Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1055: A man offering a reward of 500 million

At the palace!


The crisp cracking sound of the glass sounded, and the bright red wine flowed down Brother Ming's fingertips, staring at the subordinates in front of him with murderous eyes.

Ming Ge almost couldn't believe it and asked, "What are you talking about? De Linger, Mahabais, and Xignol Pique were all taken care of by the pirate hunter Roronoa Sauron." .

As for the strength of these three people, Brother Ming knows. To be a cadre of the Don Quixote family, each of their strengths should not be underestimated. How could the three of them team up and still be defeated by a pirate hunter, Doflaming Brother's first reaction was to lie about the situation.

With a plop, the subordinates who came to report were scared to kneel on the ground, and replied with a trembling voice: "Master Young Master, these are all true. The three adults of Delinger have lost their team together, and the rest are in a coma with serious injuries. Three adults came to the palace."

Withdrawing the leaked murderous aura, Brother Ming already believed it in his heart, and these guys didn't have the guts to deceive him, "It seems that the tricky thing is not only the straw hat boy but also Luo" to be able to defeat the three people of De Linjie.

After thinking about it, Mingo immediately ordered Torrepol to go and pick up the three guys from Delinger, who needed them for the next battle.

Looking at these men on the side, Ming began to think about changing the plan. According to the current report, Diamanti, De Linger, Mahabais, Chora, Xignol Pique And Sugar was all in a coma, plus a traitor, Violet, now there are only six cadres under him who can fight.

Just six cadres are definitely not enough for the next battle, and just now Oka was killed by Lin Tian. It can be said that everything is developing in a bad way now, and things cannot continue to develop like this. Something must be changed.

After thinking for a while, a grim smile suddenly appeared on Brother Ming's face.

Under the control of Brother Ming, the entire country was plunged into chaos, and there were painful crying and shouts of unwillingness and anger everywhere.

At this moment, on the sky, a huge screen was projected into the air, and Doflamingo's brutal face appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Tourists and citizens of Dressrosa, it would be good if the rule of terror was imposed on you in the first place. I am afraid that most of you would wait to cut me a thousand times after knowing the truth, so I specially prepared it for you. A game is a game that can kill me. I’m in this palace. I don’t escape or hide. If I take my life, the game is over. But there is another way to end this game. I will kill all the guys I will read next, and I will add a huge bounty to all of these people."

"Kill or be killed. This country is all hunters. If you want to stay alive, then there is only murder."

"No matter how to hide, there is nothing to do. The horror of the birdcage will continue for several days. I don’t know if everyone died or if you finished the game ahead of time. Think about it carefully. You are going to help me remove these ten Kill me if I live alone".

"Next, one star in the name I reported represents one hundred million Baileys. The first is the guy with a bounty of one hundred million Baileys, the bullfighting arena prisoner and sword fighter Rebecca, and Robin, the son of the devil in the pirate hat. , Wonokuni Samurai Foxfire. Nishimaemon, the original Princess Violet of Dresrosa, the Pirate Straw Hat and the Iron Man Franky"

"Then 200 million Baileys, there is only one person at this level and that is the former captain of Dresrosa, Cyrus."

"Next are the main criminals of various organizations, the guys who upset me. They are all offering a bounty of 300 million Baileys, the Pirate Straw Hat and the Pirate Hunter Sauron, the Pirate Straw Hat and the Captain Straw Hat Kid Luffy, the Red Heart Pirate. The captain of the regiment died a surgeon, the former king of Dresrosa, Liku.

Looking at the figures that appeared on the screen, many lawbreakers in Dresrosa cheered. The bounty was too high, high enough to make them crazy.


Seeing that there was no himself on the screen, Usopp was immediately relieved, "Great, I haven't exposed yet, Doflamingo still doesn't know those."

But then, Doflamingo’s angry voice sounded, “Next this is the guy who irritates me the most. He is really the culprit who caused everything to happen. That is the culprit of the Pirate Straw Hat gang, the great God Usopp. His bounty is as high as 500 million Baileys."

"There is no time to hesitate. People are falling down all the time, and the whole city is in chaos. Is it to solve these eleven guys to end all this, or to kill me, you make your choice quickly, now The game has started!!!"

Suddenly, Usopp's handsome figure holding a slingshot appeared on the screen and caught the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people. Many people were excited by waving their weapons in their hands. That would be 500 million Baileys. If you get it, you will have fun in this life. No need to worry.


Looking at his figure on the screen, Usopp was shocked that he couldn't even speak, why, why is this, thought he hadn't been exposed, how could he become the highest bounty, even more than Sauron and Luffy, This feeling is like falling from heaven to hell.

