Inside the collapsed underground trading port!

"This thing is really hard to control," Sabo murmured as he watched the flames that emerged with a light wave of his hand.

The ability to get the burning fruit is still too short. As long as you are a little emotional, some flames will unnaturally appear on your body. However, as long as it takes a while to adapt, Sabo can completely control the power of burning the fruit.

"Where are you sacred?" Rebecca couldn't help asking, looking at the people who suddenly appeared in front of them and finally easily won the burning fruit.

Putting on the black gloves, Sabo raised his head and smiled slightly: "I haven't introduced ourselves yet, we are all revolutionary soldiers."

"Revolutionary Army!"

Rebecca was surprised that the Revolutionary Army is now well-known in the world, especially the recent Revolutionary Army and the world government formed an alliance of military wars, but how did the Revolutionary Army come back to this country?

As if guessing that Rebecca was puzzled, Sabo explained with a smile: "This time, when we come to this country, we have two main purposes. The first is to burn the fruit. This is my brother Ace’s ability. How can I get Doflamingo? By the way, this Mr. Shi Zhihao also came for this matter."

Nodding lightly, Shi Zhihao's attention was focused on this huge trading port at the moment. He didn't expect that Doflamingo had dug an underground world under this country.

"As for the second purpose, we are notified by Lin Tian to come to solve Doflamingo and by the way expose the darkness of this country to the public."

Berecka was startled, and then almost couldn't believe it and shouted: "Lin Tian? Is the legendary killer, he is also in this country, and he wants to solve Brother Duflaming."

Immediately after the shock, Rebecca showed uncontrollable excitement on her face. With Lin Tian's move, and with these strong men in front of him, Rebecca seemed to see Doflamingo being knocked down. The country shrouded in darkness can finally see the day again.

Regarding Lin Tian’s announcement of the world’s solution to Doflamingo’s case, it is obvious that the people of Dresrosa will not be aware of what is done in accordance with Ming Ge, otherwise the country will be in chaos as soon as the news spreads and Lin Tian has not done anything stand up.

After all, back then, with the protection of the Seven Martial Seas system, Lin Tian as a navy would still be within a yard of chaos, but as Lin Tian rebelled against the navy, the navy's restrictions and shackles were obviously of no use to Lin Tian.

"Then Lucy was also a revolutionary army." After reacting, Rebecca quickly asked Luffy's identity. Although the two met in just an hour, Luffy left a deep impression on Rebecca's heart. .

"The previous Lucy was a real big pirate who offered a reward of 400 million yuan." Speaking of this, Sabo showed a smile on his face. "His name is Straw Hat Luffy. Sooner or later, he will become the One Piece. It is my brother, please. Take care, but his troubles have not changed at all."

Kerla looked at Sabo with a blank look, and relentlessly attacked: "Sabo, you are so embarrassed to say that others, so are you."

With an embarrassing smile, Sabo explained: "I am different. Luffy does not have the brain to mess around instinctively, but I have a plan to mess around."

"Kerla and Ayn!"

Suddenly, Robin's joyful voice came, and Kerla was overjoyed when he saw Robin who appeared suddenly, and flew into Robin's arms.

"You really are here, Sister Robin!"

Ayin didn't jump into Robin's arms like Kerla, and the two looked at each other, each showing a smile.

If Lin Tian was here, he would definitely be shocked. When the relationship between these two women was so good, he didn't even know.

"Sabo, Shi Zhihao, don't come here unharmed", raising his head, Robin greeted Shi Zhihao and Sabo who were standing aside.

"Yeah, yeah"

The two smiled slightly, and agreed to each other. Meeting friends again always brings joy.

"Senior Robin Robin!"

Seeing Robin, Bartolomio was so excited that he couldn't even speak. So far, he has seen Senior Luffy, Senior Sauron, and now another Robin, a total of three idols.

Turning his gaze, Bartolomio looked at Usopp, who was following Robin, and fell into deep thought. There was no such face in the reward list of the Straw Hat Pirate Group.

In the next second, a spiritual light flashed through his mind, and Bartolomio was excited again indescribably, "Difficult... can it be said that this is Senior Sniper King".

Looking at Bartolomio who was yelling at the side, Robin thought he was a soldier in the revolutionary army, so he didn't care too much, and asked Sabo: "By the way, why are you here?"

Putting away the smile on his face, Sabo explained solemnly: "This time, we, together with the White Beard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army, have attacked Doflamingo as a bait, and gathered many guys who secretly opposed us. Together, then annihilate".

