Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1063: Brother Ming's terrible

With Pica being resolved by Sauron, the cadres of the Don Quixote family headed by Doflamingo are left with Torrepol and Doflamingo at the moment, and the battle has reached the final stage.

"Hey, Sauron, are you all right"

Seeing that the fallen Sauron hadn't come up for a long time, the worried Usopp ran to the edge of the high ground and shouted down.

call out…

A black shadow flew from below, shocking Usopp, and the disappearing Sauron landed firmly on the ground.

Seeing Sauron appear, countless cheers rang out, and hundreds of people waved their arms to express their sincere gratitude for leaving Sauron.

"Pirate, thank you!"

"Unexpectedly, the highest cadre was eliminated."

Lin Tian, ​​who walked over, praised: "Yes, Sauron, it seems that you have not wasted the two years with Eagle Eye. Swordsmanship has grown to this point."

Backhand took off the turban from his head, Sauron was not very happy, and faintly replied: "This kind of guy is only relying on ability to run away, and there is no power to fight me head-on."

Sauron didn't have much pride in solving the role of Pikka. In Sauron's view, Pikka was nothing more than a mouse who used his ability to hide continuously. The opponent that Sauron wanted was the kind of face-to-face battle.

After scanning Sauron for a few laps, Shi Zhihao said with interest: "Unexpectedly, a guy like Eagle Eye would also accept disciples."

"Are you?" Looking at Shi Zhihao, Sauron had a familiar feeling. The next second he remembered, and he was surprised: "Shi Zhihao, the violent captain of the Third Division of the White Beard Pirate Group."

"Pirate hunter Roronoa Sauron, I heard from Lin Tian that your swordsmanship is very strong. I saw it just now. I am afraid that only Bista in our Pirate group can fight you in swordsmanship." Shi . Zhihao's words also contain a touch of praise.

This is the first time Shi Zhihao has seen a three-sword swordsman at such an age but with strong sword skills.

So when he heard the name'Vista', Sauron, the fighting madman, became excited. The name of Foil Vista, the captain of the fourth division of the White Beard Pirate Group, would have heard of it as long as the swordsmen would have heard of it, and he would become famous in the New World A powerful double swordsman of ten years.

His right hand couldn't help holding the hilt of Hedaoyiwen in his hand, and Sauron said firmly: "Foil Bista? I will defeat it one day."

From Sauron's point of view, in the new world is to fight these world-renowned swordsmen, and only in battle can he improve his swordsmanship.

As before leaving, Hawkeye told Sauron that if he didn't even have the strength to defeat these well-known swordsmen, he would not have the qualifications to challenge Hawkeye's world's number one swordsman.

"Huh?" Shi Zhihao was shocked when he heard Sauron's words.

Immediately, Shi Zhihao flashed a wry smile. If Bista knew that he had just mentioned a little, he would get him into a challenger, and he didn't know what to do with him.

As Shi Zhihao said earlier, when Sauron said that he defeated Bista, Shi Zhihao would not think that it was a wild talk. The swordsmanship demonstrated by Sauron had the strength to challenge Bista.

"Now that Pica is resolved, only Doflamingo and Torrepol are left, but those two have difficulty solving Brother Ming with Luo and Luffy," Lin Tian suddenly whispered while looking towards the palace. .

Usopp touched his head and looked strange, "Lin Tian, ​​how do you know?"

They are six or seven kilometers away from the palace, and there is a city wall blocking their vision. How did Lin Tian see the scene in the palace?

"Look at that huge room", Lin Tian wriggled his mouth and said: "With Luo's development of the surgical fruit ability, it is impossible to open the room space that wraps the entire palace. To do this, Luo can only use life The price can be achieved."

At the same time, the palace battlefield!

"Bounce the line!"

Brother Ming's fingers fired like a machine gun that fired like bullets, one after another with thin lines like bullets flying towards the road, densely packed bullets forming a stream of metal bullets.

Using the domineering look and hearing, the seemingly fast bullet line slowed down quickly in Lu Fei's mind. Luffy's figure kept flashing, perfectly avoiding all the bullet lines' attacks, and quickly narrowing the distance between brother Ming.

"Rubber rubber..."

In the sound of anger, Luffy raised his fist and blasted towards Ming's chest.

"Go to death with Luo!"

As if determining the final outcome of Luffy, Brother Ming had the same hands, a thin line of different colors emerged from between his fingers, and Brother Ming waved the thin line in his hand and cut towards Luffy.


Suddenly, at the moment when Luffy approached Ming Ge by tens of centimeters, Luffy's figure flashed, and he was immediately replaced by Luo who should have died.

Under Brother Ming's incredible gaze, Luo held a light knife made of flashing green light waves in his left hand, and slammed it into Brother Ming's chest.

"You who are going to disappear, Doflamingo! Gamma Knife!"

The moment the green light knife was inserted into Ming Ge's chest, the light knife turned into green rays, flashing like lightning on Ming Ge's chest.

