broken piece of cloth from his hand and flew it out and threw it at Lin Tian. After receiving the flying rag fragments, Lin Tian calmly looked at it, and his expression suddenly changed.

I saw five big characters written in blood on the rags, ‘Lin Tian the Murderer! ’.

As one of the participants in the incident that year, Lin Tian clearly understood everything that happened, including the secrets hidden in it, but it was just that, Lin Tian was shocked.

I happened to be involved in that incident, and many things can only be regarded as an outsider. The Moonlight Clan was not actually killed by Lin Tian’s hands, including the killing of the Moonlight Clan, Oka’s father, which was actually Oka. Father wants to do it himself.

It was not his own order to mobilize dozens of warships to wipe down the Moonlight Clan’s islands. It was not his own order to launch the order to kill demons. How could Lin Tian mobilize such a large fleet based on the naval power at that time? There is another person behind the scenes.

But why the second clan elder of the Moonlight clan left such a handwriting, Lin Tian quickly thought about it, what is hidden behind it, are the five old guys secretly calculating themselves.

Seeing Lin Tian's silence, Oka thought that Lin Tian had been exposed. He didn't know how to quibble, and suddenly angrily said: "Lin Tian, ​​what else can you say, if it weren't for what I saw left by the old man Things, I was fooled by your Lin Tian, ​​and today, Oka will kill you."

With the final roar, Oka raised his hands, and the invisible power came out. With Oka as the center, the ruins all over the ground trembled violently in the surrounding streets. In the next second, huge ruins appeared. The stones flew up from the ground, and under Oka's control, the ruins of several streets were all suspended high in the air, and the ruins and stones in the sky were suspended like black clouds.

Looking up at the black clouds floating overhead, a large shadow cast on the ground, even the sun floating in the sky was blocked.

Lin Tian's eyes flashed solemnly, and he muttered to himself: "Although this guy has a bad head, it is undeniable that compared to two years ago, Oka's combat power has improved rapidly. Doflamingo's teammate asked for it. Not bad".

"Destroy it!"

Oka's palm was gently pressed down, and suddenly the floating rocks all fell down. Under the push of Oka, the stones fell from the sky and rubbed fiercely with the air to produce flames. The dense fireballs fell from high above, like a game. Like a huge meteorite rain.

Bang... bang...

In an instant, a continuous explosion sounded, and every stone that was burning with flames fell, that powerful impact was enough to easily destroy a ten-meter-high building.

"Lei Ying. Wan Leishan!"

I saw Lin Tian's arm turned into a thunder and lightning, and with Lin Tian's low voice, a dazzling light blue thunder and lightning shot from his arm straight into the sky.

The thunder and lightning flew hundreds of meters high in the sky, followed by a loud bang, and the straight thunder pillar suddenly exploded, like a goddess scattered flowers, the exploded thunder and lightning spread out like an umbrella, turning into small thunder and lightning. The dense thunder and lightning are no less than ten thousand times, and the sky is full of thunder and lightning. The many naval soldiers guarding the battlefield at the side can't help but feel numb at a glance.

The dense thunder and lightning are like an iron curtain, blocking the falling meteorites in the Blocks of boulders directly hit the iron curtain, as if two giants are confronting each other. At the moment of collision, the entire sky is full of flames of explosion , A large group of fireballs appeared, and the void was trembling.

Such a huge movement naturally shocked the whole Deres Rosa, and countless people looked up at this magnificent scene that had never been told.

At the palace, Doflamingo felt the hurricane rushing towards his face, and finally a rare smile appeared on his ugly face. Oka blocked Lin Tian. This was the only good news that Ming had heard.

Looking into this earth-shattering explosion, Lin Tian and Oka each turned into a stream of light and collided together. The void trembled, large streets were destroyed, and houses collapsed, replaced by huge deep pits. In this terrible Under the destructive force, the solid earth was also difficult to resist, and the earth shattered, revealing the huge trading port hidden underground.

The stronger Oka is, the more excited Ming Ge is, "It is worthy of being the prince of the Moonlight clan, the world's strongest physique clan with a history of thousands of years is really terrifying. I am afraid that this strength will not be much different than Lin Tian. No wonder those guys are so jealous of this group."

If Lin Tian was here, he would definitely be shocked by what Ming Ge said. Obviously, from the words just now, Doflamingo also knew the course of events that happened that year.


Lin Tian flew out with a kick, speed is strength, kicking through the void like thunder and lightning, making gusts of wind and thunder.

Oka quickly raised his hands and folded his arms against his chest, but when Lin Tianlei kicked and touched Oka's arm, a terrible force struck him, his arms trembled, and he slammed into his chest. With a muffled sound, Oka vomited blood, and suddenly flew out like a broken kite.

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