"According to time, the battle has almost come to an end now, and it won't take long for the battle to be resolved over there."

Sabo spoke very lightly, as if the solution was a group of ants, but when faced with the three forces of the Revolutionary Army's three commanders, the Shadow, and the White Beard Pirate Group, those people were indeed like ants.

Hearing this, Robin suddenly realized that Lin Tian had been doing some strange things since Punk Hazard. It turned out that the real purpose was here.

the other side!

In the palace, the sword fighter Cyrus, who was rumored by the former captain of the Dres Rosa guard, cut Doflamingo's head in half with a dazzling sword.

But what Cyrus cut off was only a clone of Ming Ge constructed from silk threads, and the real Ming Ge was hidden on the ceiling.

"Because of the liberation of the toys, this country has fallen into chaos everywhere. Because of Lin Tian, ​​even the Revolutionary Army and the White Beard Pirates have also been involved, and the palace has also been in a mess. Luo, I have to say, you It really did a great job."

"However, my strong ally has already held Lin Tian down. Next, as Qiwuhai, I will unite the navy to kill Lin Tian here. However, in order to prevent what happened in this country from leaking out, I must The birdcage is used, Luo!"

Hearing the words "birdcage", Luo's expression suddenly changed, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Even if the situation is so bad now, Ming Ge can still maintain his composure, because he has two cards in his hand that can change everything and completely reverse the whole bad situation, one of which is the birdcage.

Luffy, who was knocked to the ground, raised his head and said strangely: "What's the matter, why two Doflamingos suddenly appeared."

Luo, who had reacted from fear, shouted to Luffy very anxiously: "The Straw Hat Master, you should leave here quickly, or you will all be buried here. Doflamingo, this crazy guy actually wants to use a birdcage." .

"Bird cage, what is that?" Luffy looked confused when he touched his head and watched Luo look so panicked.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhh," Doflamingo laughed in the gloomy laughter: "The birdcage is an emergency policy that is enough to kill the entire country so that all this will not spread."

After speaking, Ming Ge turned his eyes to King Liku behind him, and said again: "King Liku, do you remember what it was like on that night ten years ago? It was you who killed your beloved nation and set fire to Ninghe. That day in the town".

Hearing that, the three people including King Liku, Violet and Cyrus suddenly changed their faces, and they will never forget that tragic day.

Seeing the grief of King Liku and the others, Ming's smile was even worse, and he said cruelly: "However, this time it won't be the same as that time. Only by destroying this country can things save everything now."

As the voice fell, the entire palace high ground trembled for a while, and a big stone hand suddenly appeared, threw Lu Fei and the others into the palace which was hundreds of meters high. They were seriously injured even if they were not dead.

"Lin Tian! Do you think this can stump me? In that case, let me put this to an end, and then it will be our life and death battle"

Clenching your Everything you have done for ten years will be destroyed in your own hands. In the unwilling voice of Brother Ming, the birdcage is activated!

I have used the silk thread doll made by "Shadow Riding Line·Thread Manipulator" as a medium. A string of thread composed of countless almost transparent thin threads rushes from the head of the silk thread doll like a fire. Hundreds of meters in the sky.

As the string of thread gets higher and higher, the body of the silk doll has disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turns into a string of thread.

These tens of thousands of transparent silk threads erupted into the air. When the thread pillars rushed to a certain extreme height, the thick thread pillars suddenly dispersed, and the thin transparent threads fell like a meteor shower, and the scattered thin threads were like A large umbrella that opened slowly shrouded Dres Rosa.

The sharp thin thread easily penetrates into the soil tens of meters deep, and the half-empty silk thread is scattered as the node. The scattered thin threads fall into the edge of the island. In a blink of an eye, thousands of thin threads have already covered the entire island. Shrouded, but the chaotic people in this country did not realize that the life and death crisis was coming.

Thousands of thin lines constitute this huge arc-shaped birdcage from the air to the ground. The birdcage itself has a very sharp cutting ability. It will be injured as long as it is touched gently, and the human body can be easily cut into two. Half, so this trick is like a real birdcage, which can prevent almost everyone inside from getting out, and can cut off any communication equipment.

The'birdcage' is a last resort, and if it weren’t for the chaos in this country that exceeded Doflamingo’s expectations, Ming would not use this trick to build a country for ten years. destroy.

But Brother Ming knew that the use of bird cages only temporarily blocked the country. If Lin Tian can't be resolved, nothing will help.

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