Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1057: cp zero transaction

call out!

An afterimage quickly flashed in the void in front of him, and in the next second, a burst of air suddenly sounded from behind.


Accompanied by thunder light kicking through the sky, kicking p0 on the white robe, the power like a tide burst instantly.

Even Fujitora, an admiral of the admiral, would be kicked in the face of Lin Tian’s thunder and lightning kicks. Not to mention the p0 in these districts. Suddenly, a big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth. Roll away for a few laps, and finally hit a tall building hard.

Immediately after a loud bang, the huge impact instantly knocked down a building more than ten meters high, and only a cloud of ruins in the tumbling smoke showed that there was a building just here.


Lin Tian clapped his hands, "It's really weak, p...0!"

When the voice fell, Lin Tian's disappeared figure appeared from behind the other two p0s. The two were immediately taken aback by Lin Tian's speed. They quickly turned around, the whole body tense to the straightest point, and all the attention was concentrated on the man in front of him.

I thought that after fighting Oka who burned his life into combat power, Lin Tian must have suffered a lot of trauma, and his combat power was greatly reduced. But even so, the combat power of the man in front of them is not that they can alone. Resistant.

Stabilize the mind, the headed p0 is the strongest of the original p9, Lu Qi, once again talked: "Wait a minute, kill the **** Lin Tian, ​​this time the transaction between us is not with the world government, but with the Tianlongren Identity, which means that the content of the transaction we are talking about has nothing to do with the world government."

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Lin Tian stretched out his finger and shook it, then refused again, "Don't think about it, I won't agree to this transaction, let alone you don't have enough chips, even if I have enough, I won't give up. Flamingo's thoughts".

The court fell silent suddenly, Lin Tian's tone was firm, Lu Qi did not hear it, but Lin Tian refused to refuse, it is the task they must complete to save Doflamingo's life, they received the order It means to save Doflamingo's life no matter what method is used, even if he does not hesitate to pay a certain price to trade with Lin Tian.

It is precisely because of this order that Lu Qi and other talents will appear here, but now, this trading method should have failed.

In fact, Lin Tian was shocked when p0 suddenly came to trade Doflamingo's life with him, although he didn't know what kind of relationship is between the various families of the Dragon people.

But for many years of fighting against Ming, Lin Tian still knows that Doflamingo, who was expelled from the Holy Land Mariagioa, has a kind of hatred for all the Dragon races.

Even ten years ago, Doflamingo angered many of the Celestials of the Holy Land Mariagioa. However, Ming's identity as a dragon made the Celestials of the Holy Land Mariagioa powerless and even persecuted the Celestials. Use power to use world government power to provide cover for him.

For many years, Doflamingo used his identity to trade with the Dragonites of the Holy Land Mariagioa, so that he could quickly touch every corner of the underground world. In fact, Doflamingo and the Dragonites It is just a relationship of utilization.

It stands to reason that Lin Tian's solution to Doflamingo will not hinder the interests of the Tianlong people, but indirectly helped the Marioa Tianlong people eliminate Brother Ming, but why should the Tianlong people protect Ming at that price? Brother, this question is worthy of Lin Tian's contemplation.

Seeing Lin Tian's disagreement, Lu Qi's tone was not as calm as before, and he said solemnly: "In other words, to kill God Lin Tian, ​​you are going to fight us to the end."


Lu Qi's voice didn't fall completely, and a dazzling thunder and lightning shot from Lin Tian and killed Lu Qi.


Lu Qi, who was always on guard against Lin Tian's actions, quickly dodged and escaped the lightning attack. Although it was the same shave in the'Navy Six Style', this speed was far surpassing the skill of two years on Judicial Island.

Lifting his head slightly, Lin Tian warned softly: "Take care of your own mouth. Remember, this is not an organization that belongs to the world government. The power in the hands of your dogs is useless to me. What kind of strength can I have? speak".

Hearing that, the white-robed people on the edge suddenly became angry. As p0, even if they face the admiral of the navy, they are not shy, they are actually called dogs.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect to encounter the white dogs of p0 here!" Amidst the wild laughter, Shi Zhihao's figure appeared on the roof without warning.

Stopping his footsteps, Shi Zhihao looked at the two p0s hidden in the white robe in front of him with a little interest, wondering how these p0s would also appear here.

"Oh, Shi Zhihao, long time no see," Lin Tian greeted with a smile.

Looking at Lin Tian who was covered in blood, Shi Zhihao smiled and said, "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​how do you feel that every time I see you, you are not very good."

"What I said, it turned out that I was so unlucky because you were by your side," Lin Tian smiled and replied.

After speaking, the two looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time, all their friendship was silent.

Turning his head and looking at Lu Qi in front of him vigilantly, Shi Zhihao asked: "What's the matter, do these guys want to pick peaches when you are injured, do you want me to help them all stay here?"