At the same time, as the protagonist, Ming Ge suddenly felt an invisible force raging inside his body. This force was like a knife rushing into Ming Ge’s body, quickly destroying the internal organs, and the severe pain passed into the mind, as strong as Ming. Brother couldn't help but let out a scream, accompanied by a lot of blood vomiting out of his body.

Puff... The blood spurted out like a blood flower blooming in the air.

Until this moment, Torrepol, who was stunned by Luo's resurrection, awakened from the shock. Looking at Ming Ge who was vomiting blood, Torre Bolton yelled worriedly: "Young Master! How could this be, Luo, you are not dead. Yet?"

Just now they saw with their own eyes that Luo, who was shot in the chest by more than a dozen bullets in succession, died of vitality under the shooting of Ming Ge, but they were sure that the dead Luo was resurrected, and they also launched an attack on Ming, not only Torrepol, even Ming Ge was shocked.

When the figure flashed, Torrepol immediately rushed towards Luo, trying to save Doflamingo, but Luffy kicked and directly kicked Torrepol out, with a bang, and fell heavily to the ground. .

Looking at Luo with an angry gaze, Ming Ge asked: "How is it possible, how can you launch a surgical attack without a room?"

Although the surgical fruit ability is strange and powerful, all the surgical fruit ability can only be used in the room, and Ming did not see Luo unfolding the room at all.

Luo gritted his teeth and replied: "No, I'm in the room right now. From very early on, I opened a huge room large enough to cover the entire palace. Although this will reduce life expectancy, in order to be able to launch a fatal one at you at this moment. Just hitting is enough".


He didn't know whether it was destroyed by Luo's powerful gamma knife, or was angered by Luo's words, Ming Ge again spouted a big mouth of blood.

By emitting a certain amount of gamma rays from the hand, and allowing the gamma rays to gather in the hand, a gamma short knife with a partial hollow near the handle is formed. As long as it pierces the opponent's body, this kind of rays that have strong penetrating power, carry high energy, and are strong enough to kill the cells will destroy the opponent's internal organs and cells, causing the opponent to suffer irreparable serious injury, making the opponent impossible to defend.

Even Brother Ming can't resist the attack from the body of the gamma knife. Gamma rays will continue to damage Brother Ming's internal organs, causing a lot of bleeding in Brother Ming's body, unless someone now performs surgery with Brother Ming to repair the broken internal organs.

Enduring the pain, Brother Ming was vomiting blood, but he still used his last strength to firmly grasp Luo's head and raised his trembling left hand to Luo's head.

Brother Ming said murderously: "You really are there, but this time, you can't escape!"

With that said, there was a faint light from Ming's fingers, and he was about to shoot a few thin lines to pierce Luo's head.

call out…

There was a sound of breaking through the air. At this time, Luffy shot in time, kicking Ming Ge's abdomen with a powerful kick, like a tide of power gushing out, it can be described as worse.

"Dover!" Torrepol shouted and quickly got up from the ground.

Brother Ming spewed out a lot of blood, like a cannonball. With the rumbling, he trampled on the wall behind him and fell heavily on the red carpet on the ground.

"Our king was actually defeated by your gang of pirates and miscellaneous fish." Torrepol couldn't believe it. In his mind, Brother Ming was invincible. He was a natural king. How could he be defeated by a few small ones? The rookie kid is defeated.

Seeing that Brother Ming was seriously injured and there was no resistance, Luffy was about to take a blow to deal with Doflaming and let the **** birdcage disappear.


Suddenly, a hand was slapped at Luffy's feet. Luffy was taken aback, and quickly looked underground, only to see that the seriously injured Luo moved step by step towards where Brother Ming was with his right hand.

"Wait... Straw Hat Master, anyway, this guy must be killed by my own hands."

Seeing this, what else Luffy could do, could only stop aside, watching Luo gritted his teeth and approached Doflamingo step by step.

It seemed that it was only a few meters away. In Luo's seriously injured body, he crawled for half a minute before getting close to Doflamingo. Within this half a minute, the final moment when he finally wanted to kill Ming was in Luo's mind. Can't help but recall the days with Corazon.

"You are no longer saved, Doflamingo, the gamma knife will completely destroy your internal is my assertion as a doctor."

At the moment when Luo's voice fell, Ming Ge, who was lying on the ground seriously injured and unable to move, suddenly stood up. In Luo's stunned eyes, Ming Ge kicked Luo on Luo's body, kicked Luo to the ground and slid out. Several meters away.


Luo, who was already seriously injured, was kicked again by Brother Ming. It was immediately difficult to suppress the injuries in his body, and he spouted a lot of blood from his painful chest.

"Luo, are you okay", Lu Fei, who reacted, hurried to Luo's side.

"How is it possible, how can you still act, the gamma knife should destroy all your internal organs," Luo struggled to stand up from the ground and shouted frantically at Brother Ming.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Brother Ming's triumphant laugh echoed throughout the palace, "As long as I have time, I can use my ability to give first aid to my body, that is, in the minute you wasted time just now. Inside, I was equivalent to performing an operation on myself, using thin threads to repair my damaged internal organs.”

In the laughter, Brother Ming, at this moment, is approaching Luo step by step like an immortal terrible demon.

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