Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1056: Confront the Navy

"Hey, Luffy!"

Turning the street, Sauron waved his hand and shouted when he saw Lu Fei and the others who were holding Luo under the chase of the crowd.

"Oh, Sauron and Frankie," Luffy replied with joy when Sauron and Frankie appeared together.

Immediately after looking at the crowd behind Sauron and Frank, Luffy smiled and said, "Haha, it turns out that you are also being hunted by so many people."

Seeing that Luffy was still here at this time and laughed heartlessly, Luo suddenly couldn't bear it, and said angrily: "The straw hat is the master, when my chain is unlocked, I will be the first to chop you down." .

Within the few minutes that Lu Fei stayed with, Luo finally understood what it means to do things without going through the brain, and doing things independently is at the level of the Four Emperors.

With that said, the four of them met at the entrance of the street and ran towards the street on the right. As for the civilians who were chasing after them, they naturally joined together and hunted them.

Looking at Luffy while looking at him, Frankie asked curiously: "What's the matter, Luffy, didn't you go to the palace to solve Doflamingo? Why did you appear here?"

According to what Sauron told himself, when he left, Luffy just arrived at the palace. It stands to reason that he should be fighting Doflamingo now, how could he meet them in such a place.

When it came to this, Luffy suddenly became very angry, and said angrily: "The guy Doflamingo is really a bastard. He treats this country like this. I must beat this guy."

Perhaps knowing that it is very difficult for Luffy to explain things, Luo immediately said: "We were thrown away from the palace by Pika, Doflamingo’s highest cadre, and now we are preparing to go there. Go".

After listening, Frankie looked at Luo suspiciously. At this moment, Luo's hands were tied by the sea tower stone chain. Could Luffy bring an incapacitated Luo Zhiming with him? I have to say that this is indeed in line with Luffy's style.

Twisting his soft arms twice, Luo thought of something, and raised his head to question Frankie: "Yes, what's going on with this? According to our plan, you just need to do damage, but how did it become? In this way, even the villains and the last darkness of this country are involved."

Can’t blame Luo for being so excited. According to what he discussed with Lin Tian, ​​after rescuing Caesar, Lin Tian will give him time to solve everything for 13 years with Brother Ming. Finally, Lin Tian will take action to fight Doflamingo. Kill, completely resolve the matter of Dresrosa.

But now, the situation has completely changed, the little human race, the darkness hidden in this country ten years ago, and even the 800-year history of the dragon people, the revolutionary army, the white beard pirates... the ghost knows how much things are involved.

"This matter is a long story. In short, we changed the plan after discussing it." After touching his head, Frankie explained with a slight embarrassment. After all, it was him who made this happen.

"Well, compared to talking about so many things in the past, it is better to care about the situation in front of you." Sauron suddenly interrupted the conversation between the three.

Hearing that, the three of them were taken aback, and quickly looked to the side. They saw that at some point, there were large crowds of people rushing towards their position on the streets in all directions. That is to say, they are now being used by those who are trying to survive and The criminals who offered the bounty were surrounded.

Stopping his footsteps, Frankie quickly opened the machine gun hidden in his right wrist and aimed at the crowd in front of him, and Sauron had already drawn out the sword at his waist.

"What to do, Luffy, these guys are endless, is it okay to cut them off? There are a lot of civilians in there," Sauron was a little scrupulous when he saw the civilians in the crowd.

If all of these in front of him were for the impossible for bounty, Sauron wouldn't care about so much, he had already cut these guys in half.

But there are only a few people in the crowd for bounty. Most of them are civilians who have to be acted upon by Doflamingo's game. As a swordsman, Sauron is not a crazy demon who kills everybody.

"In that case, let me use domineering!" After thinking about it, Luffy replied.

They have to rush to the palace, but they can't be delayed here, since they can't stop these people, or hurt them, using domineering to stun everyone is the last method available.

Da da…

At this moment, a crisp sound rang, and at the same time Fujitor led numerous navies appeared from the other side of the street.

"This kind of useless shooting has no effect no matter how many times."

Seeing the admiral of the admiral appeared, many civilians were taken aback. They did not expect admiral Fujitora to appear in this place at this time. As the navy, what they were going to do, deal with the straw hat gang like them.

To be honest, people in this country have long lost their most basic confidence in the navy. Ten years ago, where was the navy as the righteous navy on that night that was stained with anger and blood.

They only know one thing, that is, ten years ago, it is precisely because of these self-righteous naval shelters that the **** Doflamingo can rule this country and plunge this country into a decade of darkness.

