Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1050: Fierce battle!

A faint sea breeze blew, and the breeze swept away the smoke that enveloped Dresrosa like a broom, but the chaos in Dresrosa has evolved into a growing trend.

Under the expedition Doflamingo team composed of angry people and many pirates, government officials, bounty hunters, etc. who were turned into toys by sugar, Doflamingo’s more than two thousand men thought to be one. A small boat drifting in the squally wind and waves, a single wave smashed them all.

Therefore, a crusade team composed of tens of thousands of people ran towards the palace where Doflamingo was located, and more people joined the crusade crowd. How much anger has gathered hundreds of thousands of people over the past decade? An unimaginable torrent.

And here, the battlefield opened by Lin Tian and Oka has become a forbidden place in the country of Dresrosa, and the people fled outside like a tide.

With a scream, Lin Tian suspended in mid-air suddenly disappeared from Oka's eyes. The next second, Oka's eyes suddenly shrank, and through the corner of his eyes, he could clearly see the disappeared Lin Tianzheng appearing on the right.

The thighs mingled with the sound of wind and thunder swept like a streamer, Oka's reaction was not slow, and his hands quickly crossed in front of him.


I only felt a huge force hit, and Oka was directly repelled several meters suspended in the sky, but in the end, relying on the power that was gushing out like a tide in his body at this moment, Oka abruptly resisted Lin Tian's attack.

Without a single blow, Lin Tian's figure flashed again, this time he appeared behind Oka at a faster speed, and the pair of fists wrapped in armed domineering blasted towards Oka's back.

"Leidi Fist!"


Before the punch arrived, an explosion suddenly remembered. It was a sonic boom caused by the speed of the punch breaking the sound barrier.

At this moment, Oka had no time to resist, and Lin Tian's double fists were directly blasted back. His body was not controlled by Oka. It was like a cannonball flying from the muzzle, sliding across a beautiful float in the sky, followed by a heavy collision. On the ground.

The earth-shattering explosion sounded like dozens of naval guns roaring together. Houses collapsed around the fallen Oka, the shaking ground cracked, and a series of dark bottomless cracks spread across the entire street. Every location.


Dark red blood spurted out of his mouth. This was congestion from his chest. When he spurted this blood out of his mouth, Oka's rapid breathing calmed down a lot.

Lying in the deep pit, Oka did not immediately stand up. Just now, the power of Lin Tian's fist was too violent. Oka's vertebrae were broken into several pieces. If ordinary people face this situation, they would die.

But Oka is not an ordinary person. As the last descendant of the Moonlight Clan, Oka has the blood and physical talent of the Moonlight Clan. That is the perverted resilience. For example, it may take a few weeks for an ordinary person to have a blood stain of ten centimeters. It is completely healed, and the people of the Moonlight clan can stop the bleeding instantly, and there will be no traces the next day.

Especially under the nirvana of life, Oka’s resilience has also doubled. In the past, compared to ordinary people, he was already perverted. Now it is even more perverted. At this moment, if someone can see through Oka’s back, it will be clear. I saw that the torn flesh and blood grew little by little, the broken blood vessels began to repair, and even the broken vertebrae had grown at a very fast rate.

In a short period of time, Oka's back has fully recovered, and this abnormal resilience is already comparable to those of the animal demon fruit awakeners.

Standing up and twisting his waist, apart from the slight pain that still came from, it would not affect the next battle.


A burst of air burst into the ears, like a sharp sword passing through, the dense fog in the sky split into two, and Lin Tian was already slamming towards Oka at the speed of thunder and lightning.

"Nian move the wall!"

Accompanied by Oka’s angry shout, the raised right foot stepped on the ground. Suddenly, terrible power gushed out from the sole of the foot. The ground was trembling, and the remaining rumbling of the tall buildings collapsed one after another, and cracks were opened. Oka's right foot continued to extend as the center, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Accompanied by the tide of thought power gushing out of the body, the scattered rocks scattered on the ground flew up in a faint tremor, and countless broken rocks were combined into one, and in a blink of an eye, a huge wall stood in front of Oka.

With a wave of his hand, a huge hill-like wall appeared out of thin air. This kind of power could not be overstated by moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, just like the gods in the rumor.

Looking at the huge wall pierced in front of the thick fog, Lin Tian's mouth was slightly raised, revealing a touch of disdain. No matter how many such walls are, it is useless.

Without weakening his own speed, Lin Tian stepped out into the air, and the already fast speed increased by a few minutes again. Suddenly, the dark armor color was like a layer of invisible armor covering Lin Tian's body, and the dark Lin Tian turned into A streamer crashed into the stone wall without fear.


In an instant, the earth-shaking explosion sounded, and the violent impact was like an invisible hurricane of dozens of levels. The dense fog that enveloped the entire street was instantly blown away. The strong wind swept through half of Dres Rosa, even just arrived at the palace. Sauron and others on the second floor also felt a strong wind blowing.