With that said, Shi Zhihao can’t wait to have fun with the two p0s in front of him. Originally, he came to Dresrosa and thought there was something strong. In the end, he dealt with some small characters. The only one with the highest bounty was Bashas. That guy.

Now that he encountered two p0s, Shi Zhihao, a militant, was a little provoked.

Although he hadn't done it yet, they were shocked by Lu Qi. In any case, Shi Zhihao is the captain of the third division of the White Beard Pirates group with a bounty of 900 million.

"No, these guys are just coming to negotiate a deal with me"


"En, but I refused them," Lin Tian spread his hands and said.

Shi Zhihao was not surprised at Lin Tianhui's refusal. Lin Tian had already been in the same position as the Tianlong people, how could he agree to trade with the Tianlong people.

However, Shi Zhihao was shocked that the Tianlongren took the initiative to bring up the transaction. Who is Lin Tian? He was the only one who killed eight Tianlongren and trampled the noble Tianlongren to worthless eight hundred years ago. To Lin Tian can be described as hate to the bone.

Waved his hand, Lin Tian looked disgusted and urged these p0s to leave, "Go away, don't show up in front of me, by the way, tell the hosts behind you that they are not far from where they fell from the altar."

Without saying much, Lu Qi led another p0 and left directly. With Shi Zhihao and Lin Tian, ​​they continued to stay, just asking for shame.

When he walked to Lin Tian, ​​Shi Zhihao sat down on the gravel on the edge. At this time, Lin Tian realized that only Shi Zhihao had appeared, so he asked, "Where did Saab go?"

"After leaving the underground trading port, we split into three roads. Sabo went to help Luffy stop Fujitora from going. Robin took the rest of the people on the palace heights. As for I found a huge movement here, I ran over to take a look."

After speaking, Shi Zhihao couldn't wait to say: "By the way, Lin Tian, ​​when will we solve Doflamingo?"

In Shi Zhihao’s view, Lin Tian’s step by step to push Doflamingo is simply unnecessary. With their strength, facing Doflamingo is simply crushing, and he will kill that guy directly. Are all resolved?

Shi Zhihao is a militant, and he still thinks about the problem from the perspective of a pirate. For him, just kill Ming Ge to get revenge. But Lin Tian is different. From the perspective of the revolutionary army, Lin Tian thinks how to squeeze out Ming Ge's use value step by step.

With a smile, Lin Tian persuaded: "Well, don't be so excited, in any case, Flamenco will definitely be finished this time, and you don't care about this time."

"Hey..." Suddenly, Lin Tian let out a cry of surprise, and then muttered to himself: "It's really a strange team."

Through the indomitable and domineering, Deres Rosa, the country under Lin Tian's control, naturally discovered that a strange team consisting of many bullfighting arena powerhouses with Luffy as the center is moving towards the palace position.

"Hey, Lin Tian, ​​one thing I am very curious about." Suddenly, Shi Zhihao changed his casual expression, his face was indescribably serious, and he looked straight into Lin Tian's eyes and asked: "You do so much not just to squeeze more. Flamingo value, what else do you want to do".

Shi Zhihao understands Lin Tian, ​​if Lin Tian is really trying to squeeze Ming's value out, then starting from the revolutionary army and the White Beard Pirates group jointly solving those rats, Ming's value is gone. Lin Tian already has Lin Tian's strength. You can kill Ming Ge, why have you dragged it to now.

Smiling slightly, Lin Tian got up and said, "Don't you think you need a hero in this country?"


Under the control of Pica, the palace where Doflamingo was located rose a hundred meters in height out of thin air.

Pika, the highest cadre of Doflamingo's staff, a person with superhuman abilities of stone and stone, is also the strongest existence of Doflamingo's cadres.

Pikka’s ability can be assimilated with the rock it comes into contact with, and the appearance, hardness, and other properties of the rock are all taken into its own strength. As long as it can be attributed to the “rock” material, the capable person can control it, even It can even change the terrain and the appearance of buildings.

This ability is nothing on the ocean, but on an island like Dresrosa, it is terrifying.

Because of the ability to use, Pikka can integrate with the entire island, which means that Pikka can integrate itself with the island, accepting a large number of rocks and turning into a huge rock just like this, up to several The huge rock body of a hundred meters, the huge body can not raise the slightest resistance, Pika stands tall next to the palace.

Even a huge giant is like an ant in front of Pika at this moment. A huge rock fist is comparable to a town, a finger can be compared to a street, so that a huge fist is powerful enough to punch down. Destroy several streets.

File clang... File clang...

The fierce collision, the sword-blade confrontation cut through the sky, and the slightly leaked slash made an explosive roar.

"Three-swords-like bull ghost!"

As he shouted, Sauron flew out with three sharp rays of cold light cutting through the sky, and the bright cold light could cut through the air.


With a booming sound like an explosion, a terrifying force surged like a tide. In Pika's unbelievable gaze, he could not control his body to fly directly backwards and fell heavily on the rocky ground.

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