Although in normal times, he hopes that he can surpass Luffy, Sauron and others to become the real Captain Usopp, but the realization of this kind of thing depends on the timing, okay?

At this time, the reward is so high, a total of 500 million Baileys, it is simply a reminder. At this moment, Usopp hopes to pass out immediately, so there is no need to think so much.

"It's worthy of being the senior Usopp who dared to burn the flag of the world government on the Judicial Island. The bounty is as high as 500 million Baileys. He is simply a model for my generation." Bartolomeo rushed to Usopp with a shout. , His eyes exuded the light of worship, and he was even more excited than being offered a reward.

Seeing Usopp's sad look, Robin smiled, and then deliberately pretended to speculate: "In other words, now in this country, hundreds of thousands of people are staring at Usopp's head."

Hearing this, Usopp quickly reacted, but his expression on his face became more sad, and he quickly reached out to stop Robin, crying and saying: "Don't, Robin, you said too terrible."

At the thought of hundreds of thousands of people staring at his head, Usopp felt that his whole body couldn't hold back a tremor, and he felt that this time was really going to end.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Usopp's mind and said, "No, why is there no Lin Tian? Isn't he more threatening than me? And you, the chief of the general staff of the Revolutionary Army, and the White Beard Pirates. Team captain".

With that, Usopp looked at Sabo and Shi Zhihao beside him, why they didn't even offer a bounty, and he was indeed the highest.

Hearing this, Ain covered her mouth and chuckled: "Lin Tian's bounty is as high as 1.4 billion Baileys, Shi Zhihao's bounty is as high as 900 million Baileys, and Sabo's bounty is also 760 million Baileys." .

"In this country, only Doflamingo can fight them. Even if Mingo gives a bounty, no one dares to attack them," Robin took over.

Just as Robin said, anyone in this country dared to make a move towards the three, in front of the real strong, no matter how many people there are, there are only more ants. In that case, why should Doflamingo be boring.

But Usopp is different. Usopp's bounty has just exceeded 100 million but was rewarded by Ming Ge as high as 500 million Baileys. Now it has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of many lawbreakers.

"Great God Usopp, I'm sorry, you can just die!"

Among the cargo piles, a large pile of pirates who had been restored to their freedom by toys suddenly rushed out, and they wielded their weapons to kill Usopp.

In their eyes, Usopp is no longer the previous great god, but a mountain made of Bailey. For these incapable people, they don’t know what gratitude is, let alone Usopp, even if they are in front of their parents. Will cut it off without hesitation.

"Ah, these bastards, you admired me that much just now, run away, Leo!"

Secretly cursed at these guys who had avenged their grievances, Usopp quickly asked Leo and other villains to flee here on their backs. There was no way, at this moment Usopp didn't even have the power to act.


A cold light flashed by A sharp slash burst from the tip of the sword, wherever it passed, a piece of blood spattered, and the pirates who had been ferocious before fell into two in two and fell to the ground, bright red. The colored blood stained the ground into a blood red.

"this is not…"

Seeing the sharp sword in Ai Yin's hand, Usopp looked surprised. He didn't expect that the chasing wind that Lin Tian didn't see behind Lin Tian would actually be in Ai Yin's hands.

Backhanding back to the wind, Ai Yin swept the frightened pirates beside her eyes, and said with disdain: "Outlaws like you, really shouldn't be restored to the original state, it is better to become a toy forever."

I have to say that Ai Yin has been with Lin Tian for a long time, and many things have also been deeply affected by Lin Tian in practice.

Quickly glanced at the situation around his eyes, Sabo said: "We can't stay here anymore. The ground should be messed up now. Anyway, let's meet Lin Tian first and discuss the next move."

With that said, Sabo took the lead to run along the mound towards the bullfighting arena, Robin and others hurriedly followed up, their purpose is Doflamingo, staying here is just a waste of time.

Watching Usopp and the others disappear in front of them, none of the remaining criminals dared to do it. After all, the corpse on the floor was not a simple display, and no one wanted to be the next one lying here.

A faint breeze blew, and when he glanced at the three white-robed guys who surrounded him in front of him, Lin Tian was not in the slightest surprised. As early as when he was fighting Oka, Lin Tian had discovered their existence.

After solving Oka, he also suffered a lot of trauma, and some rats hiding in the dark would not let this opportunity pass.

Looking up at the cp0 in front of him, Lin Tian said lightly: "Are there three cp0s? It's really rare to see, but only three want to solve me?"

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