Reluctantly opened his eyes and watched the battle that had destroyed dozens of streets not far away, Sauron's right hand was held tightly in his hand and the words of Hedao.

Compared with the fear on Jinweimen's face on the side, what Sauron had in his heart was endless fighting will. This kind of battle was the battle of the strong in Sauron's mind, and it was also the goal Sauron had pursued for many years.

"Oh, they fought so fiercely." Luffy let out a marvel, then stepped onto the wall, raising his hand to watch the battle in the distance.

"What a terrible collision is this. Just that moment, several streets were destroyed. If this battle continues, it will be difficult for the entire Deres Rosa to survive under Lin Tian and Oka." He fought through the telescope from a distance. It clearly appeared in Maynard's eyes, and his heart was already shocked.

Under the pressure, he was shocked. Maynard quickly contacted General Fujitora and asked them when the navy would take action. As a just navy, turning a blind eye to this situation would not violate the justice of the navy.

The seemingly incomparably hard wall, but like tofu dregs, faced the incomparable impact of Lin Tian, ​​the huge wall was broken at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and pieces of rubble fell like rain.

"Lin Tian, ​​take your life!"

Among the gravel, Oka turned into a stream of light and approached Lin Tian, ​​his fists blasted out like a cannonball, without hesitation, Lin Tian raised his fists to meet him.

The impact visible to the naked eye was vented out, fragments of rubble burst and turned into a cloud of stone fog, bright red blood spilled from the sky, it was obvious that the strong collision just now caused both of them to be injured by coincidence.

High in the sky, the two turned into phantoms invisible to the naked eye. Only those who saw and heard the domineering and powerful could see their movements clearly. There were more than ten or even dozens of collisions every minute and every second, and the violent shock waves continued to erupt.

Bright red blood was constantly spilling from the sky, and the fighting between the two had evolved into a fierce battle that determined life and death. The continuous repair of the broken body did not count as being shattered. The several blocks centered on the two had long been wiped out and turned into terrible ruins.

Step on...

The two of them were shocked and repelled by each other, a drop of blood spilled from Lin Tian’s fingers, the dark fists were already bloody, and the tiger’s mouth was shattered with several wounds. It is difficult to form an effective defense.

In contrast, under the fierce collision, Lin Tian had the upper hand, Oka was coughing up blood, the more he fought, the more he was shocked by the power that Lin Tian said broke out.

Not losing to his own powerful body, as well as that terrifying power and speed, greatly exceeded Oka's expectations. Oka could hardly believe that the physique that he was proud of fell into a disadvantage.

Oka carried out harsh training for revenge, Lin Tian did not rest. With the development of the Thunder Fruit in the past two years, the power of the Lei Di descending trick has also increased sharply. Even if it is not Oka but the smelly old man standing in front of him, Lin Tian believes With physical skills, he can fight the old man with all his strength.

A high-strength voltage of 400 million volts rushed into Lin Tian's body, and thunder and lightning stimulated every cell in Lin Tian, ​​causing the cells of the whole body to enter a short-term state of excitement, thereby greatly enhancing his combat power.

If it were not for the thunder-sounding ability and the strong physique, Lin Tian would really not dare to develop this kind of trick, but the danger and difficulty in the middle of the 400 million volts of electric current entering the human body are not so simple, and using this kind of this Lin Tian can’t use the thunder-sounding because once the rest of the lightning enters the body, the balance maintained in the body will be broken, and the current in the body will be enough to detonate Lin Tian’s whole person. For the sequelae, Lin Tian had no solution for two years.


A violent aura suddenly erupted from Oka's body like a volcano, the void was shaken, and waves of invisible hurricanes wrapped around Oka's body.

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, his face showed unspeakable dignity, "What a madman, do you want to work hard to this point?"

Oka gathered his whole body power. This was the final potential of the explosion. Once again, he forced to increase his combat power despite the crisis. Looking at the cracked wounds all over his body, he could clearly realize that Oka's body was not enough to hold such a powerful force.

As he continued to ascend, the final result of Oka was death, but death was nothing to Oka. He had already realized death, otherwise he would not initiate life nirvana. As long as he could kill Lin Tian, ​​he would die. so what.

Lin Tianzhen didn't want to fight Oka, because he didn't take any direct action at all in that incident. In the final analysis, Lin Tian was an outsider who unfortunately got involved that night.

But now he, an outsider, was pushed to the public by others, carrying the huge black pot of the whole incident on his body. Lin Tian has no place to tell his psychological unhappiness. Now he has to be stared at by Oka, a guy with well-developed limbs and no head. He said he wanted revenge.

Looking back now, Lin Tian felt that there was nothing to eat when he was full. Why did he keep catching up? When he found the five old men, he had stopped, otherwise there would not be so much shit.

But now, it's too late to say anything, it's impossible to get out of that swirl.

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