Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1064: Domineering collision

On the palace!

Doflamingo, who thought he was going to die, was revived with terrible vitality, and a smile like a devil came to the world again.

Taking a step towards Luo, Ming Ge said in a disdainful tone: "Luo, do you think you can overthrow my rule by gathering a guy with the same name with'd' in it? I've never regarded you two little ghosts once. My opponent is only Lin Tian, ​​who is watching the show hidden in secret, but I didn’t expect you two little ghosts to explode with such power. It’s a pity that just like Coralzon back then, you will always be just a little little ghost. ."

Hearing Ming ridiculing his beloved Mr. Corazon, the enraged Luo suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily at Ming: "Asshole, Doflamingo, you are not qualified to talk about the name Corazon, you are not worthy, you simply Not worthy".


Stopping, Ming brother’s mocking laugh echoed in the air, “I’m not worthy? Are you worthy? I’m Corrazon’s brother, my own brother, since I killed my stupid father by myself, he The only one of my dearest relatives, even if he makes a mistake, even if he secretly betrays me, I can forgive him, as if nothing happened, but he actually pointed a gun at me!!"

Speaking of this, Ming Ge's tone was full of excitement. Even if it had been ten years since, and recalling the scene again, Ming Ge still couldn't believe that his only brother, who was connected by blood, would point the gun at his head.


Luo spit out blood-mixed saliva on Brother Ming, and his ironic words were like a sharp blade tearing apart Doflamingo's hypocritical fig leaf.

"Doflamingo, you know better than any other that the benevolent Mr. Corazon can’t pull the trigger. He who has a compassionate heart can never kill himself like you, a ruthless devil. Dear relatives, you are just a devil without any emotions."

"What do you talk about relatives and families to the guys at hand all day long, in fact, you just use them as tools to be used. The disgusting Tianlong blood flowing in your body makes you treat everyone as rubbish."

As he said, Luo suddenly turned his head and shouted at the angry Torrepol on the side: "Torrepol, you are just a playful person with usefulness to Ming."

"Damn, Luo, what do you kid know, our cadres are Dover's relatives"

What Luo said seemed to irritate Torrepol completely, and in the sound of anger, Torrepol pressed towards Luo step by step.

laugh! Luo laughed louder and louder, the laughter was like a sledgehammer knocking Torrepol's heart.

As Ming Ge himself said, he is the noblest Heavenly Dragon in the world. He has the same consensus in Ming's mind as all the Heavenly Dragons, that is, except for them, all creatures in this world are garbage. Torrepol and others living in this world are naturally **** in Ming Ge's mouth.

Reaching out to stop the angry Torrepol, Ming Ge persuaded: "Hey, don't be irritated by this kid".

After speaking, Ming Ge looked at Luo at his feet, reached out his hand to wipe the saliva splashing on his face, and then said with disdain: "Looking back now, Krasson, my brother is just a stupid idiot, fettered by boring feelings. . For what justice surrendered to our power?"

"After killing him that day, I was so refreshed!"

Brother Ming is a devil living in the world. After killing his own brother, he can still say such things. Brother Ming is no longer worthy to be called by humans.

In his eyes, there are only two kinds of people, one is useful garbage and the other is useless garbage, Krasson belongs to the latter, and Torrepol belongs to the former.

"Viscous Chain"

Suddenly, Torrepol took advantage of Luffy's attention and launched a sneak attack on Luffy. The chain of mucus completely imprisoned Luffy and threw it onto the ruins nearby.


The impact was like an explosion of a cannonball, and the entire palace was shaken, with large fragments of rubble and smoke flying.

Without Luffy's blocking, Brother Ming stepped forward again and walked in front of Luo. Facing the attack of Brother Ming, Luo who was lying on the ground was already badly injured, let alone dodge, he didn't even have the strength to move. , Can only watch Ming Ge stop by his side.

"I'm here to end you completely, end this game!"

With that said, under Brother Ming's smile like a devil, Brother Ming raised his right foot little by little, hovering over Luo's head, and then stepped on it.

Seeing the soles of Ming's feet that were constantly enlarged in his eyes, Luo stretched out his hand to cover his face, his mouth uttered an unwilling roar.

"Ah, damn!!"

In order to solve Doflamingo personally, he waited for ten years. He has been living for revenge for the past ten years, but finally waited until today, all waiting and preparations were wiped out in front of Ming Ge's powerful strength, Luo heart was full of unwillingness. .

Luo screamed unwillingly, why Ming Ge, an inhuman devil like this can always live, while a kind-hearted person like Mr. Corazon is about to die.


Brother Ming raised his foot and stepped on his head. The rapidly descending right foot made waves of breaking air. If he stepped on it, Luo's head would burst like a broken watermelon.