Today, when all the darkness is revealed, it is the murderous pirates who liberated hundreds of thousands of people. As a justice navy soldier, he still cooperates with Doflamingo as Qiwuhai. This is ironic.

This idea is not just a small part. It should be said that the whole country is echoing this idea. Otherwise, when Doflamingo announces the killing game, their first thought is to catch Luffy and end the game instead of telling the Navy to solve the problem. Flamenco ends the game, because the Navy has long been like Doflamingo in the hearts of the people of Dres Rosa.

Therefore, when many navy soldiers appeared, the people showed only indifference, anger, irony and disdain...

The look on the faces of the people is clearly presented in the eyes of many navy soldiers. As justice navy soldiers, they have never received such a look. They usually go where the light of justice is enveloped, and countless people warmly welcome them.

But what greeted them today was only indifference, but many navy soldiers could only face these gazes with their heads low, looking at this country shrouded in darkness, what face they think they are righteous to many people in this country.

Although he lost his eyes, Fujitora could clearly feel everything. Holding the sword in his hand tightly, Fujitor couldn't help asking himself: "Even ordinary citizens are treated so indifferently. Is this what the navy will face?"

Although the citizens were indifferent to the appearance of the navy, a famous citizen took the initiative to give way to the arrival of Fujitora as a general.


Sauron's eyes condensed slightly, and a shock flashed across his face. He didn't expect that the blind uncle he had encountered before would actually be an admiral. No wonder he has such a powerful sword power.

Luo's face changed transiently, and his face solemnly said: "It's really not time to come."

It is indeed not the time. They are going to the palace to fight Doflamingo. At this time, the admiral Fujitora appeared, certainly not to help them solve Doflamingo together, that is to say, now Fujitor leads a group of navy to appear in This is to deal with them.

Putting down his hands, Luffy said in surprise: "Uncle, I didn't expect you to be an admiral, so you are here to stop me."

"Yes, it is really an unpleasant errand. You were kind to the old man, but the old man is going to avenge his revenge at this time, but the old man is a general of the navy headquarters. It is the old man's duty to solve the pirates." Raising the sword in his hand lightly to his chest, everything goes without saying.

"In that case, I can only defeat you, uncle, to deal with Brother Ming!"

When the voice fell, Luffy immediately clenched his fists and rushed towards Fujitora. The powerful fist blasted out with a burst of sonic booms.


Luffy's dark fist was abruptly blocked by Fujitora with a scabbard, and a violent wind emanated, raising a large fog under his feet.

Suddenly, under the control of Fujitora, the gravity on Luffy's body instantly increased by a hundredfold, and he immediately felt hundreds of kilograms weighing on his shoulders.

Realizing that the opponent is also a demon fruit capable person, Luffy reacted extremely quickly, quickly retracted his fists and retreated a few meters, escaping the gravity range.

Luo's anxious reminder sounded from behind: "Be careful, the straw hat is the master, this admiral is a superman with the ability of gravity fruit, and can control the gravity battle as he pleases."

The appearance of the general Fujitora made Luo very anxious. His hands were locked by the sea tower stone chain, and he lost his ability, and the key was lost by Luffy. In this case, if he could find Lin Tian, ​​he would be able to easily take what he had. Remove the Hailou stone chain.

But because the battle between Oka and Lin Tian ended, even if Luo didn't know where Lin Tian was now, he encountered Fujitora again at this time.

Step... step...

Suddenly, a very fast black shadow fell from the sky, and everyone was startled by the man who suddenly broke into the battle.

Calmly see the true face of the Luffy immediately shouted with joy: "Saab, why are you here?"

Turning his head to look at Luffy, Sabo smiled and said, "Hey, Luffy, you are really a troublesome guy. You were blocked by others not long after you separated."

"Ok, I'll leave it to you here."

Hehe smiled, Luffy grabbed the puzzled Luo, and ran in the opposite direction of the street without saying a word. With Sabo blocking Fujitora, he could finally find Doflamingo.

Seeing this kid ran away without saying a word, Sabo showed a touch of helplessness on his face. Even if he hadn't seen him ten years ago, Luffy was still the same as ten years ago, doing things entirely by instinct.

Fujitora's surprised voice suddenly sounded, "Sabo, Chief of the General Staff of the Revolutionary Army, did not expect that you will appear here with such an identity. Is it even your Revolutionary Army is also involved in this matter?"

"No, I don't represent the revolutionary army, I just came here on my own behalf," Sabo said, shaking his head.

"I am already a brother!"

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