But just a few tens of centimeters away from Luo's head, there was a muffled sound, and the right foot that Brother Ming stepped on was blocked by a force.

I saw that Lu Fei, who was supposed to be lying in the ruins, appeared beside Luo, raising his foot in time to block Brother Ming.

Seeing Luffy's appearance, the smile on Brother Ming's face instantly dissipated, his brows wrinkled high, and a strong murderous aura was uncontrollable.

Lifting his head slightly, Luffy's firm eyes confronted Brother Shang Ming's murderous gaze without any fear.

Quiet! The palace fell into a deadly silence, the silence was as if an embroidery needle fell to the ground and it could be heard, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

Brother Ming's voice broke the silence in the air, "I just want to crush Luo's head and get out of the way."

In the sound of anger, Ming Ge raised his right foot slightly, and then stepped on Luo's head again. This time, Ming Ge used a stronger force and even wrapped his arms and domineering.

Upon seeing this, Luffy's face changed, and the dark, armed color also covered his legs and swept out with one foot.

Bang! A loud noise no less than the roar of a naval gun.

Immediately after that, lightning bolts suddenly spread out in the void. These lightning bolts were different from those usually seen. The lightning bolts were blood-red, not composed of high-intensity electric current, but an unknown substance.

Seeing the lightning that radiated from the two of them, both Luo and Torrepol's expressions changed greatly, and they were shocked and shocked beyond words to describe.

"The collision of the overlord!" Luo said in shock as he felt the strong wind blowing on his face.

"What, is this guy too domineering?" Torrepol could hardly believe it.

The powerful and domineering collision broke out with terrible power in an instant, and giant lightning had spread to the sky with the palace as the center. The flashing red thunder and lightning were like the legendary purgatory red snake swimming in the void.

"This is an overbearing collision!"

Seeing this scene, everyone on the palace heights was shocked, this kind of domineering confrontation is rare.

In the next second, a domineering and invisible collision produced a huge shock wave, which instantly swept across the palace heights like a hurricane. Torrepol and Luo, who were too close, were directly hit by the impact and flew out, even in The civilians in the palace grounds could also clearly feel a ten-odd-level gale blowing on their faces.

Everyone in Dresrosa looked up at this amazing scene. Red thunder and lightning appeared like spider webs in the sky of the palace high ground. The sky that was still bright instantly became dark, and countless people were shocked.

Under the fierce collision, the void changed. The blood-red lightning disappeared and replaced by more terrifying dark lightning spreading in the void.

The domineering confrontation is terrifying. This is not only a collision of momentum, but also a confrontation of courage between the two sides.

For this scene, Brother Ming gritted his teeth with a look of anger. Two years ago, Brother Ming saw Luffy's domineering eruption in the war two years ago, which shocked countless navy and pirates.

But at that time, the kid in front of him still broke out unconsciously, but now he can take the initiative to control, and under the domineering confrontation, he is not weaker than himself, worthy of the world's most evil blood.

At this moment, Torrepol, who was struggling to stand up from the ground, shouted: "Boy Straw Hat, you will never defeat Dover. His cruel fate since his birth has turned him into the incarnation of the ultimate evil. Fu Nai is the king chosen by heaven!"

"So what!!" Luffy roared with disdain.

Suddenly, he still insisted on the domineering collision before, and under Luffy's powerful explosion, Doflamingo was bombed out by Luffy's domineering.


Torrepol couldn’t believe it. Just now, he said that Dover was the king chosen by God. The next second, Dover was shocked by Luffy’s domineering and slapped face. It was really a slap in the face, Torrepol. As if feeling a fiery pain on his face.

The overlord's domineering represents not the level of strength, but a kind of king's capital, but also the courage, and Doflamingo was shocked, which shows that Ming Ge's courage is not as good as Luffy.

"It is enough for me to be the king of this sea!" Luffy's roar echoed over the entire rubber...bazooka! "

In the roar, Luffy's figure leaped high, and was suddenly hit by his arms covered in domineering hands, telling that the fist he slammed instantly broke through the sound barrier, and the dark fist disappeared in Brother Ming's eyes.


In the next second, the disappearing fist hit Ming Ge's chest, and the terrifying power burst out instantly. Ming Ge suddenly spewed out a big mouth of blood, and the whole person flew out like a broken kite and fell heavily to the ground.


Luffy landed on the ground, breathing heavily in his mouth. After a high-intensity attack, Luffy's physical strength was quickly exhausted.

The ruins were exploded with a bang, and the strong wind from the explosion blew the smoke away, and Doflamingo's extremely evil figure also appeared in the smoke.

"Thank you for giving me time to heal my injuries, let me end this boring game now!"

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